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Trump's facial expression during speech looks like? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 10, 2016
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Political Leaning
If you have ever seen pictures of Italy before World War II, you would see that Trump's facial expressions look exactly like the Italian dictator Bernito Mussolini. If you don't believe me, go back and look at film from that era of MUssolini making a speech and then look at Trump's facial expressions during this speech.
If you have ever seen pictures of Italy before World War II, you would see that Trump's facial expressions look exactly like the Italian dictator Bernito Mussolini. If you don't believe me, go back and look at film from that era of MUssolini making a speech and then look at Trump's facial expressions during this speech.


If you have ever seen pictures of Italy before World War II, you would see that Trump's facial expressions look exactly like the Italian dictator Bernito Mussolini. If you don't believe me, go back and look at film from that era of MUssolini making a speech and then look at Trump's facial expressions during this speech.

That is total BS!!!!!! Hillary lost, deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you have ever seen pictures of Italy before World War II, you would see that Trump's facial expressions look exactly like the Italian dictator Bernito Mussolini. If you don't believe me, go back and look at film from that era of MUssolini making a speech and then look at Trump's facial expressions during this speech.

New history books will have an asterisks next to Nero's name because it took him longer to cause this much chaos.
That is total BS!!!!!! Hillary lost, deal with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep she lost … AND tRumps posturing IS reminisecent of Mussolini.
Il Duce would be proud.
People that make comments like this about the president and hate him are free to leave the country. Need help packing?????????????
People that make comments like this about the president and hate him are free to leave the country. Need help packing?????????????

Hey, I went into the military in 1969 and I can say what i want about the coward you elected president. If anyone should leave the country it is those who back the man who bought his deferments.
People that make comments like this about the president and hate him are free to leave the country. Need help packing?????????????

I for one ain’t going anywhere. It’s just as much my country as it is yours.
man that's reaching.. i mean REALLY reaching
People that make comments like this about the president and hate him are free to leave the country. Need help packing?????????????

Interesting. So people shouldn't exercise their freedom of speech and leave because you and others may not like it?
If you have ever seen pictures of Italy before World War II, you would see that Trump's facial expressions look exactly like the Italian dictator Bernito Mussolini. If you don't believe me, go back and look at film from that era of MUssolini making a speech and then look at Trump's facial expressions during this speech.

Oh yeah...it's UNCANNY. PELOSI looks more like Mussolini than does Pres.Trump.


Good grief.
Interesting. So people shouldn't exercise their freedom of speech and leave because you and others may not like it?

Might he be ... TRIGGERED?????!!!!!!!!

Funny how these little twatwaffles like to accuse liberals of being mad yet get so upset that they'd exile their fellow countrymen because they don't like the president.

I'm sure Logical was a huge Obama fan. After all, you should leave if you don't like the Chief Executive.

Conservatives are the biggest snowflakes of all. It's always projection with these whiny ******s.
Oh yeah...it's UNCANNY. PELOSI looks more like Mussolini than does Pres.Trump.

View attachment 67249780

Good grief.

Mussolini was more handsome than Trump, so you might have a point.

C'mon, type in MORE CAPS so it makes you MOAR RIGHT

Are you seriously going to come out and call someone out for hyperbole given the bullshit you spew?
People that make comments like this about the president and hate him are free to leave the country. Need help packing?????????????

If none of you ****ers left during Obama, you just whined and cried for 8 years why would we leave? Somehow it's still you guys whining the loudest because we don't love Donald.

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