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Two men from The Villages admit to casting multiple ballots in 2020 election (1 Viewer)


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Dec 4, 2013
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Two men from The Villages admit to casting multiple ballots in 2020 election

Two residents from The Villages confessed to voter fraud charges after filing two ballots in the 2020 Presidential election, court records show.
Ketcik and Halstead are registered Republicans. It is unclear if they knew each other.
Before moving to The Villages, Barnes previously held an address in Connecticut, according to an arrest report.

Ketcik was accused of casting an absentee ballot in Michigan and voting by mail in Florida, an arrest report said. He turned himself in to be booked at the Sumter detention center Dec. 8.

I guess there was voter fraud (edited) in the 2020 election, both Republicans.

Two men from The Villages admit to casting multiple ballots in 2020 election

Two residents from The Villages confessed to voter fraud charges after filing two ballots in the 2020 Presidential election, court records show.
Ketcik and Halstead are registered Republicans. It is unclear if they knew each other.
Before moving to The Villages, Barnes previously held an address in Connecticut, according to an arrest report.

Ketcik was accused of casting an absentee ballot in Michigan and voting by mail in Florida, an arrest report said. He turned himself in to be booked at the Sumter detention center Dec. 8.

I guess there was election fraud in the 2020 election, both Republicans.
Technically it was "voter fraud" but yes, as usual , Republicans..

Two men from The Villages admit to casting multiple ballots in 2020 election

Two residents from The Villages confessed to voter fraud charges after filing two ballots in the 2020 Presidential election, court records show.
Ketcik and Halstead are registered Republicans. It is unclear if they knew each other.
Before moving to The Villages, Barnes previously held an address in Connecticut, according to an arrest report.

Ketcik was accused of casting an absentee ballot in Michigan and voting by mail in Florida, an arrest report said. He turned himself in to be booked at the Sumter detention center Dec. 8.

I guess there was voter fraud (edited) in the 2020 election, both Republicans.
If there was election integrity with accurate voter rolls it would not be possible to vote twice. Glad they caught this 18 months late.....

Two men from The Villages admit to casting multiple ballots in 2020 election

Two residents from The Villages confessed to voter fraud charges after filing two ballots in the 2020 Presidential election, court records show.
Ketcik and Halstead are registered Republicans. It is unclear if they knew each other.
Before moving to The Villages, Barnes previously held an address in Connecticut, according to an arrest report.

Ketcik was accused of casting an absentee ballot in Michigan and voting by mail in Florida, an arrest report said. He turned himself in to be booked at the Sumter detention center Dec. 8.

I guess there was voter fraud (edited) in the 2020 election, both Republicans.
Aaah The Villages, God's waiting room.

I am over 50 and not dead. Why would anyone want to live in a place where the mortician is the richest guy in the community.
No wonder Republicans are so worried about voter fraud.
Where are all our Conservative friends who are extremely concerned about voter fraud?

Two men from The Villages admit to casting multiple ballots in 2020 election

Two residents from The Villages confessed to voter fraud charges after filing two ballots in the 2020 Presidential election, court records show.
Ketcik and Halstead are registered Republicans. It is unclear if they knew each other.
Before moving to The Villages, Barnes previously held an address in Connecticut, according to an arrest report.

Ketcik was accused of casting an absentee ballot in Michigan and voting by mail in Florida, an arrest report said. He turned himself in to be booked at the Sumter detention center Dec. 8.

I guess there was voter fraud (edited) in the 2020 election, both Republicans.
Way to go Brandon!
Where are all our Conservative friends who are extremely concerned about voter fraud?
Voter fraud only exists when it is done by Democrats!

Like this piece of work Democrat fraudster, that Mark Meadows guy!
Aaah The Villages, God's waiting room.

I am over 50 and not dead. Why would anyone want to live in a place where the mortician is the richest guy in the community.
I've been living in flori-duh before the villages existed, now they are within several miles of my home. God's waiting room, I like that one but in reality it is disney for retirees and the families who own the villages are far more wealthy than the undertakers. It's an amazing place just not for me.

Two men from The Villages admit to casting multiple ballots in 2020 election

Two residents from The Villages confessed to voter fraud charges after filing two ballots in the 2020 Presidential election, court records show.
Ketcik and Halstead are registered Republicans. It is unclear if they knew each other.
Before moving to The Villages, Barnes previously held an address in Connecticut, according to an arrest report.

Ketcik was accused of casting an absentee ballot in Michigan and voting by mail in Florida, an arrest report said. He turned himself in to be booked at the Sumter detention center Dec. 8.

I guess there was voter fraud (edited) in the 2020 election, both Republicans.
Baby steps. Now open your eyes to the rest of it.
Actually there were at least four residents of the Villages that got nabbed for vote fraud in the 2020 Election, if I remember correctly. All were caught fraudulently voting for Trump I do believe.

