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Trump's withdrawal from Syria is just pure racism (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 13, 2011
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Political Leaning
And don't even pretend like you don't know it's racism, either.

He views countries made up of brown and black people as being beyond hope and thus not worthy of economic and military support. If you're a country of color you can expect to be left out in the cold by this administration. We're going to have an entire generation of people from these countries who will never trust any US president again. Thanks, President Orange.
And don't even pretend like you don't know it's racism, either.

He views countries made up of brown and black people as being beyond hope and thus not worthy of economic and military support. If you're a country of color you can expect to be left out in the cold by this administration. We're going to have an entire generation of people from these countries who will never trust any US president again. Thanks, President Orange.

Wow. CT forum is farther down. Trump's been president for almost two years! If he was so racist, why didn't he pull us out on day one? He said we would stay until ISIS is defeated and now that they have no territory, Trump got us out. Why are YOU so racist?
Wow. CT forum is farther down. Trump's been president for almost two years! If he was so racist, why didn't he pull us out on day one? He said we would stay until ISIS is defeated and now that they have no territory, Trump got us out. Why are YOU so racist?

He's probably wanted out from day 1, but didn't want to deal with Mattis' resignation. But now that Mueller's noose is tightening around him he's gone into IDGAF and is trying to wreak as much havoc as possible on his way out.
He's probably wanted out from day 1, but didn't want to deal with Mattis' resignation. But now that Mueller's noose is tightening around him he's gone into IDGAF and is trying to wreak as much havoc as possible on his way out.

In other words, your TDS has reached yet a new stage. I'm terribly sorry.
And don't even pretend like you don't know it's racism, either.

He views countries made up of brown and black people as being beyond hope and thus not worthy of economic and military support. If you're a country of color you can expect to be left out in the cold by this administration. We're going to have an entire generation of people from these countries who will never trust any US president again. Thanks, President Orange.

And don't even pretend like you don't know it's racism, either.

He views countries made up of brown and black people as being beyond hope and thus not worthy of economic and military support. If you're a country of color you can expect to be left out in the cold by this administration. We're going to have an entire generation of people from these countries who will never trust any US president again. Thanks, President Orange.

Nah. There's no credible reason to believe it's racism.

It's because he's panicing and he's beholden and an asset to foreign heads of state.

Quite simple, really.
And don't even pretend like you don't know it's racism, either.

He views countries made up of brown and black people as being beyond hope and thus not worthy of economic and military support. If you're a country of color you can expect to be left out in the cold by this administration. We're going to have an entire generation of people from these countries who will never trust any US president again. Thanks, President Orange.

Citation for the bolded?
We never should have been in Syria to begin with.
What do you think? Time for a serious intervention here?...... The worst case of TDS ever seen on DP!! :peace
In other words, your TDS has reached yet a new stage. I'm terribly sorry.

Sorry but I doubt he has "Trump Defense Syndrome (TDS)", that is more of a conservative thing.
He is the poster child for Trump Derangement Syndrome. The original TDS.

Trump Defense Syndrome IS the original TDS. They just try to deflect because they have no rational way to defend Trump's actions so they call anything against Trump "Derangement".
And don't even pretend like you don't know it's racism, either.

He views countries made up of brown and black people as being beyond hope and thus not worthy of economic and military support. If you're a country of color you can expect to be left out in the cold by this administration. We're going to have an entire generation of people from these countries who will never trust any US president again. Thanks, President Orange.

Seems you are lying again.

And don't even pretend like you don't know it's racism, either.

He views countries made up of brown and black people as being beyond hope and thus not worthy of economic and military support. If you're a country of color you can expect to be left out in the cold by this administration. We're going to have an entire generation of people from these countries who will never trust any US president again. Thanks, President Orange.
Is Trump racist? He sure is however, your reasoning of his motivation is illogical even by Trump standards. We all know Trump is about as deep as one of those little paper cups you put ketchup in at Wendy’s, but I believe there’s more to this withdrawal that we learn soon.
Incorrect. TDS began the day Trump was elected.

