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Tucker Carlson echoed Putin's talking points on Fox News (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Tucker Carlson echoed Putin's talking points on Fox News, arguing the US should not care about Russia invading Ukraine

Tucker Carlson argued Russia's case in its dispute with Ukraine on his Tuesday show, echoing several points made during President Vladimir Putin's speech the day before. In Monday's lengthy address, Putin defended his escalation of the conflict with Ukraine, rewriting its history to emphasize its cultural overlap with Russia and to argue that it has never really existed as a state.

The best word to describe Tucker Carlson is "disgusting". Tucker wants the US to ignore Russia and instead get tough with China, another authoritarian government.

Why the discrepancy? There is a long-standing love-affair between the US far-right and the Putin regime. Putin is a white-nationalist and Russia is a xenophobic/Christian nation.

The US far-right/white-nationalsts are just as bigoted against Asians as they are against other non-white groups.

Laura Ingraham Corrects Donald Trump Live On-Air About Russia's Ukraine Invasion
Sensible words:

Why the discrepancy? There is a long-standing love-affair between the US far-right and the Putin regime.

From my time reading many far right sites, simply because of what he did to the LGBT community in his country.

That’s the basis of it all.

And they’re all traitors.
From my time reading many far right sites, simply because of what he did to the LGBT community in his country.

That’s the basis of it all.

And they’re all traitors.

Haha, delusions on top of delusions. Keep talking yourself into a deeper reverie.
Haha, delusions on top of delusions. Keep talking yourself into a deeper reverie.

How are the glistening towers of the Kremlin this afternoon Sanman?

Does Putin pay you guys well to deliver his propaganda here?

It’s no delusion that the extreme right wing in America loves what he did to the LGBT community in Russia, seen it said many times.
How are the glistening towers of the Kremlin this afternoon Sanman?

Does Putin pay you guys well to deliver his propaganda here?

It’s no delusion that the extreme right wing in America loves what he did to the LGBT community in Russia, seen it said many times.

McCarthyism from the Left -- they've come full circle, like Orwell's Animal Farm.

They can never credibly complain about Joe McCarthy again, now that they've outdone him by the widest of margins.
McCarthyism from the Left -- they've come full circle, like Orwell's Animal Farm.

They can never credibly complain about Joe McCarthy again, now that they've outdone him by the widest of margins.

False equivocation is the basis of most Trumpist responses.

They should get their money back from you, your not propagandizing very well.
Tucker Carlson echoed Putin's talking points on Fox News, arguing the US should not care about Russia invading Ukraine

The best word to describe Tucker Carlson is "disgusting". Tucker wants the US to ignore Russia and instead get tough with China, another authoritarian government.

Why the discrepancy? There is a long-standing love-affair between the US far-right and the Putin regime. Putin is a white-nationalist and Russia is a xenophobic/Christian nation.

The US far-right/white-nationalsts are just as bigoted against Asians as they are against other non-white groups.

Laura Ingraham Corrects Donald Trump Live On-Air About Russia's Ukraine Invasion
that's a shock
False equivocation is the basis of most Trumpist responses.

They should get their money back from you, your not propagandizing very well.

Doubling down on hypocrisy is the basis of most Leftist cocksureness.

Your Leftist patrons won't ask for refunds for your incompetence -- they'll just print some more.
A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation.

A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation.


You mean like when they destroy a country's borders while trying to import new foreigners to replace the electorate.

You mean like when they destroy the basics of the democratic process by attacking Voter ID laws, and promoting ballot-harvesting.

You mean like when they destroy the purchasing power and living standards of poor people by promoting inflation through money-printing.
You mean like when they destroy a country's borders while trying to import new foreigners to replace the electorate.

You mean like when they destroy the basics of the democratic process by attacking Voter ID laws, and promoting ballot-harvesting.

You mean like when they destroy the purchasing power and living standards of poor people by promoting inflation through money-printing.
No, a fifth column does not mean any of that. Tell your handlers that they need to do a better job preparing you.
You mean like when they destroy a country's borders while trying to import new foreigners to replace the electorate.

