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Tucker Carlson Invokes Britian's NIGEL FARAGE Defense of Putin and His Invasion of Ukraine - on his tv show 3/30/22 (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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When reading Carlson's article, please note that these two didn't mention the horrible bombing attacks on Ukraine's defenseless citizens, homes. buildings and businesses. Ukraine's infrastructure!!! That it's more about poor, poor Putin - how we've caused Putin to snap and pushed Putin to fight Ukraine. o_O

That's pretty weird if you think about it, because for weeks, Joe Biden had been speaking in a very loud voice about a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine. They seemed ready for it and yet it turns out that nobody in Washington, including Biden himself, really thought it was going to happen and when it did happen, official Washington concluded that Putin must be insane.

"The casual speculation about Vladimir Putin's mental state has become more serious," wrote National Review. In other words, there's a reason, a good reason none of us saw this coming. Putin just snapped. He's irrational and impossible to predict. A lot of people took that at face value, but you had to notice that, like most explanations you hear in Washington, it was self-exculpatory. It was more an excuse than an analysis.

In fact, Putin may well be crazy, but it's fair to assume there was more to the invasion of Ukraine than a single psychiatric episode and at this point, it would be nice to know exactly what it is, what happened and why. Why did the Russians do this? It's not treasonous to ask that. It's essential. You can't make wise decisions about the future without understanding what just happened. It's a prerequisite, but our leaders so far have refused to do that. They keep lying to themselves. They're imposing censorship on the rest of us.
It's Tucker Carlson. Of course he's going to sing Putin's praises.

He's bought & paid for, and Putin has the receipts.
It's too bad his viewership and network won't hold him to account for such behavior.
And they bitch about Kamala:

When reading Carlson's article, please note that these two didn't mention the horrible bombing attacks on Ukraine's defenseless citizens, homes. buildings and businesses. Ukraine's infrastructure!!! That it's more about poor, poor Putin - how we've caused Putin to snap and pushed Putin to fight Ukraine. o_O

That's pretty weird if you think about it, because for weeks, Joe Biden had been speaking in a very loud voice about a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine. They seemed ready for it and yet it turns out that nobody in Washington, including Biden himself, really thought it was going to happen and when it did happen, official Washington concluded that Putin must be insane.

"The casual speculation about Vladimir Putin's mental state has become more serious," wrote National Review. In other words, there's a reason, a good reason none of us saw this coming. Putin just snapped. He's irrational and impossible to predict. A lot of people took that at face value, but you had to notice that, like most explanations you hear in Washington, it was self-exculpatory. It was more an excuse than an analysis.

In fact, Putin may well be crazy, but it's fair to assume there was more to the invasion of Ukraine than a single psychiatric episode and at this point, it would be nice to know exactly what it is, what happened and why. Why did the Russians do this? It's not treasonous to ask that. It's essential. You can't make wise decisions about the future without understanding what just happened. It's a prerequisite, but our leaders so far have refused to do that. They keep lying to themselves. They're imposing censorship on the rest of us.

Tucker Carlson is a biased, over the top shock jock entertainer. He even admits to being untruthful when Fox was sued. Everyone seems to know this but liberals.
He is not the media, and nobody is imposing censorship on the "rest of us". That's just plain silly.
Tucker Carlson is a biased, over the top shock jock entertainer. He even admits to being untruthful when Fox was sued. Everyone seems to know this but liberals.
He is not the media, and nobody is imposing censorship on the "rest of us". That's just plain silly.
Yup, Carlson is a biased shock jock who happens to provide verbal support of Putin. What's Nigel Farage's problem?

Yup, Carlson is a biased shock jock who happens to provide verbal support of Putin. What's Nigel Farage's problem?

How insane.
Maybe next time, post your conspiracy theory in the correct forum as Tucker Carlson's show does not meet the definition of "media bias"

As I told you above... he's a paid shock jock, and his over-the-top rhetoric is not meant to be taken verbatim.
May I suggest that you turn the channel?
How insane.
Maybe next time, post your conspiracy theory in the correct forum as Tucker Carlson's show does not meet the definition of "media bias"

As I told you above... he's a paid shock jock, and his over-the-top rhetoric is not meant to be taken verbatim.
May I suggest that you turn the channel?
I don't watch his tv shit. It's an article that came across my radar that brought me to post it here.

My conspiracy theory??? It's Carlson who runs his mouth off on Fox defending Putin, etc. and by the way, Fox News is a media source, in which Carlson has, I believe, the #1 show on Fox News.

Since I don't watch Carlson's tv show on Fox, can you tell me if his show displays a disclaimer at the beginning of each program that what he spouts shouldn't "be taken verbatim"?
Shame that so many drive Comrade Carlson's ratings.

Even bigger shame that so many take him seriously and use his talking points.
Shame that so many drive Comrade Carlson's ratings.

Even bigger shame that so many take him seriously and use his talking points.
It's not only sadly shameful, but downright unpatriotic damaging to the West and in particular, Ukraine, that Fox News allows propaganda to exist on their network, in which the Kremlin pushes in Russia.

From 2 weeks ago:

On Sunday, progressive news outlet Mother Jones reported on a memo alleging the Kremlin sent talking points to Russian media organizations requesting they use "as much" footage of Carlson "as possible," noting his criticisms of the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Carlson was the only Western journalist reportedly named in the memo.

Carlson continues not to disappoint the Kremlin.
It's not only sadly shameful, but downright unpatriotic damaging to the West and in particular, Ukraine, that Fox News allows propaganda to exist on their network, in which the Kremlin pushes in Russia.

From 2 weeks ago:

On Sunday, progressive news outlet Mother Jones reported on a memo alleging the Kremlin sent talking points to Russian media organizations requesting they use "as much" footage of Carlson "as possible," noting his criticisms of the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Carlson was the only Western journalist reportedly named in the memo.

Carlson continues not to disappoint the Kremlin.
Shameful and unpatriotic, particularly the audience. FOX as a corporation isn't absolved by virtue of being interested strictly in profit, but they would bounce Tucker out on his elitist ass in 5 seconds if he negatively impacted their bottom line. They love him because he generates revenue, and a lot of it.

His audience loves him because they either agree with his propaganda or they find him entertaining, or both. To my mind that's the bigger issue.
More double speak from the forum's 🐇 with two mouths. He's a shock jock!

No, Bubba the love Sponge is a shock jock. Tucker is white supremacist believing he's speaking truth to power and being paid to do so.

At some point, we have to acknowledge that people are just gaslighting with their stupidity.

Nobody is that blind.

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