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U.S. Says It Has Withdrawn From World Judicial Body (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Source: New York Times

Prompted by an international tribunal's decision last year ordering new hearings for 51 Mexicans on death rows in the United States, the State Department said yesterday that the United States had withdrawn from the protocol that gave the tribunal jurisdiction to hear such disputes.

The withdrawal followed a Feb. 28 memorandum from President Bush to Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales directing state courts to abide by the decision of the tribunal, the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The decision required American courts to grant "review and reconsideration" to claims that the inmates' cases had been hurt by the failure of local authorities to allow them to contact consular officials.

The memorandum, issued in connection with a case the United States Supreme Court is scheduled to hear this month, puzzled state prosecutors, who said it seemed inconsistent with the administration's general hostility to international institutions and its support for the death penalty.

The withdrawal announced yesterday helps explains the administration's position.
Blue Hobgoblin said:
It seems to me that Bush wants to run the world, but not abide by its rules.
It's a bit hard to say, considering that countries like Canada aren't part of that as well and that Bush's letter to the AG is telling state courts to abide by the same sets of circumstances locally but just not at the level of the IC in the Hague.
Blue Hobgoblin said:
It seems to me that Bush wants to run the world, but not abide by its rules.
If you were going to run the world, why would you abide by it's rules?
Batman said:
If you were going to run the world, why would you abide by it's rules?

We're to the world in the 21st Century what the Brits were in the late 19th & 1st half of the 20th century. It's called imperialism, and it sucks. It was wrong back then, and it's just as wrong today.

As a government, our nation is a global embarrassment. Not everything they do is wrong, but most things they do are. They have no concept of diplomacy, and they have no sense of a global community.

When China becomes the world's #1 economic power later this century it will be quite interesting to see how our government complains about their impending economic dominance?
26 X World Champs said:
When China becomes the world's #1 economic power later this century it will be quite interesting to see how our government complains about their impending economic dominance?
Statement or question?
26 X World Champs said:
We're to the world in the 21st Century what the Brits were in the late 19th & 1st half of the 20th century. It's called imperialism, and it sucks. It was wrong back then, and it's just as wrong today.

As a government, our nation is a global embarrassment. Not everything they do is wrong, but most things they do are. They have no concept of diplomacy, and they have no sense of a global community.

When China becomes the world's #1 economic power later this century it will be quite interesting to see how our government complains about their impending economic dominance?

It'll never happen. We're number one, we'll always be number one, we're the greatest. In fact we're prefect- haven't you heard?

Never mind the mass amounts of cash we're currently borrowing from and currently owe to places like China. Never mind how much other countries now dislike us. Never mind how arrogant we are. Disregard all that.

We'll always be number, that will never change. Now whatever you do don't question anything and just do whatever your government tells you to. Otherwise you're an un-patriotic American hating slob who just wants to live in a welfare state.

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