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Typical Trump Supporters (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
I am not saying anything, just showing!

Typical Trump Supporter! You tell me!

lol ever watch an owen shroyer video and see the exact same thing from the other side
Lets compare:
Here are your typical Biden Supporters beating old women

What a sorry response to my post. You couldn't come up with anything better?

At least my video was about Republicans answering questions about Trump. Where in your video is there anything about Biden? Your video could as easily been about Trump, Pompeo, Mulvaney or even about you personally. Perhaps you were that cop?

I am starting to feel that you just are not anywhere near my level of debate expertise. This is about as sorry as a response to a post as can be. You really need to do better to keep up with me, Alpha.

You are starting to look like the runt in this pic..............pitiful! Especially since the Republicans are usually the bullies and not the other way around. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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One of the Daily Show correspondents has some great interviews of people outside Trump rallies. It's a horrifying mix if abject stupidity and complete lack of self-awareness.
Well as entertaining as these videos are, they can be made for pretty much every side since idiots exist everywhere.
I am not saying anything, just showing!
Well clearly that is untrue given the fact that you then went on to make the false claim of "typical Trump supporter".
So by the left's standard; You lied.

Typical Trump Supporter!
There are uninformed, stupid and even idiotic people on both sides of the coin (as the interviewer in the first video demonstrated herself quite clearly).
Let's not be like them, please.
Well clearly that is untrue given the fact that you then went on to make the false claim of "typical Trump supporter".
So by the left's standard; You lied.

There are uninformed, stupid and even idiotic people on both sides of the coin (as the interviewer in the first video demonstrated herself quite clearly).

Perhaps what I should have said it "typical Trump supporter based on these videos and my own experiences". The truth is that I personally have yet to find any Trump supporter here, or in most of my personal experiences that does not fit into that category. Then again, thinking about it, all Trump supporters (after almost 4 years of his being in office and seeing all the mean, ugly, and stupid things he has done) are now typical so the Title of the OP is correct.

I watch FOX news on occasions and and also watch those guests Trump supporters that visit CNN and MSNBC and generally speaking with some minor differences, there too I see the same.

Evidently, I don't know every single Trump supporter in the world but even some that are in positions of power, (such as Mitch McConnell) fits into that type of category that "I know it all and no one can show me or tell me anything, even if they can prove otherwise", which is really what those Trump supporters on the video are showing.

I have to say that this does not apply to Republicans in general, given that some (like Mitt Romney) seem to have some common sense and enough intelligence to see things as they are. Then again, he is NOT a Trump supporter. On the other side of the coin there is Ted Cruz, who generally would be considered capable given that he has been a senator of Texas for many years. He once was anti Trump but even he has turned into a "typical Trump supporter'. The reality is that anyone that still supports Trump after everything that has happened, has to be called a typical Trump supporter. Supporting Trump (a liar, a bullly, an incompetent person) is now a "typical Trump supporter.

Sorry, but your post failed to make your point,
Perhaps what I should have said it "typical Trump supporter based on these videos and my own experiences". The truth is that I personally have yet to find any Trump supporter here, or in most of my personal experiences that does not fit into that category. Then again, thinking about it, all Trump supporters (after almost 4 years of his being in office and seeing all the mean, ugly, and stupid things he has done) are now typical so the Title of the OP is correct.
iLOL That is some stupid crap you are spewing.

I watch FOX news on occasions and and also watch those guests Trump supporters that visit CNN and MSNBC and generally speaking with some minor differences, there too I see the same.
You see what you want to see.

Sorry, but your post failed to make your point,
iLOL Wrong.
iLOL That is some stupid crap you are spewing.

You see what you want to see.

iLOL Wrong.

This is the world you live in. In this world, you are always right.

Absolutely correct! Jim Jordan is a typical Trump Supporters ...
Jim Jordan was on the faculty of Ohio State University having earned a Master's degree in Education and a Juris Doctorate. Yet so many Trump supporters make one wonder what is wrong with American education. So many say the dumbest things. In a sense, it is the educated Republican politicians who have done great harm by their refusal to check Donald Trump.
You are spewing idiotic nonsense.

No, Trumpers definitely live in a fantasy world where Trump is perfect. Any time that occurs, you know it is fantasy because perfection does not exist.
No, Trumpers definitely live in a fantasy world where Trump is perfect. Any time that occurs, you know it is fantasy because perfection does not exist.

So you decide to start a new day off by posting the same idiotically deranged bs? Figures.

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