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U.S. Senate unanimously condemns Putin as war criminal (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning

a clear demonstration of unity of the liberal order , bad news for pootler´s gang


a clear demonstration of unity of the liberal order , bad news for pootler´s gang


Putin is probably more concerned with the price of his daily Starbucks coffee than he is about something the US Congress does.

Putin is probably more concerned with the price of his daily Starbucks coffee than he is about something the US Congress does.
Yawn. The US Congress doesn't care.
Yawn. The US Congress doesn't care.

If they didn't, they wouldn't have passed this stupid, useless resolution.

If they didn't, they wouldn't have passed this stupid, useless resolution.
LOL!! They're putting themselves on the right side of history. You should consider it.
LOL!! They're putting themselves on the right side of history. You should consider it.
Oh...for sure.

It's all political positioning...and substantively useless. But positioning is all they care about.
Oh...for sure.

It's all political positioning...and substantively useless. But positioning is all they care about.
Is your point that Congress is useless (worthless tripe) or that you support Putin's invasion (more likely)?
Is your point that Congress is useless (worthless tripe) or that you support Putin's invasion (more likely)?
More likely it's partisan whining over the fact that a deeply divided Congress was able to unify, if only for this one thing.

"I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat!"
Is it?

Care to go on record yourself and confirm if you think Putin is a war criminal or not?

I have purposely limited myself from exposure to media propaganda, so I have no opinion about whether Putin is a war criminal or not.

But then, this isn't about me. I'm not a member of Congress. My position doesn't matter...and I'm not interested in political positioning.
Is your point that Congress is useless (worthless tripe) or that you support Putin's invasion (more likely)?

Perhaps you should read my comment again. That might help you understand my point.
Putin certainly has his cheer squad on DP. Wonder who the next fan boi will be to step up?
And they're all self-identified "conservatives". Who knew that the Republican party would become Russia's proxy in the US?

I have purposely limited myself from exposure to media propaganda, so I have no opinion about whether Putin is a war criminal or not.

But then, this isn't about me. I'm not a member of Congress. My position doesn't matter...and I'm not interested in political positioning.
Horseshit. Every one of your posts reeks of political positioning.

If you're going to declare yourself so above media that you admit you're unable to form an opinion about Putin because of it then kindly do the forums a favor - bury your head back in the sand and dismiss yourself.
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"I purposely limited myself from the foreign run media, so I do not know how I feel about Hitler"

Everyone understands these positions aren't carefully arrived at after some thinking right?
More likely it's partisan whining over the fact that a deeply divided Congress was able to unify, if only for this one thing.

"I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat!"
Imagine joining a thread just to complain that a national legislature protested a foreign country's unprovoked, violent, illegal invasion of a third sovereign country. I would be ashamed and seriously reconsider my life.
Me too.

Now what?


I have purposely limited myself from exposure to media propaganda, so I have no opinion about whether Putin is a war criminal or not.

But then, this isn't about me. I'm not a member of Congress. My position doesn't matter...and I'm not interested in political positioning.
There it is. Bold faced. Unashamed. Out loud. "I will not say that Putin is a war criminal." These are treasonous opinions.

I have purposely limited myself from exposure to media propaganda, so I have no opinion about whether Putin is a war criminal or not.

But then, this isn't about me. I'm not a member of Congress. My position doesn't matter...and I'm not interested in political positioning.
His actions would surely make that bloody obvious. Undeclared war against a non-belligerent and invasion in itself is a war crime; likewise bombing civilian facilities like maternity hospitals, murdering civilians. The Hague Conventions make this clear.

Perhaps you should read my comment again. That might help you understand my point.
:ROFLMAO: Your "point", which is a generous characterization of what it actually is, is perfectly clear. As evidenced by the unanimous disgust for it.
Horseshit. Every one of your posts reeks of political positioning.

If you're going to declare yourself so above media that you admit you're unable form an opinion about Putin because of it then kindly do the forums a favor - bury your head back in the sand and dismiss yourself.

As I said, this isn't about me.

You are dismissed.

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