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UK Identity Cards (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning
For all our UK members here, I was just wondering what you guys thought on UK ID Cards? Will you get one? Will you rebel? etc.

To explain this to everyone outside the UK, Blairs governmnet is trying to be make these electronic ID cards complosary for everyone.
This cards contains information on you retinas, fingerprints, blood type, DNA etc.
It's to prevent the "threat" of terrorism and fraud apprantly, oh yes and the public have to pay for it as well, about £90 (thats about $130 roughly).

Personally I don't feel comfortable about the Government knowing my DNA, I'm a law-abiding citizen for god's sake. It's just like George Orwell's 1984.
I'm going to rebel personally, if I'm thrown into jail for it - fine. I have the personal liberty for the government NOT to know everything about me.
I don't have any problem with ID cards as such. I lived in South America for almost 5 years and had to carry one there.

I'm a little dubious about some of the info they could contain, but at the end of the day, if you haven't done anything wrong, you should have nothing to fear. And being able to identify yourself easily would have lots of advantages in terms of making fraud more difficult etc.
We carry them where I live. I have no problem with it. If you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to fear - in an open democracy. Of course it can become a problem if you wake up to find you now have a leader like Mugabe or Bush. I think for the UK it's not a threat, but they're making a big mistake making you pay for them. Ours are free.
Urethra Franklin said:
We carry them where I live. I have no problem with it. If you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to fear - in an open democracy. Of course it can become a problem if you wake up to find you now have a leader like Mugabe or Bush. I think for the UK it's not a threat, but they're making a big mistake making you pay for them. Ours are free.
If I could get a card with some sort of magic spell to vaporize all security personnel, I would be glad to pay for it. I would pay extra if it would do the same to metal detectors. :D
GarzaUK said:
For all our UK members here, I was just wondering what you guys thought on UK ID Cards? Will you get one? Will you rebel? etc.

To explain this to everyone outside the UK, Blairs governmnet is trying to be make these electronic ID cards complosary for everyone.
This cards contains information on you retinas, fingerprints, blood type, DNA etc.
It's to prevent the "threat" of terrorism and fraud apprantly, oh yes and the public have to pay for it as well, about £90 (thats about $130 roughly).

Personally I don't feel comfortable about the Government knowing my DNA, I'm a law-abiding citizen for god's sake. It's just like George Orwell's 1984.
I'm going to rebel personally, if I'm thrown into jail for it - fine. I have the personal liberty for the government NOT to know everything about me.
Thats the only thing I would disagree with. The fact you have to pay. We dont have them in the US, but if we had to have them, I really wouldn't mind so much.
Naughty Nurse said:
I don't have any problem with ID cards as such. I lived in South America for almost 5 years and had to carry one there.

I'm a little dubious about some of the info they could contain, but at the end of the day, if you haven't done anything wrong, you should have nothing to fear. And being able to identify yourself easily would have lots of advantages in terms of making fraud more difficult etc.

So where do you draw the line? A lot of people say "if you haven't doen anything wrong, then it should not be a problem."

Give an inch, take a yard.;)
Has anyone ever heard of "Number of the Beast"? Maybe you're a little more familiar with the book of Revelation? Does the number "666" ring a bell? and yes, I agree with the comment made earlier with regards to Orson wells, "1984". Was that not a scary book, or what? We've read in here about some people who do not want their particular governments to know what their DNA is, or what their retina scan may look like, or what time they wiped their butt after taking a crap ... or IF they wiped their butt after taking a crap. I agree. I wouldn't like other people to know that about me either. However, I have news for some of you. They already know all of this and more. The US government and other nations have multi-billion dollar electronic machines that have detailed information in them, telling all. They tell everything about us. What purchases we'd made at what time, on what day, at what store, in what city. They already know details about what our religion, our school records, our employment records, and yes, some actually do have recorded details on when and where we have visited the bathroom. No word of a lie, there are actually some places of employment in the US and other countries that literally, and digitally record, when you have gone to the little boys/girls room. There have been real articles on the topic. ow THERE is an invasion of privacy! And by the way, these ID cards will become mandatory for the entire globe soon. All governments will want to know what their lowly, suspicious citizens are up to at all times. And they will most certainly share whatever information they want with other nations. This is something that is inevitable people. It may sound a little like paranoia, but anyone who knows what our governments are like will see this point clearly and agree. I think the first amendment of the constitution should have been, "All American citizens have the right to be paranoid at any time in the future without being called a crackpot."
Dennis Miller said:
I agree with the comment made earlier with regards to Orson wells, "1984". Was that not a scary book, or what?

