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Trump's appeal to the cognitively challenged. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2020
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Slightly Liberal
Are trump supporters less intelligent than Republicans from 2014? According to a 2018 study by Tel Aviv University, on average, they are. Their results showed that the 2016 election had less to do with party affiliation, income or education, and more to do with cognitive ability. "After taking into account participants' party affiliation, the researchers found intellectual ability was a strong predictor of attitudes toward the two major candidates in 2016. Specifically, they found "clear negative relationships of verbal ability and education with attitude toward Trump.". This coincides with what many liberals here on this board have suspected for a long time. It's nor Republicans that are "intellectually challenged".... Specifically, it's trump supporters.

it's obvious, many are complete morons. or selfish assholes that greedily would support Trump because he will give them tax breaks and he is so corruptible. Or just shitty, racist people
and the ex-president is a good con man.
it's obvious, many are complete morons. or selfish assholes that greedily would support Trump because he will give them tax breaks and he is so corruptible. Or just shitty, racist people
Trump supporters have always reminded me of some of my distant relatives from back in the day. They always reduced everything into crass, disconnected verbage. If they made Spaghetti and it didn't come out right it was the fault of those "God d**n Italians" down at the market. If their car broke down it was the fault of that "Ki*e" they bought it from. Nothing was ever their fault. If they were still alive today, I'm absolutely positive they'd all have t-shirts of Rambo with Donald's face superimposed on it.
Are trump supporters less intelligent than Republicans from 2014? According to a 2018 study by Tel Aviv University, on average, they are. Their results showed that the 2016 election had less to do with party affiliation, income or education, and more to do with cognitive ability. "After taking into account participants' party affiliation, the researchers found intellectual ability was a strong predictor of attitudes toward the two major candidates in 2016. Specifically, they found "clear negative relationships of verbal ability and education with attitude toward Trump.". This coincides with what many liberals here on this board have suspected for a long time. It's nor Republicans that are "intellectually challenged".... Specifically, it's trump supporters.

This is nice to see, but really, anyone of common sense knew this by 2016. I sincerely doubt that all the evidence on the Earth will make a Trumper see the light.
This is nice to see, but really, anyone of common sense knew this by 2016. I sincerely doubt that all the evidence on the Earth will make a Trumper see the light.
True. Just as we can't expect a dog to write a theses.
he conned enough rubes to be elected to the most power job in the world once.

Only because the demorats decided to run Hillary in 2016. In the 2020 election, Trump fared worse than some down ballot republicants in critical (swing?) states. Trump may have kept ‘his base’, but that alone was not enough to win a national election.
Only because the demorats decided to run Hillary in 2016. In the 2020 election, Trump fared worse than some down ballot republicants in critical (swing?) states. Trump may have kept ‘his base’, but that alone was not enough to win a national election.
or because he was smart enough to repeat what works on the rubes (in this case he just repeated what Fox says daily).

he had the base at "...Mexicans..."
or because he was smart enough to repeat what works on the rubes (in this case he just repeated what Fox says daily).

he had the base at "...Mexicans..."

Yep, Trump was “smart enough” to lose (in 2020) to Joe “Where am I?” Biden. ;)

BTW, how dumb does that make Hillary?
Yep, Trump was “smart enough” to lose (in 2020) to Joe “Where am I?” Biden. ;)

BTW, how dumb does that make Hillary?
Trump totally ****ed up our response to a pandemic. That's why he lost (along with being a 15 year old lying punk of course).

All the stuff he was repeating that Fox News says everyday was still working on the rubes.
Yep, Trump was “smart enough” to lose (in 2020) to Joe “Where am I?” Biden. ;)

BTW, how dumb does that make Hillary?
Ahh.... How surprising. A trump supporter responds to a post about Trump's appeal to the cognitively challenged with "how dumb does that make Hillary". Truly, Donald's minions have mastered the dimwitted art of the whataboutism.
Yep, Trump was “smart enough” to lose (in 2020) to Joe “Where am I?” Biden. ;)

BTW, how dumb does that make Hillary?