But that doesn't count!
If there was election integrity with accurate voter rolls it would not be possible to vote twice. Glad they caught this 18 months late.....
Good point. Although those dudes were discovered sooner than 18 months late it still should not be happening at all as you put it.

We need ethical purging of the voter Rolls in all of the states and a better system to keep folks from sneaking in a vote in more than one state. That just might take some doing, either all the states come together and devise a system they will all use and adhere to or it will take the Fed stepping in. It can be done, but will it be done?

Two men from The Villages admit to casting multiple ballots in 2020 election

Two residents from The Villages confessed to voter fraud charges after filing two ballots in the 2020 Presidential election, court records show.
Ketcik and Halstead are registered Republicans. It is unclear if they knew each other.
Before moving to The Villages, Barnes previously held an address in Connecticut, according to an arrest report.

Ketcik was accused of casting an absentee ballot in Michigan and voting by mail in Florida, an arrest report said. He turned himself in to be booked at the Sumter detention center Dec. 8.

I guess there was voter fraud (edited) in the 2020 election, both Republicans.
The article discusses 4 people. 2 are registered republicans. 2 don't have a registered affiliation.

The secretary of state states she received of 262 reports, of which 75 were referred for potential prosecution.. Are these 4 representative of all of these cases? Probably not.

Good point. Although those dudes were discovered sooner than 18 months late it still should not be happening at all as you put it.

We need ethical purging of the voter Rolls in all of the states and a better system to keep folks from sneaking in a vote in more than one state. That just might take some doing, either all the states come together and devise a system they will all use and adhere to or it will take the Fed stepping in. It can be done, but will it be done?
Absolutely. More needs to be done to maintain the voter rolls - something Democrats routinely oppose. You also make a great case for voter ID
Aaah The Villages, God's waiting room.

I am over 50 and not dead. Why would anyone want to live in a place where the mortician is the richest guy in the community.
I've heard it has the highest percentage of STDs in the country.

Two men from The Villages admit to casting multiple ballots in 2020 election

Two residents from The Villages confessed to voter fraud charges after filing two ballots in the 2020 Presidential election, court records show.
Ketcik and Halstead are registered Republicans. It is unclear if they knew each other.
Before moving to The Villages, Barnes previously held an address in Connecticut, according to an arrest report.

Ketcik was accused of casting an absentee ballot in Michigan and voting by mail in Florida, an arrest report said. He turned himself in to be booked at the Sumter detention center Dec. 8.

I guess there was voter fraud (edited) in the 2020 election, both Republicans.

More Trumpists committing voter fraud, huh?

Their accusations keep making more sense.

Absolutely. More needs to be done to maintain the voter rolls - something Democrats routinely oppose. You also make a great case for voter ID

Eh...we seem to be catching the few people stupid enough to attempt it well enough.
Absolutely. More needs to be done to maintain the voter rolls - something Democrats routinely oppose. You also make a great case for voter ID
I am a Democrat and I don't oppose maintaining the voter rolls.

I agree though that many Democrats do come out in opposition to purging voter rolls and some Republicans have as well. It has always been a political football, that is why, both sides see the other side as a villain for the way that side wants to do it. That has got to stop. It needs, in my opinion, to be taken out of the hands of the politicians and put into some sort of body that is truly independent and indifferent to political ideology. I also think redistricting needs such a change.

We can't have a feasible, in my opinion, Photo ID to vote law piecemeal with each state having their own rules.

I hesitate to say it, hate giving more power to the FED, but I am down with a National Photo ID to vote law if it is based on a National Voter Information database.
No wonder Republicans are so worried about voter fraud.
Since nearly every case of voter fraud has been a republican, they changed the goal posts to "election" fraud.
I am a Democrat and I don't oppose maintaining the voter rolls.

I agree though that many Democrats do come out in opposition to purging voter rolls and some Republicans have as well. It has always been a political football, that is why, both sides see the other side as a villain for the way that side wants to do it. That has got to stop. It needs, in my opinion, to be taken out of the hands of the politicians and put into some sort of body that is truly independent and indifferent to political ideology. I also think redistricting needs such a change.

We can't have a feasible, in my opinion, Photo ID to vote law piecemeal with each state having their own rules.

I hesitate to say it, hate giving more power to the FED, but I am down with a National Photo ID to vote law if it is based on a National Voter Information database.
Voting is supposed to be on a state by state basis. Too much power in the hands of the federal government is scary.... and really inefficient.

But... there's not that much variation - other than the states which don't do it. Some level of standardization would be easy... because the standard has already been established with Real ID. Simply require a state issued ID. Require the states to provide a free ID for voting. Make the state ID database the voter roll. Moves, deaths, residency status, baked into the system. Then you have 58 systems (with territories and DC) to cross check.

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