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Trump "Wall", bait and switch, the art of the deal with Mexico (1 Viewer)

Sand Castle

DP Veteran
Jan 8, 2019
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Slightly Liberal
The voters of the U.S. over and over heard Trump rant about Mexico paying for his campaign promise, the Wall. Trump became president with his party in control of all branches of government.
where was all the deal making with Mexico? Simply, why isn't Mexico paying?

Campaign: Bait- Red meat to Trump's base and undecided voters "Mexico will pay"
Now: Switch: U.S. tax payer will pay

Being President involves high level thinking and strategy, by applying small time tactics like bait and switch has only lead us to this disastrous Trump shutdown.
This thing is, if none of them ever thought Mexico was going to pay (they did), why should they believe there would ever be a wall? If one part was a lie, why not both parts? At this point, we've seen Trump is very loose with the truth when he thinks the lie will be to his benefit. "Build a wall" gets people interest (first lie), then he has to find something that will make the sale: Mexico will pay for it.

Look, the guy has been running scams for all of his life. The only lasting business he has is his name. His name is what props up the rest of his empire. His presidency has probably boosted some income at his properties (Mar-a-Lago for sure).

He sold people on a wall. He had no idea about how the wall would work, where it would be (he probably envisioned the whole border as a straight line because he probably hasn't seen a map in 30 years), and how much it would cost. Over 3 years, and I have not seen a solid proposal on this "wall". So **** this wall.
The voters of the U.S. over and over heard Trump rant about Mexico paying for his campaign promise, the Wall. Trump became president with his party in control of all branches of government.
where was all the deal making with Mexico? Simply, why isn't Mexico paying?

Campaign: Bait- Red meat to Trump's base and undecided voters "Mexico will pay"
Now: Switch: U.S. tax payer will pay

Being President involves high level thinking and strategy, by applying small time tactics like bait and switch has only lead us to this disastrous Trump shutdown.

Trump never said he was going to make a deal with Mexico.

If you think he did say that, then you are a victim...probably a voluntary victim...of the spinning nonsense pushed by the mainstream media and their echo chamber.

Sorry to tell you this, but until you get educated to reality, talking to you is like talking to a person in his own private la-la-land.

Moving on...
This is interesting for sure. But you can be sure Trump won't budge. He knows he won't be re-elected. Everything depends on this wall for him and he already promised it "one way or another."
The voters of the U.S. over and over heard Trump rant about Mexico paying for his campaign promise, the Wall. Trump became president with his party in control of all branches of government.
where was all the deal making with Mexico? Simply, why isn't Mexico paying?

Campaign: Bait- Red meat to Trump's base and undecided voters "Mexico will pay"
Now: Switch: U.S. tax payer will pay

Being President involves high level thinking and strategy, by applying small time tactics like bait and switch has only lead us to this disastrous Trump shutdown.

Those MAGA hats, once one puts one on, the band gets tighter and tighter until the blood stops flowing. Then anything Trump says, they believe.
This thing is, if none of them ever thought Mexico was going to pay (they did), why should they believe there would ever be a wall? If one part was a lie, why not both parts? At this point, we've seen Trump is very loose with the truth when he thinks the lie will be to his benefit. "Build a wall" gets people interest (first lie), then he has to find something that will make the sale: Mexico will pay for it.

Look, the guy has been running scams for all of his life. The only lasting business he has is his name. His name is what props up the rest of his empire. His presidency has probably boosted some income at his properties (Mar-a-Lago for sure).

He sold people on a wall. He had no idea about how the wall would work, where it would be (he probably envisioned the whole border as a straight line because he probably hasn't seen a map in 30 years), and how much it would cost. Over 3 years, and I have not seen a solid proposal on this "wall". So **** this wall.

Clarify. Campaign promise-Sold people on a Wall that Mexico would pay for. Honor the promise instead of holding Fed employees hostage, or admit the LIE. It's better than GWBush and the lies that led to torture, chaos, death and destruction at a wholesale level. Republicans have a knack for it and the people that get sucked in have a hard time getting out.
Trump never said he was going to make a deal with Mexico.

If you think he did say that, then you are a victim...probably a voluntary victim...of the spinning nonsense pushed by the mainstream media and their echo chamber.

Sorry to tell you this, but until you get educated to reality, talking to you is like talking to a person in his own private la-la-land.

Moving on...

