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Trumps poll numbers increase 19 points in a place you wouldn't expect (1 Viewer)

I'd sure like to see other polls supporting this.

But yeah, that's a real surprise. And the article is right: Trump's support has otherwise been falling like a stone. So this is perplexing.
It would not surprise me to find he has high support from a large percentage of recent legal immigrants. They probably feel insulted that they had to go through a difficult process to be granted citizenship and Democrats are arguing to give amnesty to their counterparts who are breaking the rules.

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Looks like Trump found a new lackey to pay pollsters.
I'd sure like to see other polls supporting this.

But yeah, that's a real surprise. And the article is right: Trump's support has otherwise been falling like a stone. So this is perplexing.

It is, because I think this might signal something pollsters missed the last two election cycles. People might be back to their closeted approach to Trump support. My guess is that his support, at least on this issue is about 10 points higher than being reported, and yes, that's a gut feeling, but it kind of makes sense. All through the last decade support for a border wall and stopping illegal immigration has averaged around 63%, yet, somehow the media is now trying to tell us that the drop off is now around 40%.. I don't buy it, and this poll here might show us why.


I would never take any poll's crosstabs too seriously. There are not usually enough respondents in any of them to form a sample without ridiculously huge error bars. In this example of 100 latinos for instance, the margin of error is over 10%

That said, the 100ish latinos in this poll do form an interesting sub-sample, if not one that can accurately describe latinos at large. 50% of them approve of Trump, yet 58% of them definitely plan on voting against him in 2020. Weird result.
I would never take any poll's crosstabs too seriously. There are not usually enough respondents in any of them to form a sample without ridiculously huge error bars. In this example of 100 latinos for instance, the margin of error is over 10%

That said, the 100ish latinos in this poll do form an interesting sub-sample, if not one that can accurately describe latinos at large. 50% of them approve of Trump, yet 58% of them definitely plan on voting against him in 2020. Weird result.

yes but only 58% plan on voting against him. If memory serves he only got 30% total in 2016 so that would be an improvement.. ;)

I also suspect his black vote will go up, it can't be any worse, especially with the improvements made in black unemployment numbers. I don't think identity politics works well, and I am hoping that most voters are smart enough to understand this in 2020. It's going to all depend on what kind of democrat the dems put up. What kind of uniter will they be, if at all, or will they continue to divide?

Long way away to be sure, but I thought the number was interesting and I posted for discussion.

WH staffers (what is left of them) now working overtime to work up an Immediate Action Executive Order as opposed to a Deferred Action Executive Order based on the polling data.

DonDon asking: "How do we get more of these WONDERFUL PEOPLE immediate citizenship and voting rights? Lets sign em' up!!! I want to be able to point to MY LATINO...you know....like I did with that black guy. I want Latino citizenship kiosks in malls, on line, over the Spanish Language TV Networks. Heck, can we go down to Central America, give them citizenship and hustle them up here? Lets have....lets have a CARAVAN!!!!"

Steven Miller: "Sigh....not sure that is going to fly Mr President."

Trump will win, no problemo.

The fun will be watching Liberal Socialists go absolutely insane when he does.

Trump will win, no problemo.

The fun will be watching Liberal Socialists go absolutely insane when he does.

They'll probably start rioting and torching **** like they did following election day 2016.

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