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Trump's Recently Launched TRUTH Social Under Fire for 'Censoring' Members (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Trump's Recently Launched TRUTH Social Under Fire for 'Censoring' Members


Former President Donald Trump's TRUTH Social, the self-described "big tent" social media platform that the former president has called an antidote to "the tyranny of Big Tech," is under fire for allegedly censoring and banning members. Trump's alternative to Twitter, the popular platform that he was permanently banned from in the wake of the January 6 Capitol riot, has already attracted multiple complaints of censorship less than a week after a limited launch on Apple's App Store. Last month, Devin Nunes, former Republican congressman and current CEO of TRUTH Social's parent company Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), told Fox Business that the app would be a "very safe place" with "family friendly" content. On Tuesday, the day after TRUTH Social was launched, self-described "serious internet clown" Matt Ortega tweeted that he might be "the first officially 'cancelled' Truth Social user," while sharing an image suggesting that TRUTH had permanently banned his account for "community guidelines violations." Ortega's account name was a nod to the Twitter account @DevinCow, or "Devin Nunes' cow," a parody account that inspired Nunes to launch multiple failed defamation suits while he was in Congress.

Patrick Hedger, executive director of the conservative group Taxpayers Protection Alliance, told The Washington Examiner that TRUTH Social "isn't a censorship-free experience at all" before suggesting that the platform is hypocritical for not living to its advertising. "It's rank hypocrisy to ban the DevinNunesCow account," Hedger said. "I think they should abide by how they advertise themselves as a censorship-free platform or recognize that striking a balance between free speech and palatable consumer content is not easy, as other platforms have realized." In a statement earlier this month, Trump complained that Americans seeking to emulate the recent Canadian anti-vaccine mandate "Freedom Convoy" protest were being unfairly targeted by "Facebook and Big Tech." He vowed that TRUTH Social would offer "open arms to communicate freely" while boasting of what he said were dwindling user numbers on mainstream platforms.

Say it ain't so Moe. Trump, the moron who for years has complained of media censorship, is now censoring content on his own social networking platform. Yes, this is the same Donald Trump who threatened to "strongly regulate" social media companies or "close them down" for fact-checking his tweets. Trump also signed an executive order directing the federal government to review its authority to strip internet companies of their legal protection from liability for content posted on their platforms.
Surely a different result wasn't expected. The former guy does what benefits the him period.
They should go for no-holds barred. If Trumpists want to spend all their time online looking at a bunch of penises, swastikas, and snuff videos before attending nightly book burnings, I say let 'em show us who they are. Well, more of who they are.

Turns out you kinda do want some censorship on social media. The concern is who is doing it and to what extent, not its mere existence.

See also: Literally every single conservative "free speech" platform.

It really is quite ridiculous how they always try to bootstrap their complaints into seeming credible by invoking something that is revered; flag, constitution, whatever.

Of course they don't have a problem with "censorship". They have a problem of not being able to simultaneously silence non-Trumpists while running around being able to say whatever they want whereever they want to say it without so much as a whiff of counter-point.
Of course they don't have a problem with "censorship". They have a problem of not being able to simultaneously silence non-Trumpists while running around being able to say whatever they want whereever they want to say it without so much as a whiff of counter-point.
Undeniably true and obvious to everyone but them.
I tried to join but was not sure how to answer the screening questions:
Is Donald Trump the smartest person on earth?
Can Donald Trump move mountains with his powerful mind?
Would you die for Donald Trump if he felt like asking you.?
Should Donald Trump be a Trillionaire?
Does your wife/husband/16-year old daughter/sheep... dream of having wild sex with Donald Trump?
Would you forgo that new car/house/pet/food you want in order for Donald Trump to be Emperor of the world?
Do you believe having an IQ of 87 is "Pretty damn good"?
I tried to join but was not sure how to answer the screening questions:
Is Donald Trump the smartest person on earth?
Can Donald Trump move mountains with his powerful mind?
Would you die for Donald Trump if he felt like asking you.?
Should Donald Trump be a Trillionaire?
Does your wife/husband/16-year old daughter/sheep... dream of having wild sex with Donald Trump?
Would you forgo that new car/house/pet/food you want in order for Donald Trump to be Emperor of the world?
Do you believe having an IQ of 87 is "Pretty damn good"?
Well, hey. Anyone who can remember the five words "Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV." must be a stable genius.
It always cracks me up that the subreddit /conservative is basically members only. If you don't post conservative thoughts there, they ban you.
It's literally designed as an echo-chamber...but then right wingers are constantly crying about "left wing echo chambers" where they don't exist. Maddening.

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