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Ukraine Submits Questionnaire For EU Membership; Likely To Receive Member Status By June (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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As the war continues for more than six weeks now, Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olga Stefanishyna informed on Saturday that the European Union has received Ukraine’s membership questionnaire during a meeting with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and that the bloc will expedite its official membership in the Union. Olga Stefanishyna further informed that official preparatory work to include the former Soviet nation in the organisation has been done and Kyiv will gain its official candidate status in June. This comes in as Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy had signed an application for European Union membership on the fifth day of the Russia-Ukraine war and claimed that for Ukrainians, it was both reasonable and imminent, even though this action "may seem untimely" to others. The Deputy PM further dubbed Kyiv’s candidature in the European Union as 'a measure to support embattled Ukraine to recover’ from the devastation wrecked by Russia. She also termed it a significant way to undermine aggressor Russia, which wants to ‘reverse Ukraine’s democratic course.’

The husband of Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olga Stefanishyna (pictured above on the right) - Bohdan Stefanyshyn - was killed in Ukraine's Chernihiv region.

A member of the Ukraine Territorial Defence Forces, Mr. Stefanyshyn was KIA on March 30 by a Russian artillery shell. Slava Ukraini.

"Do you want to be a member of the European Union?"

"If 'Yes', why?"
Because we live next door to a psychopathic fruitcake and we want protection!
no vote, referendum, or anything? just "yep, we're in the EU now!"

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