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Uber driver in Michigan pleads guilty to killing six in shooting spree (1 Viewer)


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(Reuters) - An Uber driver accused of fatally shooting six people in Michigan and wounding two others while on the job pleaded guilty to all charges on Monday, after initially blaming the ride sharing company’s app for compelling him to kill.

Jason Dalton, 48, was charged with 16 counts, including six counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder after his nearly five-hour shooting spree on Feb. 20, 2016 in Kalamazoo, about 150 miles (240 km) west of Detroit.
Their app made him kill 6 people? This guy deserves what ever Michigan law prescribes.

(Reuters) - An Uber driver accused of fatally shooting six people in Michigan and wounding two others while on the job pleaded guilty to all charges on Monday, after initially blaming the ride sharing company’s app for compelling him to kill.

Jason Dalton, 48, was charged with 16 counts, including six counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder after his nearly five-hour shooting spree on Feb. 20, 2016 in Kalamazoo, about 150 miles (240 km) west of Detroit.
Their app made him kill 6 people? This guy deserves what ever Michigan law prescribes.
At least he did not say the gun made him kill.

(Reuters) - An Uber driver accused of fatally shooting six people in Michigan and wounding two others while on the job pleaded guilty to all charges on Monday, after initially blaming the ride sharing company’s app for compelling him to kill.

Jason Dalton, 48, was charged with 16 counts, including six counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder after his nearly five-hour shooting spree on Feb. 20, 2016 in Kalamazoo, about 150 miles (240 km) west of Detroit.
Their app made him kill 6 people? This guy deserves what ever Michigan law prescribes.

This idiot should be given a day pass from "The Home" on alternate St. Swithen's Days that fall in leap years.
This idiot should be given a day pass from "The Home" on alternate St. Swithen's Days that fall in leap years.

I think his lawyers should have used the insanity defense because he definitely went off the deep end.

(Reuters) - An Uber driver accused of fatally shooting six people in Michigan and wounding two others while on the job pleaded guilty to all charges on Monday, after initially blaming the ride sharing company’s app for compelling him to kill.

Jason Dalton, 48, was charged with 16 counts, including six counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder after his nearly five-hour shooting spree on Feb. 20, 2016 in Kalamazoo, about 150 miles (240 km) west of Detroit.
Their app made him kill 6 people? This guy deserves what ever Michigan law prescribes.

WTF is it with Uber drivers? If they aren't driving like loons, they're robbing, raping or murdering.
WTF is it with Uber drivers? If they aren't driving like loons, they're robbing, raping or murdering.

There are 400,000 Uber drivers throughout the world. Name one block of 400,000 people that doesn't have lunatics in it
WTF is it with Uber drivers? If they aren't driving like loons, they're robbing, raping or murdering.

...they're actually less likely to commit crimes while "on duty" because the app tracks their location and identity, as well as the location and identity of their customers in real time.

(Reuters) - An Uber driver accused of fatally shooting six people in Michigan and wounding two others while on the job pleaded guilty to all charges on Monday, after initially blaming the ride sharing company’s app for compelling him to kill.

Jason Dalton, 48, was charged with 16 counts, including six counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder after his nearly five-hour shooting spree on Feb. 20, 2016 in Kalamazoo, about 150 miles (240 km) west of Detroit.
Their app made him kill 6 people? This guy deserves what ever Michigan law prescribes.
The app is very maddening

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I think his lawyers should have used the insanity defense because he definitely went off the deep end.

It's possible his attorneys did have him checked out and the doc concluded he was feigning insanity. Of course, if they didn't they were likely ineffective because when a defendant insists an app compelled him to kill people, it does tend to raise an eyebrow. It suggests a slightly abnormal bit of schizophrenia/psychosis, with the command coming from a program and not 'voices'. But....still, command hallucinations are pretty basic.
Seems like our run-of-the-mill male loser POS indulging in violence as a response to failure, rejection, etc.
Seems like our run-of-the-mill male loser POS indulging in violence as a response to failure, rejection, etc.

Has anyone checked to see if he was having trouble getting laid? That appears to be one of the most common threads amongst mass killers - the fact that they can't get laid.
Has anyone checked to see if he was having trouble getting laid? That appears to be one of the most common threads amongst mass killers - the fact that they can't get laid.

The "incel" thing?

Didnt see any specifics, dont know.
Has anyone checked to see if he was having trouble getting laid? That appears to be one of the most common threads amongst mass killers - the fact that they can't get laid.

A 48 year old overweight Uber driver. I think he would have lots of trouble getting laid,
The "incel" thing?

Yep, that's the word that the media use because they would get in trouble if they said "can't find anyone who will **** him".

Didnt see any specifics, dont know.

I don't either, but I did see a picture of the dolt and I'd guess that his "romantic interludes" involved him having to pay extra.
A 48 year old overweight Uber driver. I think he would have lots of trouble getting laid,

Well, it's sooooooooo OBVIOUS that he is a victim of society's morbid preoccupation with physical image that he shouldn't be punished because he is a victim and it is unjust to blame the victim for the fact that they have been victimized by being turned into a victim.

[Oops - just noticed that the selector dial on my AKME Mk3 Revolutionary Rhetoric Standard Speech Generating Gadget had been twisted as far counterclockwise as it can go (well past the "DANGER - Do NOT exceed this setting!" mark.]
Well, it's sooooooooo OBVIOUS that he is a victim of society's morbid preoccupation with physical image that he shouldn't be punished because he is a victim and it is unjust to blame the victim for the fact that they have been victimized by being turned into a victim.

[Oops - just noticed that the selector dial on my AKME Mk3 Revolutionary Rhetoric Standard Speech Generating Gadget had been twisted as far counterclockwise as it can go (well past the "DANGER - Do NOT exceed this setting!" mark.]

I wonder if a dating app that targeted to match the less desirable members of society would work. Or would the shallowness of both not wanting to date the uglier people cause it to fail

Being shallow when you are at the shallow end of the gene pool is a recipe for being lonely
I wonder if a dating app that targeted to match the less desirable members of society would work. Or would the shallowness of both not wanting to date the uglier people cause it to fail.

What would cause it to fail would be the fact that no one would admit to themselves that they only qualified for the wading pool - and then only if they were wearing water wings.

Being shallow when you are at the shallow end of the gene pool is a recipe for being lonely

Yep. But you know, one of the things that other people find attractive in others is when the other is comfortable with being who and what they actually are.
Seems like our run-of-the-mill male loser POS indulging in violence as a response to failure, rejection, etc.
Mean girls probably rejected him and drove him crazy.
Where is the sensitivity of the left???

Reserved for those in need, of course. I'm not surprised that you need to ask the question tho.
Where is the sensitivity of the left???

And where is the outrage on "the right" over your silly attempt to make this idiot out to be the victim in your "Mean girls probably rejected him and drove him crazy."?
And where is the outrage on "the right" over your silly attempt to make this idiot out to be the victim in your "Mean girls probably rejected him and drove him crazy."?
And where are your brains? You can't recognize a joke when you see one? Mean girls indeed. :lamo
Reserved for those in need, of course. I'm not surprised that you need to ask the question tho.
He is obviously mentally ill no compassion for the insane? "Blaming the ride sharing company’s app for compelling him to kill."
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