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Trump's AG pick says Sessions did 'right thing recusing himself' from Russia probe (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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President Trump's pick to serve as his next top cop said Tuesday that former Attorney General Jeff Sessions made the right decision when he recused himself from overseeing the Russia probe.

When asked by Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) whether he agreed with Sessions's choice, William Barr said he believes so.
If he is confirmed, let's hope he recuses himself. He has expressed some strong anti-Mueller opinions.

President Trump's pick to serve as his next top cop said Tuesday that former Attorney General Jeff Sessions made the right decision when he recused himself from overseeing the Russia probe.

When asked by Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) whether he agreed with Sessions's choice, William Barr said he believes so.
If he is confirmed, let's hope he recuses himself. He has expressed some strong anti-Mueller opinions.

I think Barr is blowing smoke up those Senator's ass.

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he and Graham already set things up. What questions Graham will ask him...what answers he'll give.

But JacksinPA, you are dreaming if you think or hope Barr will recuse himself.
This is the first confirmation hearing I've seen during this administration in which the appointee was razor sharp and non-evasive.
I think Barr is blowing smoke up those Senator's ass.

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if he and Graham already set things up. What questions Graham will ask him...what answers he'll give.

But JacksinPA, you are dreaming if you think or hope Barr will recuse himself.

What if Barr told Trump exactly what he wanted to hear in order to be appointed?

Just a thought.
What if Barr told Trump exactly what he wanted to hear in order to be appointed?

Just a thought.

Then his prospects of lengthy employment by Trump are nil.

Trump doesn't suffer people working for him who are actually working against him. He may not fire them immediately, but he will fire them.
Then his prospects of lengthy employment by Trump are nil.

Trump doesn't suffer people working for him who are actually working against him. He may not fire them immediately, but he will fire them.

Yes, and Trump will continue to raise the specter of his guilt above and beyond what it already is. Not for his most loyal base, like yourself, of course, but they don't count.

President Trump's pick to serve as his next top cop said Tuesday that former Attorney General Jeff Sessions made the right decision when he recused himself from overseeing the Russia probe.

When asked by Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) whether he agreed with Sessions's choice, William Barr said he believes so.
If he is confirmed, let's hope he recuses himself. He has expressed some strong anti-Mueller opinions.

What "anti-Mueller" comments has he made?

Note again, that having an opinion on an investigation is not a reason for recusal in itself. In fact, it would be irresponsible to consider an AG candidate that isn't informed on the issue. Recusal is a question of conflict of interest.
Yes, and Trump will continue to raise the specter of his guilt above and beyond what it already is. Not for his most loyal base, like yourself, of course, but they don't count.

Oh...for sure. The Trump haters will concoct some "guilt" over it. Heck, that's what they do with anything Trump related.

Big deal.
What if Barr told Trump exactly what he wanted to hear in order to be appointed?

Just a thought.

And you know what? That suspiciously appears to be exactly what he may have essentially done. That unsolicited op-ed/memo of his may have been more of an application for the job than it was a well couched legal analysis or opinion as it had expressed some points of view on the Mueller investigation that would be almost sure to curry favor with some very notable people in the White House.
Nobody knows how this will turn out, but I've had a hunch for several weeks that Barr saw the rapidly deteriorating wall between President Trump and the DOJ, and thought, "I've got to do something." So he sends a memo to the White House, unasked, which outlines an Executive philosophy that would connect with every endorphin receptor cell in Trump's brain. Trump has already burned through every credit he has in firing Sessions and replacing him with a toady, and suspects that being fired himself would cross a red line. Once in the DOJ, Barr protects the Special Counsel investigation, giving it all the leeway that Rosenstein has.

Or I'm wrong and we're all completely ****ed.
Oh...for sure. The Trump haters will concoct some "guilt" over it. Heck, that's what they do with anything Trump related.

Big deal.

Your own view is not what's important.

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