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Typical Germany nostalgic about their Third Reich past (1 Viewer)

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You misunderstand. We all think it's funny and pathetic. It displays an intellectualism that has not left infancy. By all means, please continue; it provides entertainment.
I have never seen a quicker method for the Germans to takeover Europe than through the EU, Goebbels would have been proud. Now, they're shielding murderers from being extradited to the UK through the EU courts. Despicable.

BBC News - Dr Daniel Ubani: No UK extradition over patient death

Goebbels would have been proud to protect a black guy from prosecution?

Shouldn't you save some anger for the nhs that hired an incompetent doctor?
You misunderstand.
Actually, you misunderstood. I meant sue me. At least that way it won't be a waste of bandwidth here.
Fortunately, there are a lot of really good and informed americans, like for instance, MMC but also others, whose posts are good and display a good level of understanding.

And then ofc, there are those like law and austriaecon who fit your description perfectly. Unfortunately, these guys are the majority who peddle their ignorance in this subforum. 'muricans.

Are the two even American?
Are the two even American?

law? I vouched he wasn't an American in another thread because he was debating in the US local politics section (traditionally virgin territory for Euro posters). Now he seems to be British?

Austrianecon is American, with a large dollop of Irish.
What do all these people have in common?

crue cab

They all come from the same country who is known worldwide for having no knowledge about any country in the wide world.
Why is this? I'm guessing this is why:
View attachment 67166905
Pull the plug on your computer m8.

If you are supposed to be an euroskeptic, leave the room. You're making the rest of us look bad.
You are correct about his posts but he's Not American.
He uses British-English spelling like 'favour'.
Though he may not be native British Commonwealth either.
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You are correct about his posts but he's Not American.
He uses British-English spelling like 'favour'.
Though he may not be native British Commonwealth either.

Bang on. The mystery is solved.
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Closed for mod review.
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