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Ukraine Chides Hungary For Russia Stance, Urges It To Be On 'Right Side Of History' (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Ukraine has chided Hungary for its stance on Russian energy supplies, saying it is "damaging" European Union unity and undermining attempts by the West to force Russia to end its unprovoked war. "The reluctance of the Hungarian leadership to acknowledge Russia's undeniable responsibility for the atrocities of the Russian Army in Bucha, Irpen, Hostomel, and other settlements means to consciously strengthen Russia's sense of impunity and encourage it to commit new atrocities against Ukrainians," Foreign Ministry spokesman Oleh Nikolenko said in a statement on April 7. Nikolenko said that with the election now behind it, Budapest is moving "on to the next step -- to help Putin continue his aggression against Ukraine." He said Hungary's break with the EU on accepting Moscow's demand that gas supplies be made in rubles was a sign of how the government was undermining sanctions against Russia and raising questions as to why Budapest was offering to host peace talks. "Against this background, proposals to hold peace talks between Ukraine and Russia in Budapest look cynical. If Hungary really wants to help end the war, here's how to do it: stop destroying unity in the EU, support new anti-Russian sanctions, provide military assistance to Ukraine, and not create additional sources of funding for Russia's military machine," Nikolenko said. "It is never too late to get to the right side of history."

Orban stated that Hungary would continue to pay for Russian energy imports in rubles, which is in opposition to EU sanctions policy.

The far-right Orban has long been a disciple of Russia's authoritarian Putin regime.
Orban gets this funny feeling in his stomach everytime he sees Putin-sempai.

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