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U.S. Senate Approves Bill On Lend-Lease For Arms Supplies To Ukraine (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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The U.S. Senate has unanimously approved a bill that will help President Joe Biden send weapons and other supplies to Ukraine as it tries to defend itself from an invasion by Russia. The bill approved by the Senate late on April 6 provides enhanced authority for Biden to enter into agreements with Kyiv to lend or lease defense items to Ukraine to protect civilian populations from the Russian military invasion, as well as for other purposes, without having to heed export regulations that can slow the process down. In presenting the legislation, called the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer referred to the killings of civilians in Ukraine as "pure evil," adding that Russian troops were carrying out a "genocide" in Ukraine.

"When we murder wantonly innocent civilians because of who they are, whether it be their religion, their race, or their nationality, that is genocide, and [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is guilty of it," Schumer said. The lend-lease program was last used during World War II, when the United States provided assistance to allied countries that fought against Nazi Germany, mostly to the Soviet Union and Great Britain. Many historians say it helped tip the balance of the war in favor of the allies. The bill must still be approved by the House of Representatives and signed by Biden.

This should be pushed through ASAP. Certain items in the US military arsenal, like the best flak jackets for example, must go through a very time-consuming process to obtain the requisite export permissions.

This legislation will bypass that export process for military items bound for Uktaine.

Why did the federal government have “export regulations that can slow the process down” in the first place?
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Why did the federal government have “export regulations that can slow the process down” in the first place?
Because Joe doesnt want to piss Putin off. He was the one who stopped the MIG 29s from going to Ukraine.
Why did the federal government have “export regulations that can slow the process down” in the first place?

Because the federal government wants strict control over the export of US military technology.
Because the federal government wants strict control over the export of US military technology.

OK, but why not have initially included an exception for POTUS authorized transfers?
OK, but why not have initially included an exception for POTUS authorized transfers?

Exporting weapons is a difficult process.

Try sending a case of Glock 19s to Ukraine without all of the proper export control documents.

DHS/ATF/Commerce peeps will be visiting you PDQ.

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