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UCLA Starts "Understanding Whiteness" Class (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 5, 2005
Reaction score
Under The Northern Star, Alaska
Political Leaning
What the hell is this crap? UCLA now has a class called "Understanding Whiteness" that is taught by an arab. The class pretty much tells why crackers are racist, why they are arrogant, why they hate people because of religion/race/creed (etc.), and how to help your white friends. Now, me being 75% white, I'm highly offended. I don't fit any of the profile of the "White Person". Just because of the past and the Klan, most others just stupidly assume that whites are still like that, and it's wrong. I hate to cast stones, but other races do the same thing, sometimes. Like if a black comedian makes fun of whites its "funny" but if a white makes a joke about blacks, then it's "racist". This double-starndard crap against whites is old and retarded. And the press ain't helping out the situation either, in fact, they make it worse!:x
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It should be "Understanding the KKK and Neo-Nazis, AKA Bigotry 101."

Jeez, i'm sick and tired of my race being associated with those scum.
I'm ashamed a UC is doing this, not the most UC, but still....

This is a racist lesson and should be protested against immediately, where is the petition?
Classes that promote and teach victimology run rampant in colleges across our nation. It's sad. I won't pay for my kid to take BS classes. They'll have to shell out the money themselves if they want to put time and effort in to victimology. Another theme that concerns me deals with the numerous Anti-American classes offered. If my kid wants to take a class that will teach him/her to be unpatriotics and disgusted with their own country they will have to foot the bill for that too.
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I agree.

I just took an "Understanding Whiteness" class because my degree required it. I was essentially the only person not buying into the stupid notion that we look through white lenses and can't understand other cultures because of our bias. Whites are simply racist just because we were raised “white”, whatever the hell that even meant.

It is a stupid idea that is founded upon opinion. The professor had a bunch of examples of "Whiteness" and how what she said was factual and beyond doubt. I pointed out that her examples were simply opinions based off of an eagerness to prove that “Whiteness” was indeed an issue and correct rather than to understand if the issue of “Whiteness” was even a reasonable assertion to begin with. When I pointed this out she tried to make an example out of me and “show” that this was an example of “Whiteness”.

Of course, what I was saying could never actually be true, it was just my white blindness that keeps me from understanding how deep rooted my issue is.

It was double talk and victim oriented.
It was designed to blame and omit responsibility of choice.
It was a joke.

Of course, I had black friends, Mexican friends, and lots of Asian friends growing up in addition to my “White Extremist” friends. Apparently I had no idea whatsoever about who they were or what their cultural identity was because I was white. It is equally apparent that they knew all about my shortcomings and empathized with my limitation, understanding that I was simply, “a white person”. What a joke.

Like you said…double standard…
Donkey1499 said:
What the hell is this crap? UCLA now has a class called "Understanding Whiteness" that is taught by an arab. The class pretty much tells why crackers are racist, why they are arrogant, why they hate people because of religion/race/creed (etc.), and how to help your white friends. Now, me being 75% white, I'm highly offended. I don't fit any of the profile of the "White Person". Just because of the past and the Klan, most others just stupidly assume that whites are still like that, and it's wrong. I hate to cast stones, but other races do the same thing, sometimes. Like if a black comedian makes fun of whites its "funny" but if a white makes a joke about blacks, then it's "racist". This double-starndard crap against whites is old and retarded. And the press ain't helping out the situation either, in fact, they make it worse!:x

It won't be long, Muslims will be in the so-called protected class.
They are by default now but it will be codified in the near future either
through direct legislation or judicial fiat.

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