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Trump vows 'very long' government shutdown over border wall (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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US President Donald Trump has threatened a "very long" government shutdown if Democrats do not fund his long-promised border wall.

In a series of tweets, Mr Trump demanded $5.7bn (£4.5bn), which was passed by the House of Representatives, but is expected to fail in the Senate.
He had Tweeted that the shutdown would start today. I would not call his actions 'leadership.'

US President Donald Trump has threatened a "very long" government shutdown if Democrats do not fund his long-promised border wall.

In a series of tweets, Mr Trump demanded $5.7bn (£4.5bn), which was passed by the House of Representatives, but is expected to fail in the Senate.
He had Tweeted that the shutdown would start today. I would not call his actions 'leadership.'

The longer the better.
"I am proud to shut down the government for border security... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down."
-Donald Trump to Chuck Schumer.

Be prepared to spam this in every thread and on every page, because Republicans are going to try like holy hell to pin this on Democrats. Don't let them.
"I am proud to shut down the government for border security... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down."
-Donald Trump to Chuck Schumer.

Be prepared to spam this in every thread and on every page, because Republicans are going to try like holy hell to pin this on Democrats. Don't let them.

No bias there.

The Left want open borders and aren't interested in protecting America...only getting new voters.
Well, people that voted for the unqualified lowlife wanted chaos and disruption in Washington... So, why not...

US President Donald Trump has threatened a "very long" government shutdown if Democrats do not fund his long-promised border wall.

In a series of tweets, Mr Trump demanded $5.7bn (£4.5bn), which was passed by the House of Representatives, but is expected to fail in the Senate.
He had Tweeted that the shutdown would start today. I would not call his actions 'leadership.'

The Democrats are forcing the shutdown.
Nine of them need to vote to avoid the shutdown.
See how simple life can be....

Merry Christmas!
The Democrats are forcing the shutdown.
Nine of them need to vote to avoid the shutdown.
See how simple life can be....

Merry Christmas!

Trump is forcing the shutdown (and proud of it).
Only one of him needs to sign the bill to avert it.
See how simple life can be....

Merry Christmas!
No bias there.
The Left want open borders and aren't interested in protecting America...only getting new voters.

Quote some Democratic politicians that have stated they want completely open borders. You exaggerate the mainstream Democrat position because it's easier for you to argue in binary extremes.

Don promised we would never pay for that wall, and we're holding him to that promise. Get your hands out of America's pockets, conservatives.
The Democrats are forcing the shutdown.
Nine of them need to vote to avoid the shutdown.
See how simple life can be....

Merry Christmas!
"I am proud to shut down the government for border security... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down."
-Donald Trump to Chuck Schumer.
No bias there.

The Left want open borders and aren't interested in protecting America...only getting new voters.

"I am proud to shut down the government for border security... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down."
-Donald Trump to Chuck Schumer.

Res ipsa loquitur.
I dont approve of shut downs but Trump was completely reasonable here, Congress decided that the President of the United States can be ignored.

It's time for a tune-up.
Hmmm, should I take a liar's word? For all we know "very long" in Trump talk is actually stubby mushroom size to everyone else.
"I am proud to shut down the government for border security... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down."
-Donald Trump to Chuck Schumer.

Be prepared to spam this in every thread and on every page, because Republicans are going to try like holy hell to pin this on Democrats. Don't let them.

Watch: it will become all Hillary's fault.
Trump is forcing the shutdown (and proud of it).
Only one of him needs to sign the bill to avert it.
See how simple life can be....

Merry Christmas!

Continuing resolutions are a failure residing with Congress. A budget is one of their core responsibilities, and the political football game that ensues with the failure of Congress to fulfill their responsibilities can hardly be blamed on the Executive branch.
Continuing resolutions are a failure residing with Congress. A budget is one of their core responsibilities, and the political football game that ensues with the failure of Congress to fulfill their responsibilities can hardly be blamed on the Executive branch.

You do realize that Trump is opposed to it only because he wants to spend MORE money on his wall, right? His opposition has nothing to do with what you wrote.
Continuing resolutions are a failure residing with Congress. A budget is one of their core responsibilities, and the political football game that ensues with the failure of Congress to fulfill their responsibilities can hardly be blamed on the Executive branch.

"I am proud to shut down the government for border security... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down."
-Donald Trump to Chuck Schumer
"I am proud to shut down the government for border security... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down."
-Donald Trump to Chuck Schumer.

Be prepared to spam this in every thread and on every page, because Republicans are going to try like holy hell to pin this on Democrats. Don't let them.

Yep. Here's what that pathetic whore tweeted: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1076132028888825857

The problem is that there are receipts, so to speak, and he'll never get out from under that. https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/1076135495938265088

He owns this mess, lock, stock and double-rainbow retard barrel.
No bias there.

The Left want open borders and aren't interested in protecting America...only getting new voters.

No, 'the left' doesn't want open borders. Why lie about that so brazenly?

Tell me, what does the bible say about lies?
Continuing resolutions are a failure residing with Congress. A budget is one of their core responsibilities, and the political football game that ensues with the failure of Congress to fulfill their responsibilities can hardly be blamed on the Executive branch.
We are on our second decade of Congress not being able to get budgets done right? No wonder the American people have such a low opinion of them, that is not even trying.
You do realize that Trump is opposed to it only because he wants to spend MORE money on his wall, right? His opposition has nothing to do with what you wrote.

The point was and is that if Congress fulfilled it's budgetary responsibilities, this event would not occur. Trump won his election, and he's fully within his right to express his objection to the level of funding for the wall, whether you agree with it or not. That portions of the government will shut down is the fault of Congress, not Trump. They're the ones who can't pass a budget.
"I am proud to shut down the government for border security... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down."
-Donald Trump to Chuck Schumer

Chuck should be taking advantage of the situation differently.
He says the House bill will not be passed by the Senate.
He should tell his guys & gals to vote for cloture.
That would force the Republicans to go on record with a vote for against the $5B.
I would have thought he'd love to see who went for it.
I know I would.
But that's assuming he's right about the unpopularity of the Wall.
Pelosi was wrong about the House.
Ya think maybe Chuck is wrong about the Senate?
Why not get everyone on record.
Serious question.
Can the House Bill be held in the Senate until 2019 when the House and Senate will look different?
No bias there.

The Left want open borders and aren't interested in protecting America...only getting new voters.

Someone else has already asked, but I, too, am curious about any Democratic politicians who have called for open borders. I'm pretty liberal, but completely open borders doesn't accord with my views.
"I am proud to shut down the government for border security... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down."
-Donald Trump to Chuck Schumer.

That can easily be avoided if nine Democrats stop obstructing congress. Don't pretend that the Senate Democrats are not complicit.
You're welcome.

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