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Trump's Ohio suburb slide (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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Best news all week, one that already feels like it is a month long.

Peggy Lehner, a Republican state senator in Ohio, doesn't sugarcoat what she has seen happen to support for President Donald Trump in her suburban Dayton district.

“It hasn’t ebbed. It’s crashed," said Lehner, who is not seeking reelection in the district of working-class and white-collar communities the president won comfortably four years ago. “He is really doing poorly among independents."

Of course he is doing poorly among independents. Every independent I know now hates Trump's guts..
Trump will lose Ohio.
Trump will lose Ohio.
I wish I could believe that but trump signs are popping up like crabgrass in my very red district. The signs are about 10-1 for Trump vs. Biden. There are a few Biden neighborhoods but most of the signs are MAGAites.
I wish I could believe that but trump signs are popping up like crabgrass in my very red district. The signs are about 10-1 for Trump vs. Biden. There are a few Biden neighborhoods but most of the signs are MAGAites.

I know it's close, just about a tossup at this point, but that's my prediction. I devalue the importance of signs more than most, though.

I think that of the two sides, the anti-Trump side has far more motivation.
I wish I could believe that but trump signs are popping up like crabgrass in my very red district. The signs are about 10-1 for Trump vs. Biden. There are a few Biden neighborhoods but most of the signs are MAGAites.
Biden signs get stolen, and many are still unavailable. My wife has been waiting for her Biden-Harris sign for two weeks. I see the long waiting list as a very positive sign (no pun intended).
I know it's close, just about a tossup at this point, but that's my prediction. I devalue the importance of signs more than most, though.

I think that of the two sides, the anti-Trump side has far more motivation.
They are also quiet, preferring not to irk the redneck out of the local yodel with five Trump-Pence signs in his front yard and a giant flag flying from the back of his pick-em-up truck.
Biden signs get stolen, and many are still unavailable. My wife has been waiting for her Biden-Harris sign for two weeks. I see the long waiting list as a very positive sign (no pun intended).
I hope that is true. I'd like to have a Biden sign in my yard if only to annoy my various MAGAite neighbors.
I wish I could believe that but Trump signs are popping up like crabgrass in my very red district. The signs are about 10-1 for Trump vs. Biden. There are a few Biden neighborhoods but most of the signs are MAGAites.

No surprise there. Of course a dark red district is going to be full of Trump signs.

Are you in Cuyahoga County?
No surprise there. Of course a dark red district is going to be full of Trump signs.

Are you in Cuyahoga County?
Cuyahoga county is reliably blue. I'm about an hour south of Cuyahoga co. OH-16th district. It is very gerrymandered thanks to Kasich.
Cuyahoga county is reliably blue. I'm about an hour south of Cuyahoga co. OH-16th district. It is very gerrymandered thanks to Kasich.

Hmmm. John Kasich lives in the 12th District.
Hmmm. John Kasich lives in the 12th District.
What does it have to do with where he lives? He was the governor for 8 years and the GOP redrew the state districts in 2012 to keep it reliably Republican.
I hope that is true. I'd like to have a Biden sign in my yard if only to annoy my various MAGAite neighbors.
My little island in Ohio is reliably blue. And, you can count the Biden-Harris signs on one hand. As of today, they are still hard to get.
My little island in Ohio is reliably blue. And, you can count the Biden-Harris signs on one hand. As of today, they are still hard to get.
You're in the SW part of the state, aren't you?
Yellow Springs.
Very liberal.

I'm surrounded by people who are not yet Amish but most of then would be happy to turn the social clock back 100-250 years because of their religious views and occasionally their racism. Most of them have yet to learn the failed lesson of supply-side economics because they are still convinced that tax cuts/corporate bailouts create jobs.
yeah, I'm probably the furthest Right mofo in town, and I voted for Obama twice.
There are two people in town that still have Bernie signs but I'm not sure how many more outward liberals there are here. Most people think that Joe Biden is a liberal and that Obama has the antichrist on speed dial.
Trump will lose Ohio.
Wow! I hadn't looked at OH in awhile. Didn't realize Biden was up. Not up much, but a couple points up is no bad thing, compared to him being down awhile back. Nice!
There are two people in town that still have Bernie signs but I'm not sure how many more outward liberals there are here. Most people think that Joe Biden is a liberal and that Obama has the antichrist on speed dial.
I work with those people.
I work with those people.
That is almost most of my very Catholic family who somehow supports Trump over Catholic Biden. I cannot for the life of me discern their lack of logical thought.

I thought that Obama was a centrist corporate hack much of the time. Bernie Sanders to most people is an extremist but he is a solid moderate to me. There is nothing that he supports that is a radical and untested idea.
There are two people in town that still have Bernie signs but I'm not sure how many more outward liberals there are here. Most people think that Joe Biden is a liberal and that Obama has the antichrist on speed dial.

It seems all Republican posters intentionally fail to understand Joe Biden was forced to change his positions in April to attract Bernie Sanders supporters. If Biden was really a liberal, he would have already supported lowering the retirement age, more abortions on demand, and other policies 15 years ago. Instead, he waited until Sanders dropped out to ponder changing his policy ideas including lowering the retirement age to 60.

Why would people still have Bernie Sanders signs displayed instead of Joe Biden signs?
It seems all Republican posters intentionally fail to understand Joe Biden was forced to change his positions in April to attract Bernie Sanders supporters. If Biden was really a liberal, he would have already supported lowering the retirement age, more abortions on demand, and other policies 15 years ago. Instead, he waited until Sanders dropped out to ponder changing his policy ideas including lowering the retirement age to 60.

Why would people still have Bernie Sanders signs displayed instead of Joe Biden signs?
They were diehard Bernie supporters in the primary and aren't willing to give up the idea and go party democrat. I had a Bernie sign in 2016.

I'll vote for Joe but only as the lesser of two evils because of who the opposition is. I'd much rather have a real progressive choice but when the alternative is Trump id vote for the children of the aliens who crashed as Roswell to replace Trump in the White House.
Every independent I know now hates Trump's guts..

Is the supreme court battle factored into that statement? I am wanting to see some polling come out. I have a feeling that what Trump and the Republicans are doing is veiwed as very unpopular by most Americans.
That is almost most of my very Catholic family who somehow supports Trump over Catholic Biden. I cannot for the life of me discern their lack of logical thought.

I thought that Obama was a centrist corporate hack much of the time. Bernie Sanders to most people is an extremist but he is a solid moderate to me. There is nothing that he supports that is a radical and untested idea.

I know, you would think Catholics wanted Joe Biden. It is extremely obvious Donald Trump is not a Christian if he does not even know how to hold a Bible correctly or what Communion is about,.

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