I think you'll find that as the original poster suggested, "1984" was written by George Orwell, not Orson Wells.

By the way, the US is at war with Eurasia, and has never been at war with Iraq. Saddam is now your friend - again. Fox news archives have been ammended accordingly.
Orwell wrote 1984. Orson Wells was a well digger in Arizona.

The problem with other people collecting personal data is that so often they get it wrong. 1984 did have an intrusive Big Brother, but the scary part of about it was the double think idea. War is Peace; Good is Bad; Black is White; Liberals are Wimps; Conservatives Rock, and so forth. Control language and you control thought, and that's what's happening today. Privacy is just another red herring, along with Abortion, Evolution, the Pledge of Allegiance (under Gawd, uv course), the Ten Commandments on the courthouse lawn, Gay Marriage, and Terri Shiavo's feeding tube. We are living in Orwell's world today. :bs
First of all, I apologize for misstating that it was Orson Wells that wrote 1984. It was a minor error, and I thank you both for correcting that. Contrary to what i assume you are thinking, I did know who wrote 1984. Again, minor misprint. Thank God I am not in the journalistic work force. I may have been sued for such a mistake. In the spirit of corrections, allow me to make one of my own, Miss Urethra. You'd made a comment in your previous posting, stating that America was never at war with Iraq and that Saddam is now our friend, and that the US has been at war with Eurasia. The last I checked Iraq was still a part of Eurasia.
Yes Cornelius, I do agree with what you had said about how we are currently living in the 1984 era. Although I currently reside in America, having moved here only two months ago, I believe that the US government has, and will continue to manipulate the minds of its citizens, whether its country's leader is a self-proclaimed Christian or not. He does indeed have his own hidden agenda just as most politicians do. I believe that the political powers of the world, whether it be the UN or individual federal governments will see the success of having ID cards, and make it mandatory for the entire global community to have. This, of course, will be done "with the interests of global security". It won't be cheap, and it certainly won't be easy. And it will certainly not combat terrorism as the governments say it will. That is only what they will mask this idea with. They will say that it will be for "Homeland Security", and so on, but it will really be to keep tabs on EVERYTHING we as a global community do.
Well I am not from the UK but I have got to think these cards are a good idea. I mean if a liberal magazine the Atlantic thinks they will help stop terrorism, then by God why dont we get them in the U.S.
The time for people in the US to complain, and put a stop to Government intrusion was with the Social Security Cards. They made incremental steps every year with very little objection from the public. What they do now, is a moot point really.
Dennis Miller said:
First of all, I apologize for misstating that it was Orson Wells that wrote 1984. It was a minor error, and I thank you both for correcting that. Contrary to what i assume you are thinking, I did know who wrote 1984. Again, minor misprint. Thank God I am not in the journalistic work force. I may have been sued for such a mistake. In the spirit of corrections, allow me to make one of my own, Miss Urethra. You'd made a comment in your previous posting, stating that America was never at war with Iraq and that Saddam is now our friend, and that the US has been at war with Eurasia. The last I checked Iraq was still a part of Eurasia.
Yes Cornelius, I do agree with what you had said about how we are currently living in the 1984 era. Although I currently reside in America, having moved here only two months ago, I believe that the US government has, and will continue to manipulate the minds of its citizens, whether its country's leader is a self-proclaimed Christian or not. He does indeed have his own hidden agenda just as most politicians do. I believe that the political powers of the world, whether it be the UN or individual federal governments will see the success of having ID cards, and make it mandatory for the entire global community to have. This, of course, will be done "with the interests of global security". It won't be cheap, and it certainly won't be easy. And it will certainly not combat terrorism as the governments say it will. That is only what they will mask this idea with. They will say that it will be for "Homeland Security", and so on, but it will really be to keep tabs on EVERYTHING we as a global community do.

