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Trump wants to be on Mt Rushmore (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
May 22, 2020
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I am sure you all know that Trump has asked if he could be considered to have his likeness on Mt Rushmore. But it seems he already is there:

download - Copy.jpg
Biden has been threatened by Black leaders to make Rushmore more "inclusive". So if you don't like Rushmore the way it is, then vote for sleepy Joe Biden.

Biden has been threatened by Black leaders to make Rushmore more "inclusive". So if you don't like Rushmore the way it is, then vote for sleepy Joe Biden.


Yes, we all know including black and brown people terrifies the insecure white wingers. :yes:
Biden has been threatened by Black leaders to make Rushmore more "inclusive". So if you don't like Rushmore the way it is, then vote for sleepy Joe Biden.


Awww, is you ascairt of the brown folk....? :lamo
Yes, we all know including black and brown people terrifies the insecure white wingers. :yes:

Black and brown people are more afraid of each other than white people, I wonder why that is?



Trump doesn't even belong on a Happy Meal Box as a clown. he will scare the kids and gross them out. He can be on the diet kids meal box.
Black and brown people are more afraid of each other than white people, I wonder why that is?

I think the only thing people are afraid of these days is stubbing their toes on the way to burning down your white wing culture. :lol:
I think the only thing people are afraid of these days is stubbing their toes on the way to burning down your white wing culture. :lol:

If it wasn't for my culture a lot of people would still be living in huts made out of animals skins and following nomadic herds around here on this continent.

Why all the anger? Jealousy, or something else?

If it wasn't for my culture a lot of people would still be living in huts made out of animals skins and following nomadic herds around here on this continent.

Why all the anger? Jealousy, or something else?


That isn't your culture. Yours is one of out door porch toilets and you know you're a redneck jokes...

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