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Trump turns obama into stuttering mess (1 Viewer)

MUST SEE VIDEO=> Wow! Obama Tries to Trash Donald Trump and Turns into a Stuttering Mess

MUST SEE VIDEO=> Wow! Obama Tries to Trash Donald Trump and Turns into a Stuttering Mess

What is a problem for him is, of course, that "the progress we have made" is not really very convincing considering that it has taken 50 years. One could almost say that we took a wrong turn back in the 60s and should not be thinking about "building on the success" as much as how to undo the damage.
more anti american types and hate. Obama did fine.

no hate or anti-American.

he is one of the worst speakers without a teleprompter.

even the media called him the teleprompter president. I guess they are hateful and anti-American as well.
I don't think you know what the terms mean so you should really probably watch who you try
to insult with those.
no hate or anti-American.

he is one of the worst speakers without a teleprompter.

even the media called him the teleprompter president. I guess they are hateful and anti-American as well.
I don't think you know what the terms mean so you should really probably watch who you try
to insult with those.

nope, more pretend stuff.
without a teleprompter telling him what to say he has always been a stuttering mess since he became president.

Untrue, and a hackneyed bad rap - the Obama teleprompter dependence.
Trump is pathetic whining loser.
He has no class and cant make a speech without resorting to crude insults.
Comparing Obama to Trump is lioek comparing peanut butter to marmite. You may not enjoy peanut butter but like Trump, marmite is just offensive.
Untrue, and a hackneyed bad rap - the Obama teleprompter dependence.

again the media has called him out on it numerous times.
and yes he is dependent on a teleprompter.
Actually it was the other way around. Obama looked Presidential. Trump looked like a petty, obnoxious whiny idiot.

He looked like someone who couldn't believe someone could disagree with him since he is so much smarter than anyone else.
there is no argument just your ridiculous sarcasm

nope no sarcasm at all. the media labeled him the teleprompter president, because
any thing outside of that he stumbles all over himself with enough umm's and ahhh's to drive
an insane person crazy.
nope no sarcasm at all. the media labeled him the teleprompter president, because
any thing outside of that he stumbles all over himself with enough umm's and ahhh's to drive
an insane person crazy.

more made up stuff
more anti american types and hate. Obama did fine.

Did you watch the vid clip at the OP's link? If not, you need spend only 12 seconds.
again the media has called him out on it numerous times.
and yes he is dependent on a teleprompter.

The obsessive right wing media.

You haven't watched his press conferences or other impromptu remarks. Trump by contrast is a babbling nitwit.
Obama had a town hall type thing last night on PBS and he had his share of umm's and ahh's but he was engaging and came across as quite presidential.
He looked like someone who couldn't believe someone could disagree with him since he is so much smarter than anyone else.

This appears to be have been Obama's problem all along.
I guess he never learned that people don't like other people telling them what they believe and what they'll do direct to their faces.
Yeah, unbounded arrogance. Pretty much poisoned any chances of a good relationship with opposing party in congress, much to Obama's loss.
more anti american types and hate. Obama did fine.

It's interesting that you equate opposition to your president with opposition to this country. That shows the same kind of undemocratic, totalitarian sentiment Emperor Obama himself so often has shown.
It's interesting that you equate opposition to your president with opposition to this country. That shows the same kind of undemocratic, totalitarian sentiment Emperor Obama himself so often has shown.

play all the idaho bunker games you wish, obama did fine.
no hate or anti-American.

he is one of the worst speakers without a teleprompter.

even the media called him the teleprompter president. I guess they are hateful and anti-American as well.
I don't think you know what the terms mean so you should really probably watch who you try
to insult with those.

I can't believe you guys are dusting off that old "teleprompter" bullcrap from years ago. I recall in 2008 you guys were all pissy saying he was a really good speaker but good speeches don't necessarily make a good president. Then it flipped to "he can't speak without a teleprompter" crap.

You guys with your tired, burned out flip-flopping phony attacks. Too funny.
Trump without a teleprompter...

"I don't repeat myself. I don't repeat myself. Repeating myself is something I don't do. I just don't repeat myself."
play all the idaho bunker games you wish, obama did fine.

I've been to Idaho twice, and it's a beautiful state. I don't recall seeing any bunkers there, or hearing about anyone playing games in them.

I could not care less what Comrade Obama has lied about lately, because he is on his way out. Some other damned liar will have to complete the destruction of this once-great country that he has thus far so ignobly advanced.

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