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Trump's Approval Rate Under Forty Percent (1 Viewer)


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Jan 5, 2016
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Richmond, VA
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Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

The President's televised effort to put blame for the shutdown on Democrats isn't working, according to a bevy of polls. Fivethirtyeight.com averages the polls daily. This morning Trump's average approval rate is at 39.7 percent, his lowest mark in months.

And well deserved.

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Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

It's truly unnerving that a two bit huckster like Trump can get anywhere near that level of support.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

Trump proudly took the blame for the government shutting down. This long duration is on Pelosi. She doesn't care about the dreamers at all, clearly. Trump provides for them tremendously and still she won't budge. She won't even attend the meetings. She goes to Hawaii and wants to travel the world when workers aren't being paid. Why travel? So she won't have to negotiate. No, this second paycheck missed is because she refuses to negotiate.

Here's the thing, Trump is not a politician. And he will not budge on this wall. I know for a fact that he will not. He promised his voters and he knows that's their #1 desire and it's his #1 campaign promise. If he doesn't build it (he already is), he won't be re-elected. How far would you go to keep your job as POTUS?
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

It's truly unnerving that a two bit huckster like Trump can get anywhere near that level of support.

It's a cult. It's been that way for awhile. Now the cult leader is turning up the volume:


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

BUILD A WALL & CRIME WILL FALL! This is the new theme, for two years until the Wall is finished (under construction now), of the Republican Party. Use it and pray!

4:57 AM - 23 Jan 2019

Use and pray?!?
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

Trump proudly took the blame for the government shutting down. This long duration is on Pelosi. She doesn't care about the dreamers at all, clearly. Trump provides for them tremendously and still she won't budge. She won't even attend the meetings. She goes to Hawaii and wants to travel the world when workers aren't being paid. Why travel? So she won't have to negotiate. No, this second paycheck missed is because she refuses to negotiate.

Here's the thing, Trump is not a politician. And he will not budge on this wall. I know for a fact that he will not. He promised his voters and he knows that's their #1 desire and it's his #1 campaign promise. If he doesn't build it (he already is), he won't be re-elected. How far would you go to keep your job as POTUS?

Trump is not going to be re-elected no matter what happens with any wall. Right now, it looks like he will not even finish his first term.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

Trump proudly took the blame for the government shutting down. This long duration is on Pelosi. She doesn't care about the dreamers at all, clearly. Trump provides for them tremendously and still she won't budge. She won't even attend the meetings. She goes to Hawaii and wants to travel the world when workers aren't being paid. Why travel? So she won't have to negotiate. No, this second paycheck missed is because she refuses to negotiate.

Here's the thing, Trump is not a politician. And he will not budge on this wall. I know for a fact that he will not. He promised his voters and he knows that's their #1 desire and it's his #1 campaign promise. If he doesn't build it (he already is), he won't be re-elected. How far would you go to keep your job as POTUS?

Not as far as Nixon or the Orange Nightmare. ( aka Putin's puppet )
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

It's a cult. It's been that way for awhile. Now the cult leader is turning up the volume:


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

BUILD A WALL & CRIME WILL FALL! This is the new theme, for two years until the Wall is finished (under construction now), of the Republican Party. Use it and pray!

4:57 AM - 23 Jan 2019

Use and pray?!?

It definitely resembles a cult. However, cults don't often poll at 39 percent. His support among the former Republican party is stunning. They have allowed him to completely take over their party.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

Trump proudly took the blame for the government shutting down. This long duration is on Pelosi. She doesn't care about the dreamers at all, clearly. Trump provides for them tremendously and still she won't budge. She won't even attend the meetings. She goes to Hawaii and wants to travel the world when workers aren't being paid. Why travel? So she won't have to negotiate. No, this second paycheck missed is because she refuses to negotiate.

Here's the thing, Trump is not a politician. And he will not budge on this wall. I know for a fact that he will not. He promised his voters and he knows that's their #1 desire and it's his #1 campaign promise. If he doesn't build it (he already is), he won't be re-elected. How far would you go to keep your job as POTUS?

You know for a fact trump won't budge on the wall? Is that you rudy? It sounds like you.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

Trump proudly took the blame for the government shutting down. This long duration is on Pelosi. She doesn't care about the dreamers at all, clearly. Trump provides for them tremendously and still she won't budge. She won't even attend the meetings. She goes to Hawaii and wants to travel the world when workers aren't being paid. Why travel? So she won't have to negotiate. No, this second paycheck missed is because she refuses to negotiate.