Trump Defense Syndrome (the original TDS) was happening before the election with trying to defend trumps ***** grabbing and affairs.
And don't even pretend like you don't know it's racism, either.

He views countries made up of brown and black people as being beyond hope and thus not worthy of economic and military support. If you're a country of color you can expect to be left out in the cold by this administration. We're going to have an entire generation of people from these countries who will never trust any US president again. Thanks, President Orange.
Not a racist; a realist.

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And don't even pretend like you don't know it's racism, either.

He views countries made up of brown and black people as being beyond hope and thus not worthy of economic and military support. If you're a country of color you can expect to be left out in the cold by this administration. We're going to have an entire generation of people from these countries who will never trust any US president again. Thanks, President Orange.

How many race cards do you have, how does this have anything to do with race?
People like you are the ones dividing this country, if someone does something you don’t like or they have a different opinion than yourself then they are racist.

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Nah. There's no credible reason to believe it's racism.

It's because he's panicing and he's beholden and an asset to foreign heads of state.

Quite simple, really.

And liberals laugh at Alex Jones, but y’all spew crap like this all the time.

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Wow. CT forum is farther down. Trump's been president for almost two years! If he was so racist, why didn't he pull us out on day one? He said we would stay until ISIS is defeated and now that they have no territory, Trump got us out. Why are YOU so racist?

Because, much to the chagrin of Trump and his cult, this is a democracy and people can and do oppose the president's whims.

ISIS just launched a offensive. Hmmm.....I thought they were all gone. Maybe there are ghosts fighting in Syria? :roll:

It's amusing to see liberals defending American military intervention on the grounds that people of color deserve it.

However, there is a grain of truth in the assertion. Before the Second World War, American conservatives were isolationist. They didn't want to get involved in another European war -- why should Americans die to save the British and French empires? After World War Two, they become reflexively militarist: war by the US anywhere, any time, was supported by them. The rationale behind this was that these wars were necessary to stop the spread of 'international Communism'. After that spectre vanished, military intervention had other rationales -- but behind them lay the unquestioned belief in overwhelming American military superiority: we would always win.

Afghanistan and Iraq changed that attitude. Now American conservatives tend to revert to their older position: why should we care what one tribe of savages does to another?

The fact that Trump is president and making the decisions puts another twist on things: no one really knows why he does what he does. Will he do a Nixon-in-Vietnam and admit that we have lost in Afghanistan and working out a face-saving "give us a decent interval before you take over" deal with the Taliban? Who knows?

Probably the only fairly certain thing that guides any American administration in foreign policy is to obey the instructions of Israel. The Israelis are pretty smart people, with no illusions about Muslims, and quite able to work out where their interests lie. As Russia displaces the US as the power broker in Syria and Iraq, the Israelis will do a deal with them.

More than that, they, and other long-term-thinking nations, will begin to orient to China as it rises and the US declines. The wild card will be American behavior -- it will still have a massive military capability, albeit inferior to China's, even as its internal moral decay makes it impossible to predict what it will do with this capability. The realization that the US is rapidly on the way to being Number Two in the world will hit different groups in the US at different times -- some groups [the flag burners] will welcome this, others will simply not accept it. This will be the danger period, for the whole world.
We never should have been in Syria to begin with.

Agreed. It was an out-of-control dumpster fire from day 1. It got worse after the Islamists joined in.
And don't even pretend like you don't know it's racism, either.

He views countries made up of brown and black people as being beyond hope and thus not worthy of economic and military support. If you're a country of color you can expect to be left out in the cold by this administration. We're going to have an entire generation of people from these countries who will never trust any US president again. Thanks, President Orange.

Send your kids or grandkids over if you think it's so vital. BTW, you saw how much Bill Clinton helped Rwanda. right?

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