You mean like when they destroy the basics of the democratic process by attacking Voter ID laws, and promoting ballot-harvesting.

You mean like when they destroy the purchasing power and living standards of poor people by promoting inflation through money-printing.

Whaddabout whaddabout whaddabout.
You mean like when they destroy a country's borders while trying to import new foreigners to replace the electorate.
Nobody is importing anyone. Ridiculous. Besides, Mexico sends its people. Right?
You mean like when they destroy the basics of the democratic process by attacking Voter ID laws, and promoting ballot-harvesting.
Attacking? Bow and arrow?

Collecting ballots destroys the democratic process? How do you propose we get them moved from place to place?

You mean like when they destroy the purchasing power and living standards of poor people by promoting inflation through money-printing.
Inflation is covid related. Neither the Trump nor Biden relief packages caused inflation. Pumping money into a healthy economy would cause inflation. Using it as a stimulus during a recession does not cause inflation.
You mean like when they destroy a country's borders while trying to import new foreigners to replace the electorate.

You mean like when they destroy the basics of the democratic process by attacking Voter ID laws, and promoting ballot-harvesting.

You mean like when they destroy the purchasing power and living standards of poor people by promoting inflation through money-printing.
Another anti American. Move to Russia. It's perfect for you.
You mean like when they destroy a country's borders while trying to import new foreigners to replace the electorate.

You mean like when they destroy the basics of the democratic process by attacking Voter ID laws, and promoting ballot-harvesting.

You mean like when they destroy the purchasing power and living standards of poor people by promoting inflation through money-printing.

I mean when they take the side of our enemy.
Nobody is importing anyone. Ridiculous. Besides, Mexico sends its people. Right?

Attacking? Bow and arrow?

Collecting ballots destroys the democratic process? How do you propose we get them moved from place to place?


Inflation is covid related. Neither the Trump nor Biden relief packages caused inflation. Pumping money into a healthy economy would cause inflation. Using it as a stimulus during a recession does not cause inflation.

Whataboutism. A favorite tactic of tyrants.
I have believed for years that Rupert Murdoch has used his wealth and media dynasty to promote a pro fascist agenda......he knows that there is a large segment of Americans who are clannish culturally conservative nationalists......under educated, over 'religioused', and who see their self righteous racist pride as good.....
Doing business with faux advertisers makes money for tuck tuck. I'm not saying boycott them all, and I don't do that myself. However, it's something to keep in mind when you have a choice and aren't committed to a specific product.
Tucker Carlson echoed Putin's talking points on Fox News, arguing the US should not care about Russia invading Ukraine

The best word to describe Tucker Carlson is "disgusting". Tucker wants the US to ignore Russia and instead get tough with China, another authoritarian government.

Why the discrepancy? There is a long-standing love-affair between the US far-right and the Putin regime. Putin is a white-nationalist and Russia is a xenophobic/Christian nation.

The US far-right/white-nationalsts are just as bigoted against Asians as they are against other non-white groups.

Laura Ingraham Corrects Donald Trump Live On-Air About Russia's Ukraine Invasion

Your propaganda piece to which you linked allows a review of a Carlson show that does not mention Ukraine.

The one that is presented purporting to show Carlson discussing Ukraine is not accessible.
Tucker Carlson echoed Putin's talking points on Fox News, arguing the US should not care about Russia invading Ukraine

The best word to describe Tucker Carlson is "disgusting". Tucker wants the US to ignore Russia and instead get tough with China, another authoritarian government.

Why the discrepancy? There is a long-standing love-affair between the US far-right and the Putin regime. Putin is a white-nationalist and Russia is a xenophobic/Christian nation.

The US far-right/white-nationalsts are just as bigoted against Asians as they are against other non-white groups.

Laura Ingraham Corrects Donald Trump Live On-Air About Russia's Ukraine Invasion
USELESS IDIOTS helping Putin !!!!
Of course he is. Trump turned the vast bulk of the right into quislings for Russia, amusingly enough the exact thing they accused "the left" of being. Dear lord, he even publicly kissed Putin's ass, trusting him over our own intelligence.

Of course a sycophantic cheerleader like Carlson would push Russian propaganda.

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