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Trump's Impressive "Strategery" Regarding The War In Ukraine....In His Own Words On The Laura Ingraham Show (1 Viewer)

RIP U.S. Democracy

DP Veteran
Jan 17, 2022
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This is Trump at his absolute best. An extremely wise man. This is what Trump said to Laura Ingraham a few days ago about the war in Ukraine. --

"It's a very sad thing, but you know what's also very dangerous is you told me about the amphibious attack by Americans," Trump said.

Ingraham had to correct him. American troops didn't attack Ukraine, of course. Yes, Trump's brain is mush. He couldn't be more stupid if he tried.

Oh wait...here's the best part from Trump about the American troops invading Ukraine. He provided some very wise strategery to Ingraham. --

"You shouldn't be saying that because you and everybody else shouldn't know about it, they should do that secretly, not be doing that through the great Laura Ingraham. They should be doing that secretly. Nobody should know that, Laura."

American troops should have attacked Ukraine "secretly", you see.......LOL. TRUMP WISE!! What a ****ing idiot!!

And Trumpsters ridicule Biden for being "senile" all of the time. Nothing is more moronic than what Trump said to Ingraham about Ukraine.

This thread is too hilarious, it must never die. It captures Trump at his brilliant insane best.
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Since all of the Trumpsters on this board are hyperventilating about Kamala Harris' comments about Ukraine, let me share this with you. --

Donald F. Trump mistakenly believed that U.S. troops were in Ukraine. I'm not making this up. Laura Ingraham had to correct the idiot on her talk show a couple of weeks ago.

Trump also tried to lecture Ingraham....telling her that that the American troops attacking Ukraine should have remained a secret!! Ingraham should not have revealed this "secret", you see!!

This very well could be the dumbest shit that Trump has ever said. NOTHING is more breathtakingly stupid than this. It's simply incredible how dirt stupid and ignorant Trump is, there is no other way to describe it.

How can someone spend 4 years in the White House and be this ****ing ignorant??? It ****ing blows my mind!!!


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