You miss the point dearest. Irony, my sweet: straight over your pretty little head. Iraq is in Asia. Eurasia is one of Orwell's fictional superpowers. Did you actually read the interior contents of the book? After all, you didn't know who wrote it.

No, you didn't produce a "misprint." Gorge Owell might have been a "typing error." Orson Wells was a factual error.
Dennis Miller said:
First of all, I apologize for misstating that it was Orson Wells that wrote 1984. It was a minor error, and I thank you both for correcting that. Contrary to what i assume you are thinking, I did know who wrote 1984. Again, minor misprint. Thank God I am not in the journalistic work force. I may have been sued for such a mistake. In the spirit of corrections, allow me to make one of my own, Miss Urethra. You'd made a comment in your previous posting, stating that America was never at war with Iraq and that Saddam is now our friend, and that the US has been at war with Eurasia. The last I checked Iraq was still a part of Eurasia.
Yes Cornelius, I do agree with what you had said about how we are currently living in the 1984 era. Although I currently reside in America, having moved here only two months ago, I believe that the US government has, and will continue to manipulate the minds of its citizens, whether its country's leader is a self-proclaimed Christian or not. He does indeed have his own hidden agenda just as most politicians do. I believe that the political powers of the world, whether it be the UN or individual federal governments will see the success of having ID cards, and make it mandatory for the entire global community to have. This, of course, will be done "with the interests of global security". It won't be cheap, and it certainly won't be easy. And it will certainly not combat terrorism as the governments say it will. That is only what they will mask this idea with. They will say that it will be for "Homeland Security", and so on, but it will really be to keep tabs on EVERYTHING we as a global community do.

I believe...that you're insane. Where did you move here from, if I might ask, that gave you such an ill informed and paranoid notion of our government?

For all those who are so convinced that our government knows everything about us and what we're all doing...think of how many hundreds of thousands of people would be needed to manipulate, collect, and access that data. Think of the bumbling federal government that we have, and imagine it as an all powerful network of geniuses...hilarious, isn't it?
You can't afford to be this naive, NYU. You have shown proof to others in a separate forum that you have difficulties explaining your opinion on topics. You had also let it be known that you agree with the actions of pedophilia made by the UN peacekeepers in Congo. Claiming that, in your opinion, it is alright if the UN peacekeeping officials have sex with 12 year old girls. How can you expect anyone to take anything you say seriously? How can you believe that the US federal government, as inane and inept as it may make itself out to be at times, is "bumbling"? They haven't been dubbed the most powerful government in history for nothing. Yes, I will certainly agree with the fact that they had made mistakes in the past and are continuing to do so in the present, but at the same time, they are creating a more powerful, all-knowing body of government. You claim that you are "a staunch Catholic". Therefore, I am assuming you believe in the whole 666, number of the beast theory, correct? What do you think that means? Read the Bible, if you will, Mr.Staunch Catholic, and tell me what you think that means. There will be one government that will have tabs on every citizen. You say that you don't believe that the US government already has already started such a process. Do you think that the US has quickly become a nation that is now behind in the times, especially as far as technology is concerned? Other countries have already made this a reality. Countries in South America, I'm sure, are less likely to move ahead of the US on such issues. Read the papers and other books rather than those at school. Contrary to what you must be thinking, RightatNYU, the world does exist outside of New York.
Again, I'm going to ignore both the paranoid ramblings and the assumption that I don't know there is a world outside of New York, and chalk those both up to sheer, unquestioned ignorance.