Semantics, nice try, there is reality, and then there is cherry picking of wording in posts inorder to criticize for Trump's benefit. Maybe I should have said bait: Mexico will pay. switch- working class taxes and shutdown out of work people that are suffering will pay. But instead of forcing Mexico to pay where was the art of the deal?
I believe you are more of a volunteerary victim of trying to cover up for Trump. So please educate yourself on reality and stop ignoring the overall lies and deception of Trump. Followed by your writings all over this forum of deflection and critiquing other members based on no sense of reality. You appear to be a true Trumpian, turning a blind eye to what's really happening, and just attack the messenger. So until you want to actually debate the Trump Mexico wall and stop with Fox and friends echoing, Then please stop joining me in La La land and continue drinking the coolade.
This thing is, if none of them ever thought Mexico was going to pay (they did), why should they believe there would ever be a wall? If one part was a lie, why not both parts? At this point, we've seen Trump is very loose with the truth when he thinks the lie will be to his benefit. "Build a wall" gets people interest (first lie), then he has to find something that will make the sale: Mexico will pay for it.

Look, the guy has been running scams for all of his life. The only lasting business he has is his name. His name is what props up the rest of his empire. His presidency has probably boosted some income at his properties (Mar-a-Lago for sure).

He sold people on a wall. He had no idea about how the wall would work, where it would be (he probably envisioned the whole border as a straight line because he probably hasn't seen a map in 30 years), and how much it would cost. Over 3 years, and I have not seen a solid proposal on this "wall". So **** this wall.

So true. They try to defend what he said with their interpretation of what he meant, like we didn't see him on tv saying it. The base has become just like their leader, make the 'facts' fit their story. They will never say they were scammed.

~snipped the personal attack nonsense~


Words matter. Mischaracterizing words is dishonest.

Please...show me where Trump has said he wants to "make a deal" with Mexico to pay for the wall.

I'll wait...but I won't hold my breath.

But, you know, I should be fair. If you are unable to show me a quote of Trump saying he wants to make a deal with Mexico, let me know. At that time, I'll show you a quote from Trump where he says exactly how he wants to "force" Mexico to pay for the wall.
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Words matter. Mischaracterizing words is dishonest.

Please...show me where Trump has said he wants to "make a deal" with Mexico to pay for the wall.

I'll wait...but I won't hold my breath.

But, you know, I should be fair. If you are unable to show me a quote of Trump saying he wants to make a deal with Mexico, let me know. At that time, I'll show you a quote from Trump where he says exactly how he wants to "force" Mexico to pay for the wall.

Mexico won't be forced into anything...They have told trump to shove that wall up his ass
Mexico won't be forced into anything...They have told trump to shove that wall up his ass


Why are you telling me this? It has nothing to do with anything I've said.

Trump never said he was going to make a deal with Mexico.

If you think he did say that, then you are a victim...probably a voluntary victim...of the spinning nonsense pushed by the mainstream media and their echo chamber.

Sorry to tell you this, but until you get educated to reality, talking to you is like talking to a person in his own private la-la-land.

Moving on...

You are right, he never said he would make a deal with Mexico, he said there would be a wall paid for by Mexico. He never once said if Mexico would not pay for the wall I am going to make the American tax payer fund it, did he? Now, Trumpsters are saying things like Trump will use the tariffs to make Mexico pay for the wall, or that the trade deal he makes will pay for it. Those are the people who are living in LaLa land. All the rest of us knew Mexico would never pay for the wall, but we never knew what a psychopath our president was in that he would hurt millions of Americans without feeling any sorrow for their plight to try and force the congress to pay for a wall that most Americans do not want built.

Words matter. Mischaracterizing words is dishonest.

Please...show me where Trump has said he wants to "make a deal" with Mexico to pay for the wall.

I'll wait...but I won't hold my breath.

But, you know, I should be fair. If you are unable to show me a quote of Trump saying he wants to make a deal with Mexico, let me know. At that time, I'll show you a quote from Trump where he says exactly how he wants to "force" Mexico to pay for the wall.
Although true he never said he would make a deal, I got my point across and you kindly admitted:
Bait: Mexico will pay for Wall lies for votes.
Switch: Trump never forced Mexico to pay
Stick it to us: Tax payers pay
Although true he never said he would make a deal, I got my point across and you kindly admitted:
Bait: Mexico will pay for Wall lies for votes.
Switch: Trump never forced Mexico to pay
Stick it to us: Tax payers pay

Do you know how Trump was going to force Mexico to pay? Without being aware of that, it's very easy to say "Trump never forced Mexico to pay". Without being aware of that, it is dishonest to place the blame on Trump.

Perhaps you think Trump should be a king so you can hold him solely responsible for not coming through with his promises?

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