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UK elections (1 Viewer)


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Nov 23, 2004
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The UK elections are due for 5th May 2005 05/05/05!!!!!

05/05/05 - won't get that for another hundred years! lol

I like Blair as well... he speaks with conviction.
The Tories, erm cant remember what the guys name is, but I reckon Labour will be back in power again, even though theres been a lot of moaning about them lately...
Blairs op is Michael Howard. Blair will get a third term but with a greatly reduced majority in the commons. This is because a large section of the Uk was against the war in Iraq, the fact that his government have screwed students over since they have been in office and also people are starting to remember the lies he told before the last election. Saying that the main Op party is just as bad. There is a thrid party called the Liberal Democrats (you will love that I know) who seem to talk a lot of sense but do not get taken seriously by a lot of people. I am tipping them to do a lot better than the polls may show.

Blair may have a fantastic rep internationaly and be a well respected world leader but domestically people are getting annoyed with his arrogance and are starting to get annoyed with the amount of legislation he is trying to push through on an anti terrorism platform when the people of the UK have suffered terrorism at the hands of the IRA for the last 30 years.
vauge said:
I like Blair as well... he speaks with conviction.

Bush speaks with conviction as well. Conviction that he is the unifier of the world apointed by god.
I like the Liberal Democrats, but since they probably won't get a sizeable majority, I'm hoping Blair and Labour wins.
Tony Blair has betrayed his socialist roots but will be reelected due to no serious opposition.
Liberal Democrats are exactly that: wishy washy liberals with no real policies.
Nobody has forgiven the Conservatives for 19 years of social destruction, and Michael Howard is a joke.
George Bush can rest easy - his lapdog will still be there to lick his backside.
of course blair will win who else is there to vote for, michael howard? u must be joking, in fact he is a joke. he used to be my local MP, even when we chased him down the road to get rid of him. he is a waste of space. the liberal democrates have Some good ideas but do not have the credability to voted in to government at this stage. at least this should be blairs last goverment, but then who, gordon brown, damn his name puts you to sleep GORDON, sounds like he should be driving a train or something.
centrium said:
The UK elections are due for 5th May 2005 05/05/05!!!!!


Where did you het that info? Our beloved Prime Minister, Phoney Blair, stated on TV this evening that no date has yet been set for the elections!
I heard the BNP and the UKIP might be getting more votes this year *shudder*. If the BNP ever get into power I'm packing my suitcase and turning off the lights to the UK!

I'm really hoping that the Lib Dems get into opposition, they are more credible than the tories - maybe I'm just being optimistic unfortunely. They should have a shot at power. If I didn't live in Northern Ireland I would vote for them.

At the most another 4 years of Blair eh. On his last day I hope he annouces publically for Bush to f**K off lol. That would be funny.

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