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Two killed, one injured in shooting during third night of unrest in Kenosha (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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Political Leaning
Several people shot on third night of unrest in Kenosha

At least two people were killed and another was injured in a shooting Tuesday night in Kenosha, Wisconsin, amid widespread chaos and looting following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, police said.
The gunfire rang out outside a car dealership near 63rd Street and Sheridan Road in Kenosha just before midnight, according to a statement the Kenosha Police department posted to Twitter Wednesday morning.
What's the typical lefty/BLM response to a possible police misconduct? Shoot more people. :doh
All it takes is for the police to drop the militarization 'shoot first, ask questions never' mentality and much of this **** is avoided.

But hell no, fire 7 rounds into someone's back with the full intention to kill him... oops, he lived... guess you kill em all "conservatives" will have to settle for a lifetime in a wheelchair sentence for an unarmed black guy.
Maybe all of this gun rights advocacy which has been taken to such absurd levels that citizens are running down the street with semi-automatic rifles at the ready is not such a great idea after all. MAGA!!!!
Was it a lefty/BLM response?
Maybe all of this gun rights advocacy which has been taken to such absurd levels that citizens are running down the street with semi-automatic rifles at the ready is not such a great idea after all. MAGA!!!!

If the reports of the identity of the shooter turn out to be true (very, very strong possibility) this thread will not age well for the OP.
If the reports of the identity of the shooter turn out to be true (very, very strong possibility) this thread will not age well for the OP.

Did the guy have a weapon in his car? Has that info been released?
Several people shot on third night of unrest in Kenosha

What's the typical lefty/BLM response to a possible police misconduct? Shoot more people. :doh

No, it's typically been to either beat random people half to death, or to burn down property and attack the police.

Shooting has only recently become a more common thing with them. Which only strengthens 2A stances if you ask me.
Seems like he's a militia LARPer from what I've seen thus far, not remotely BLM; Kyle Rittenhouse. He is also a blue ribbon boy:




By the way, whoever in Kenosha's police leadership thought it would be a good idea to incorporate these untrained 'militias' packing live rounds into their response has got to be the dumbest mother****er on the face of the planet.

Even if the shootings were justified in self-defense, absolute best case scenario, what happened that night is going to greatly magnify the outrage of the BLM movement while also encouraging them to pack heat next time; thus this powder keg just got exponentially more dangerous and volatile, especially if we keep seeing militia LARPers show up with lethal ammo.
No, it's typically been to either beat random people half to death, or to burn down property and attack the police.

Shooting has only recently become a more common thing with them. Which only strengthens 2A stances if you ask me.

Yea....lets go all the way back to frontier justice. Heck you Righties keep turning the dial on Dr Peabody's way back machine enough and you will be in the land of the dinosaurs. Righties will make an excellent Hors d'oeuvre for them......whack job on cracker.
By the way, whoever among the police leadership thought it was a good idea to incorporate these untrained 'militias' packing live rounds into their response has got to be the dumbest mother****er on the face of the planet.

Even if the shootings were justified in self-defense, absolute best case scenario, what happened that night is going to greatly magnify the outrage of the BLM movement while also encouraging them to pack heat next time; thus this powder keg just got exponentially more dangerous and volatile, especially if we keep seeing militia LARPers show up with lethal ammo.

This kid is 17 years old...
Did the guy have a weapon in his car? Has that info been released?

Why does that matter? The cops had a ton of opportunity to tackle him and restrain him. A gun in the car would be an afterthought. It seems that some police officers don't want to do the hard work anymore, just let the guns do the talking. What happened to their tasers? The cops could have ended that in a more peaceful way, but chose to shoot the man 7 times in the back. Just plain wrong. The shooter should have already been arrested. The probable cause is there.
Why does that matter? The cops had a ton of opportunity to tackle him and restrain him. A gun in the car would be an afterthought. It seems that some police officers don't want to do the hard work anymore, just let the guns do the talking. What happened to their tasers? The cops could have ended that in a more peaceful way, but chose to shoot the man 7 times in the back. Just plain wrong. The shooter should have already been arrested. The probable cause is there.

If he had a gun in the car that will change the motivations for the shooting. The cop will get off. The fact nothing has been said of a weapon makes me wonder if there indeed was one. The mayor is likely on the side of the suspect.
Who sees the irony here? Protesters and rioters 'protesting' against the death of one black man kill two black men in one night.

Leftwing media won't point this out. They are paid not to. Paid by the same Soros-funded Organization that funds the riots.
Yea....lets go all the way back to frontier justice. Heck you Righties keep turning the dial on Dr Peabody's way back machine enough and you will be in the land of the dinosaurs. Righties will make an excellent Hors d'oeuvre for them......whack job on cracker.

Frontier justice was done when there was a lack of justice system to actually support what our society is today. If wrong doing is found, then it will be punished accordingly.

The people participating in this violence and perpetrating this kind of shooting. Are only making things worse, not better.
All it takes is for the police to drop the militarization 'shoot first, ask questions never' mentality and much of this **** is avoided.

But hell no, fire 7 rounds into someone's back with the full intention to kill him... oops, he lived... guess you kill em all "conservatives" will have to settle for a lifetime in a wheelchair sentence for an unarmed black guy.

All it takes is for the insurgents to stop attacking innodent, law abiding citizens.
The shooter is not a lefty/BLM type... He is one of your boogaloo friends...

He/they scored two kills. They won't be the last, as more peoole get fed up with the bull****.
All it takes is for the insurgents to stop attacking innodent, law abiding citizens.

Go a little further back to the event that caused all this and get back to us.
Maybe all of this gun rights advocacy which has been taken to such absurd levels that citizens are running down the street with semi-automatic rifles at the ready is not such a great idea after all. MAGA!!!!

Looks like it's working just fine.

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