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U.S. Warns Iraq It Won't Support Sectarian Goals (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 10, 2005
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Pacific Rim
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Slightly Liberal
The US goes over to Iraq to "liberate them from a radicalist totalitarian regime. Then with elections seems that the Iraqi's as well as the remainder of the muslim world prefer to have a sectarian government that is similar to that of Iran. Particularily the Shiites.
Well just another goofball screwup by Bush Inc. Should we be surprised at all?
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/21/i...&en=e031a0e2d8205e43&ei=5094&partner=homepage
The irony is that this is one of the few good things were doing in Iraq that I support the President on. It is sad that even the perception of the good we are trying to do there has no chance to succeed.
jfuh said:
The US goes over to Iraq to "liberate them from a radicalist totalitarian regime. Then with elections seems that the Iraqi's as well as the remainder of the muslim world prefer to have a sectarian government that is similar to that of Iran. Particularily the Shiites.
Well just another goofball screwup by Bush Inc. Should we be surprised at all?
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/21/i...&en=e031a0e2d8205e43&ei=5094&partner=homepage

Iran is sectarian? Since when?
Kelzie said:
Iran is sectarian? Since when?

Umm...yeah disregard. Got my definitions mixed up and...wait...I was being sarcastic. Yeah, that's it...sarcastic...
Originally posted by Kelzie:
Umm...yeah disregard. Got my definitions mixed up and...wait...I was being sarcastic. Yeah, that's it...sarcastic...
Be all that you could be.
It is ironic that the only good thing Bush Inc does in Iraq turns around to bite right back in thier ***. All this ideology of how democracy would put an end to rising islamic fundamentalism sure has back fired hasn't it?
I can't wait to see the spin that equally radical members (aquapup, KC con) will put on this thread lol.
jfuh said:
It is ironic that the only good thing Bush Inc does in Iraq turns around to bite right back in thier ***. All this ideology of how democracy would put an end to rising islamic fundamentalism sure has back fired hasn't it?
I can't wait to see the spin that equally radical members (aquapup, KC con) will put on this thread lol.
It must be terrible to have an issue with how a governement should be run after 3 years since it only took our own government 12 years...:roll:
cnredd said:
It must be terrible to have an issue with how a governement should be run after 3 years since it only took our own government 12 years...:roll:

Why do you juxtapose it in this sense? We didn't gain independence by installment. No nation ever has. It is by the influence of independent thought and prosperity in liberty that we had become what we were (not what we are now).

It is simply idiotic to assume that you can install your political belief upon a foreign nation by force. This has never worked in the past. The people of the said nation have to make that choice independently. You can't force it upon them and call it liberation in this sense.
thread title said:
Re: U.S. Warns Iraq It Won't Support Sectarian Goals

No, The United States Government (neo-con elitists, et al) has warned Iraq that it won't support sectarian goals. The government won't stand for anything less than complete dictation.

The American PEOPLE on the other hand have made no statements and have not BEEN HEARD on the issue.
jfuh said:
The US goes over to Iraq to "liberate them from a radicalist totalitarian regime. Then with elections seems that the Iraqi's as well as the remainder of the muslim world prefer to have a sectarian government that is similar to that of Iran. Particularily the Shiites.
Well just another goofball screwup by Bush Inc. Should we be surprised at all?
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/21/i...&en=e031a0e2d8205e43&ei=5094&partner=homepage

Just because we liberated them and they choose to elect a sectarian government do you really think we would have to support the Government they chose? They are free to choose the Government they want and we, as any nation, are free to not support them in there choice. It would be like what Jimmy (peanut) Carter wants in supporting an elected terrorist government as Hamas in Palestine. Ain't gonna happen.
ThePhoenix said:
Just because we liberated them and they choose to elect a sectarian government do you really think we would have to support the Government they chose?

If you are really concerned with liberating them and giving them a democracy then why wouldn't you support the government that THEY CHOOSE?

OF COURSE! WHat in the HELL are you thinking?

Oh, you think they should just do whatever we tell them, eh? DICTATION.

Do you really think that Bush is going to aquire a puppet democracy in Iraq? LOL!

Sycophant said:
They are free to choose the Government they want and we, as any nation, are free to not support them in there choice. It would be like what Jimmy (peanut) Carter wants in supporting an elected terrorist government as Hamas in Palestine. Ain't gonna happen.

Why the political reference to Carter? I can admit the guy is getting senile... but you are seeming no better than him.

It doesn't matter if you support them in their choice.

Last edited:
Originally posted by Conflict:
The American PEOPLE on the other hand have made no statements and have not BEEN HEARD on the issue.
I'm not sure what is worse. A tyrannical regime or the factors that allow it to exist.
ThePhoenix said:
Just because we liberated them and they choose to elect a sectarian government do you really think we would have to support the Government they chose? They are free to choose the Government they want and we, as any nation, are free to not support them in there choice. It would be like what Jimmy (peanut) Carter wants in supporting an elected terrorist government as Hamas in Palestine. Ain't gonna happen.
So why is the US spending soo much money over there to build a government it doesn't want? Didn't want Saddam, ousted him, is that going to be the same for Iraq again after democratic elections? Just what are you saying phoenix.

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