I already explained what I was saying about the Peacekeepers in Congo. If you're too unintelligent to appreciate that, then you shouldn't be responding.

I believe our Federal government is bumbling because, well, it is.

I've read the Bible, several times actually, and I can assure you that I couldn't care less what interpretation you took from it. I ask you again: If you believe this is truly happening, aren't you excited? The rapture is coming! Yee haw.

Do you even know what you are saying? You first claim that the US is becoming the most powerful government in the world, then claim that we're falling behind technologically. Pick a paranoid theory and stick to it.
RightatNYU said:
Do you even know what you are saying? You first claim that the US is becoming the most powerful government in the world, then claim that we're falling behind technologically. Pick a paranoid theory and stick to it.
Yes, I know what I'm saying. Do you know how to comprehend a conversation yet Mr.NYU? I was clearly asking you if that was what you thought. Don't you think that the US is a little more technologically equipped to handle such a task, then say, most other countries? Try reading these posts a little slower than you have been. You might start to understand what people are typing. Remember ... S-L-O-W-L-Y.
The US is more technologically advanced than many countries, but is far behind others in terms of its tabs on its citizens. Japan is far more technologically advanced than us, and because of its smaller size, is more prone to a "citizen tracking" theory that you spout. There are numerous other countries that have a tighter hold on their citizens than the US, such as China or North Korea, where it would also be more likely.

I still don't understand your point.

And your condescending tone would be more effective if you weren't so clearly ignorant.
I'm just saying that if you're going to argue a point, try to understand what the other person is saying before you put finger to key. You, somehow, had difficulty comprehending the very simple point that I had made, and somehow turned it completely around. Then you get all defensive about it when you become embarrassed, because you realize that you had made an obvious mistake. We all make mistakes, but some of us try to live with the corrections and move on. Others try to shrug it off in an arrogant way. Try not to pick the latter.
It's more of a case of you being unable to adequately explain your point.

"You say that you don't believe that the US government already has already started such a process. Do you think that the US has quickly become a nation that is now behind in the times, especially as far as technology is concerned? Other countries have already made this a reality. Countries in South America, I'm sure, are less likely to move ahead of the US on such issues."

The simple fact is that that statement makes no sense. Even after that, your response was : "I was clearly asking you if that was what you thought. Don't you think that the US is a little more technologically equipped to handle such a task, then say, most other countries?"

The answer I gave is YES, the US is more advanced than most countries, but many countries are MORE advanced than we are, so your point is useless.

I understand what you were trying to say, although I don't know if you did.
You have made it quite obvious that you have one major thing in common with the president ... you are unable to make any sense of any possible points that you have so far attempted. Have you tried to use my previous advice that I had given you earlier in this thread? You know, the advice on reading things S-L-O-W-L-Y before you make an uneducated opinion fer cryin' out loud. Next time you decide to make a thought come out of your head, learn something about that particular point first, otherwise it will hurt when you push too hard, chief.
Dennis Miller said:
You have made it quite obvious that you have one major thing in common with the president ... you are unable to make any sense of any possible points that you have so far attempted. Have you tried to use my previous advice that I had given you earlier in this thread? You know, the advice on reading things S-L-O-W-L-Y before you make an uneducated opinion fer cryin' out loud. Next time you decide to make a thought come out of your head, learn something about that particular point first, otherwise it will hurt when you push too hard, chief.

You know, I took your advice, and I read every word of that post "S-L-O-W-L-Y."

Even after that, I can't see where you refuted my argument. Do you have a response, or are you just blathering to distract from the fact that you are an idiot?
Would you two like to get a room?
Works for me, conspiracy theorists and uneducated foreigners turn me on.
Ladies, ladies, show a little decorum!

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