Hillary came up against a decade-long torrent of hate from being Bill's wife, intelligent, and female. Look how the cackle meme has shifted to the VP.
Hillary came up against a decade-long torrent of hate from being Bill's wife, intelligent, and female. Look how the cackle meme has shifted to the VP.
Racism and sexism often walk hand in hand.
The more the left suffers from Biden buyers remorse the more these TDS threads become outrageous and ridiculous. 🤣😂
Hillary came up against a decade-long torrent of hate from being Bill's wife, intelligent, and female. Look how the cackle meme has shifted to the VP.

Comparing Hillary Clinton to Kamala Harris is ridiculous - Hillary at least appealed to demorats, winning the DNC POTUS nomination, while Harris truly sucked.

IMHO, Trump the unknown was deemed (potentially) much better than Trump the known.
Are trump supporters less intelligent than Republicans from 2014? According to a 2018 study by Tel Aviv University, on average, they are. Their results showed that the 2016 election had less to do with party affiliation, income or education, and more to do with cognitive ability. "After taking into account participants' party affiliation, the researchers found intellectual ability was a strong predictor of attitudes toward the two major candidates in 2016. Specifically, they found "clear negative relationships of verbal ability and education with attitude toward Trump.". This coincides with what many liberals here on this board have suspected for a long time. It's nor Republicans that are "intellectually challenged".... Specifically, it's trump supporters.


1st link to psmag.com is from 2018 and links to a paywalled study.

The OP didn't even read their the last link to national review that they posted themselves which reads:

But we who write about IQ usually understand that it’s a fraught topic and should be handled with care, lest it devolve into simply calling people stupid, and I’m afraid a headline-writer over at Pacific Standard succumbed to that temptation in titling an article “Trump’s appeal to the cognitively challenged.”
The underlying academic study actually has some interesting stuff in it, though it’s limited in various ways. (E.g., it relies on a vocabulary test as a proxy for IQ.) One detail the Pacific Standard didn’t bother to note, for example, is that there was a far stronger link between low cognitive ability and support for Obama in 2012 (.166) than there was between low cognitive ability and support for Trump in 2016 (.08).

The headline results — in which low cognitive ability is a particularly powerful predictor of Trump support — don’t pop out until the researchers include a bunch of statistical controls. They control for race, for example, which affects the findings because “Black Americans, who tend to score lower on cognitive tests than White Americans, mostly vote Democrat.”

Is your smugness giving way to discomfort yet? This is why one should never gloat about the results of IQ tests. Ever.
And as Derek Cohen pointed out to me on Twitter, this chart speaks volumes about the appeal of Trump:

But go ahead, call Trump supporters “cognitively challenged” and see where that gets you.

In case you missed it...
"there was a far stronger link between low cognitive ability and support for Obama in 2012 (.166) than there was between low cognitive ability and support for Trump in 2016 (.08)."

Are trump supporters less intelligent than Republicans from 2014? According to a 2018 study by Tel Aviv University, on average, they are. Their results showed that the 2016 election had less to do with party affiliation, income or education, and more to do with cognitive ability. "After taking into account participants' party affiliation, the researchers found intellectual ability was a strong predictor of attitudes toward the two major candidates in 2016. Specifically, they found "clear negative relationships of verbal ability and education with attitude toward Trump.". This coincides with what many liberals here on this board have suspected for a long time. It's nor Republicans that are "intellectually challenged".... Specifically, it's trump supporters.

Sounds about right.
Only because the demorats decided to run Hillary in 2016. In the 2020 election, Trump fared worse than some down ballot republicants in critical (swing?) states. Trump may have kept ‘his base’, but that alone was not enough to win a national election.

In 2020, we ran the most boring candidate since John Kerry--and won.

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