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UC undergraduate alumni outcomes. Hmmm.... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 2, 2015
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California Caliphate
Political Leaning
Do you wonder why China is eating our lunch?


I can't post the chart directly, so you will have to look for yourself.

Social Science is #1 by far. What exactly is Social Science?

The 12 departments that comprise the Social Sciences Division — African American Studies, Anthropology, Demography, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Geography, Gender and Women’s Studies, History, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.

That my friends is why our young people are so useless in a world of doers. Most of these classification amount to "administrative overhead" in the real world of nuts and bolts, test tubes and microscopes.
Here in Los Angeles, the schools are pushing every single student to enter the university.

It makes the school bigwigs look good. They are able to say, "See! The billions in tax money is paying off. We would like more money, pretty please."

Of course, they forget to tell you that most of those college students never graduate.

And as for those who do graduate, most of them have to major in the social sciences.

I personally sympathize with them because I too majored in social sciences (in the 1950s!) because I did not have the necessary smarts to major in the sciences.
Here in Los Angeles, the schools are pushing every single student to enter the university.

It makes the school bigwigs look good. They are able to say, "See! The billions in tax money is paying off. We would like more money, pretty please."

Of course, they forget to tell you that most of those college students never graduate.

And as for those who do graduate, most of them have to major in the social sciences.

I personally sympathize with them because I too majored in social sciences (in the 1950s!) because I did not have the necessary smarts to major in the sciences

it is sound practice and public policy to try to inspire every student to further their education

if you cannot dream it, then you can never achieve it
Do you wonder why China is eating our lunch?


I can't post the chart directly, so you will have to look for yourself.

Social Science is #1 by far. What exactly is Social Science?

The 12 departments that comprise the Social Sciences Division — African American Studies, Anthropology, Demography, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Geography, Gender and Women’s Studies, History, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.

That my friends is why our young people are so useless in a world of doers. Most of these classification amount to "administrative overhead" in the real world of nuts and bolts, test tubes and microscopes.

the only thing it shows is your ignorance. economics, geography, psychology, sociology, political science, how are those useless?

China is eating our lunch because their education is far superior, and they invest in new technologies while our country has severely limited funding in the sciences, and in partciularly green energy. China will own green energy since they are investing in it while US conservatives continue to suck oil and gas D
it is sound practice and public policy to try to inspire every student to further their education

if you cannot dream it, then you can never achieve it

They also want every illegal in school so they can complain about crowded classrooms and lack of funding.
the only thing it shows is your ignorance. economics, geography, psychology, sociology, political science, how are those useless?

China is eating our lunch because their education is far superior, and they invest in new technologies while our country has severely limited funding in the sciences, and in partciularly green energy. China will own green energy since they are investing in it while US conservatives continue to suck oil and gas D

Perhaps the Chinese do have social science diversity classes. Students are taught to smile and act nice while stealing trade secrets from different cultures.
it is sound practice and public policy to try to inspire every student to further their education

if you cannot dream it, then you can never achieve it

Well, I agree with you there justabubba. Furthering one's education is one of the most important things to encourage. But we presently live in an age of information technology the likes of which we have never before had, and which can give you a free university-level education at your fingertips (just think of all the brilliant academic lectures one can find on YouTube or the libraries-worth of scholarly articles on Google). And that is to say nothing of getting a good old fashioned library card and borrowing library books to expand your knowledge.

I will be the first to say that I have learned and remembered far more from my self-study than I ever did at University. So why exactly are we encouraging young men and women to go to overpriced colleges to gain an education in the humanities and social sciences? Especially when so many of them are forced to purchase that education with borrowed money which cannot be discharged through bankruptcy and which in turn forces them to be indentured servants to their student loan creditors? While I do not claim that self-study is good for all people and I know many people thrive in a classroom environment with a set canon of relevant literature to study, it seems like a rather expensive general prescription for society.

Do not misunderstand me: I can certainly understand needing the rigors of careful direction in the STEM field for discussing how to use medical and scientific laboratory equipment, and doing computer modeling among other things. But reading and discussing Kant? Or Marx? Or discussing the issues of white privilege and black oppression? One could probably gain just as much insight from reading the literature on one's own and perhaps joining a weekly book club to discuss these subjects in greater depth.
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Do you wonder why China is eating our lunch?


I can't post the chart directly, so you will have to look for yourself.

Social Science is #1 by far. What exactly is Social Science?

The 12 departments that comprise the Social Sciences Division — African American Studies, Anthropology, Demography, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Geography, Gender and Women’s Studies, History, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.

That my friends is why our young people are so useless in a world of doers. Most of these classification amount to "administrative overhead" in the real world of nuts and bolts, test tubes and microscopes.

