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U.N. General Assembly in historic vote denounces Russia over Ukraine invasion (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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UNITED NATIONS, March 2 (Reuters) - The United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday overwhelmingly voted to reprimand Russia for invading Ukraine and demanded that Moscow stop fighting and withdraw its military forces, an action that aims to diplomatically isolate Russia at the world body. The resolution, supported by 141 of the assembly's 193 members, passed in a rare emergency session called by the U.N. Security Council while Ukrainian forces battled to defend the port of Kherson in the face of air strikes and a devastating bombardment that forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee. The text of the resolution deplores Russia's "aggression against Ukraine." The last time the Security Council convened an emergency session of the General Assembly was in 1982, according to the U.N. website. Russia was joined by Belarus, which has served as a launch pad for Russian invasion forces, Eritrea, North Korea and Syria in voting against the resolution. Thirty-five members, including China, abstained.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the assembly that Russia was poised to intensify the brutality of its offensive and urged members to hold Moscow accountable for its violations of international law. She cited videos of Russian troops moving heavy weapons into Ukraine, including cluster munitions and vacuum bombs, banned under international law. "Vote yes if you believe UN member states – including your own – have a right to sovereignty and territorial integrity. Vote yes if you believe Russia should be held to account for its actions," she added. "This is an extraordinary moment," she said. "Now, at more than any other point in recent history, the United Nations is being challenged.""The evil will never stop. It requires more and more space," Ukraine's U.N. envoy, Sergiy Kyslytsa, said in urging passage of the resolution, calling it "one of the building blocks to build a wall to stop" the Russian offensive.

Even Serbia voted to reprimand Russia for its brutal invasion of neighboring Ukraine.

Although the UN is toothless, votes such as this allow everyone to see which countries abide by the rules of international law, and which countries trample on the rules of international law.


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