Here's the thing, Trump is not a politician. And he will not budge on this wall. I know for a fact that he will not. He promised his voters and he knows that's their #1 desire and it's his #1 campaign promise. If he doesn't build it (he already is), he won't be re-elected. How far would you go to keep your job as POTUS?

His promised his voters a wall that Mexico would pay for. It isn't Pelosi's fault that Trump's drooling supporters actually believed it.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

If he builds that wall he's in for sure. I'm not sure what y'all are watching over there on CNN or which polls you're taking seriously but this country is doing GREAT right now. MAGA!!!!
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

We don't care how it gets paid for or who pays for it. We don't care AT ALL.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

Trump proudly took the blame for the government shutting down. This long duration is on Pelosi. She doesn't care about the dreamers at all, clearly. Trump provides for them tremendously and still she won't budge. She won't even attend the meetings. She goes to Hawaii and wants to travel the world when workers aren't being paid. Why travel? So she won't have to negotiate. No, this second paycheck missed is because she refuses to negotiate.

Here's the thing, Trump is not a politician. And he will not budge on this wall. I know for a fact that he will not. He promised his voters and he knows that's their #1 desire and it's his #1 campaign promise. If he doesn't build it (he already is), he won't be re-elected. How far would you go to keep your job as POTUS?

Trump took the blame for starting the shutdown, but the consequences of the shut down go to someone else.

The Buck stops over there somewhere.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

We don't care how it gets paid for or who pays for it. We don't care AT ALL.

Then open your checkbook, and get the billionaire you supported to kick in too.

I want a new Lamborghini. I don't expect you to pay for it.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

If you kept me safe from terrorists, gangs and Mexican drug cartels I'd buy you one!
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

Trump is not going to be re-elected no matter what happens with any wall. Right now, it looks like he will not even finish his first term.

If you are a betting man, I'll cover that bet.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

Trump proudly took the blame for the government shutting down. This long duration is on Pelosi. She doesn't care about the dreamers at all, clearly. Trump provides for them tremendously and still she won't budge. She won't even attend the meetings. She goes to Hawaii and wants to travel the world when workers aren't being paid. Why travel? So she won't have to negotiate. No, this second paycheck missed is because she refuses to negotiate.

Here's the thing, Trump is not a politician. And he will not budge on this wall. I know for a fact that he will not. He promised his voters and he knows that's their #1 desire and it's his #1 campaign promise. If he doesn't build it (he already is), he won't be re-elected. How far would you go to keep your job as POTUS?

:lamo Welcome to DP. You're gonna be fun.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

If you kept me safe from terrorists, gangs and Mexican drug cartels I'd buy you one!

Does your daily life in FL carry a fear of terrorists, gangs and Mexican drug cartels who cross the border with Mexico?
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

If you are a betting man, I'll cover that bet.

Every time I try to bet somebody here, I get a warning telling me to knock it off.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

The President's televised effort to put blame for the shutdown on Democrats isn't working, according to a bevy of polls. Fivethirtyeight.com averages the polls daily. This morning Trump's average approval rate is at 39.7 percent, his lowest mark in months.

And well deserved.


Oh no! Trump's approval rating among transvestites, illegal aliens, thieves, liars, crooks, cheats, drunks, drug abusers, deadbeats, sex perverts and the like has dropped? What the hell could be causing that?
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

Oh no! Trump's approval rating among transvestites, illegal aliens, thieves, liars, crooks, cheats, drunks, drug abusers, deadbeats, sex perverts and the like has dropped? What the hell could be causing that?
Lol. The lengths people have to go to continue the illusion Trump is succeeding.
Re: Trump's Approval Rate Falls Under Forty Percent

Lol. The lengths people have to go to continue the illusion Trump is succeeding.

It’s remarkable how swiftly conservatives eat their own. McCain and Romney became RINOs instantly upon losing.

Now, a guy who supported Trump as recently as last week but who doesn’t support him anymore is an illegal alien, a cheat, a transvestite, etc. because of it.

Winning by burning bridges. Don’t tell them it’s an odd strategy. It’s the only one they’ve got.

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