I for one do not think any of these subjects are bad for people to study. I would not think it is a bad idea for a computer science major to take some classes in psychology or a biology major to take some classes in Women's Studies or History. But for Universities to encourage people to fully major in these subjects, especially when the cost of University is so high and the job prospects for people studying in some of these fields is so low, is nothing short of irresponsible.
Do you wonder why China is eating our lunch?


I can't post the chart directly, so you will have to look for yourself.

Social Science is #1 by far. What exactly is Social Science?

The 12 departments that comprise the Social Sciences Division — African American Studies, Anthropology, Demography, Economics, Ethnic Studies, Geography, Gender and Women’s Studies, History, Linguistics, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.

That my friends is why our young people are so useless in a world of doers. Most of these classification amount to "administrative overhead" in the real world of nuts and bolts, test tubes and microscopes.

So please explain why these fields are useless:


These are major fields that encompass social science.
So please explain why these fields are useless:


These are major fields that encompass social science.

You tell me why they aren't.
I for one do not think any of these subjects are bad for people to study. I would not think it is a bad idea for a computer science major to take some classes in psychology or a biology major to take some classes in Women's Studies or History. But for Universities to encourage people to fully major in these subjects, especially when the cost of University is so high and the job prospects for people studying in some of these fields is so low, is nothing short of irresponsible.

So we don't need teachers? We don't need economists? We don't need lawyers? We don't need social workers?

The one thing I will say is I absolutely do not like the bad rep that vocational schools get. They are excellent for those hands on people that want to get into the work force trained and ready to go, don't want to spend a butt load on a Bachelor's degree and they are only typically 2 years at the most.
You tell me why they aren't.

so we don't need economists, politicians, social workers, teachers, those that know different languages, lawyers? You consider those bad things?
The one thing I will say is I absolutely do not like the bad rep that vocational schools get. They are excellent for those hands on people that want to get into the work force trained and ready to go, don't want to spend a butt load on a Bachelor's degree and they are only typically 2 years at the most.

Hear! Hear!

I have read that in many countries, some students are prepared for the university, and some students are sent to vocational schools that teach them a needed trade and where those students are very happy.

The idea that everybody has to go to the university is absurd.
So the premise of this thread is: if you're not good in math and/or science, you're a loser?
Hear! Hear!

I have read that in many countries, some students are prepared for the university, and some students are sent to vocational schools that teach them a needed trade and where those students are very happy.

The idea that everybody has to go to the university is absurd.

Agreed, we had two people that were applying for a technical management position about 12 years ago and I ended up having to turn down the one (far more qualified IMO) because I could not get the HR folks to drop the bachelor's degree requirement to associate's degree. From what I can see it hasn't gotten any better.
So the premise of this thread is: if you're not good in math and/or science, you're a loser?

I don't know the premise of the OP, but the way I look at it is more of a "flooding the market" with social sciences which does no benefit to the person getting a social science degree.

We have a serious problem in this country where people (and many many employers) think you need to have a 4-year degree before you can even talk to them for a job. Vocational degrees have a tremendous value IMO that is often overlooked or flat out dismissed by employers.
You tell me why they aren't.

The typical troll non-response. Too busy spreading ****, can't actually back up their statement. Why even post threads if you can't even participate? just to get the troll numbers up?
so we don't need economists, politicians, social workers, teachers, those that know different languages, lawyers? You consider those bad things?

We don’t need 1/3rd of the system doing it. They are mostly jobs that have no real native productivity other than to bill someone who does.
I don't know the premise of the OP, but the way I look at it is more of a "flooding the market" with social sciences which does no benefit to the person getting a social science degree.

We have a serious problem in this country where people (and many many employers) think you need to have a 4-year degree before you can even talk to them for a job. Vocational degrees have a tremendous value IMO that is often overlooked or flat out dismissed by employers.

Depends. In 2003-04, UC put out 12883 Social Sciences graduates of a total of 37959. That's ~34%.

In 2016-17, the percentage was ~30%. The number of graduates went up by ~15k, but the percentage of SS degrees went down. In fact, randomly checking the percentages through the years, it appears that there has been a downward trend in the percentage of SS graduates.
We don’t need 1/3rd of the system doing it. They are mostly jobs that have no real native productivity other than to bill someone who does.

That's what capitalism IS. Billing someone for a service or product.
So the premise of this thread is: if you're not good in math and/or science, you're a loser?

it should be noted, those professions in social sciences likely pay a hell of a lot more than in science. Careers in science you wallow in near poverty for a long period of time. Even researchers are drug companies discovering drugs, the sale people with just a bachelors make much more money.

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