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Twitter bans over 100 accounts that pushed #IStandWithPutin (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning

"Twitter has banned more than 100 accounts that pushed the pro-Russian hashtag #IStandWithPutin for participating in “coordinated inauthentic behavior,” days after the hashtag trended on Twitter amid the invasion in Ukraine."

Coordinated propaganda.
Ukrainian soldiers.

I stand with Putin, not Nazis

hell, there are Nazi's in this country. so do you stand with Mexico?
We actually have far more Nazis in the US than are in Ukraine. There is a larger Nazi movement in Russia than Ukraine.

Ukrainian soldiers.

I stand with Putin, not Nazis
Perhaps you should return to the motherland and take that other Putin' lovin', democracy hatin' friend of yours, Donny, with you.
We actually have far more Nazis in the US than are in Ukraine. There is a larger Nazi movement in Russia than Ukraine.

Perhaps you should return to the motherland and take that other Putin' lovin', democracy hatin' friend of yours, Donny, with you.
yeah. it's all a diversion to support Putin/Russia.
hell, there are Nazi's in this country. so do you stand with Mexico?

Neo-Nazis played a key role in the 2014 Capitol Insurrection in Kyiv. The United States govt had backed a variety of organizations including them, in order to generate that Capital Insurrection street coup to throw out the legitimate democratically elected Yanuckovitch govt. These were dirty war tactics of regime change, and this is widely known around the world.

So you're right that there are pro-Nazi pro-fascist forces in America -- but you're neglecting to mention that they even occupy positions of authority. I'm talking about people like Undersecretary Victoria Nuland.

Neo-Nazis played a key role in the 2014 Capitol Insurrection in Kyiv. The United States govt had backed a variety of organizations including them, in order to generate that Capital Insurrection street coup to throw out the legitimate democratically elected Yanuckovitch govt. These were dirty war tactics of regime change, and this is widely known around the world.

So you're right that there are pro-Nazi pro-fascist forces in America -- but you're neglecting to mention that they even occupy positions of authority. I'm talking about people like Undersecretary Victoria Nuland.

You're like the best Russian propagandist here.
@sanman has plenty of competition, like Fox I’m stuck watching in Nebraska motel
They're on the side of destroying families over grass and dirt and natural resources.

We need to never forget who specific people are in real life and on the Internet. There are massive liars.

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