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Trump trying to get impeached again (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2018
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When Donald Trump recently made his ill-advised trip to visit the troops in Iraq, at least one soldier handed him a red MAGA hat and asked him to autograph it. Trump autographed it. CNN has pointed out the illegality of the situation and at least one soldier may be in serious trouble.


Additionally, it took him 2 years to visit Iraq. It didn't take Bush Jr. or Obama that long.
When Donald Trump recently made his ill-advised trip to visit the troops in Iraq, at least one soldier handed him a red MAGA hat and asked him to autograph it. Trump autographed it. CNN has pointed out the illegality of the situation and at least one soldier may be in serious trouble.


Additionally, it took him 2 years to visit Iraq. It didn't take Bush Jr. or Obama that long.

Trump is an embarrassment and a coward.

My guess is he had to be heavily sedated to get anywhere near a combat zone...
How is signing a hat going to impeach Trump
When Donald Trump recently made his ill-advised trip to visit the troops in Iraq, at least one soldier handed him a red MAGA hat and asked him to autograph it. Trump autographed it. CNN has pointed out the illegality of the situation and at least one soldier may be in serious trouble.


Additionally, it took him 2 years to visit Iraq. It didn't take Bush Jr. or Obama that long.

I think his idiotic rambling for 90 minutes today at the gathering in the conference room in the White House is more reason to impeach him for being incapable of being president because he's clearly an out-of-his mind, completely inept, lunatic. His “history” lesson on the Soviet Union which he gave his own version of why the USSR collapsed was stunning. And to be clear, it is his own version.

“Russia used to be the Soviet Union. Afghanistan made it Russia, because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan. Russia. … The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia. They were right to be there. The problem is, it was a tough fight. And literally they went bankrupt; they went into being called Russia again, as opposed to the Soviet Union. You know, a lot of these places you’re reading about now are no longer part of Russia, because of Afghanistan.” History... according to Trump.

And he said all of that with a straight face, looking around the room as though he was teaching THESE MEN a history lesson. I was embarrassed for him.

Having the attention of everyone in the room along with the television cameras there was like his drug. All those moments in which he can be the center of it and can run the fantasy in his mind of being the smartest most respected, etc. These meetings the rallies the interviews....for that moment, it's real for him even if he knows it's all BS.
When Donald Trump recently made his ill-advised trip to visit the troops in Iraq, at least one soldier handed him a red MAGA hat and asked him to autograph it. Trump autographed it. CNN has pointed out the illegality of the situation and at least one soldier may be in serious trouble.


Additionally, it took him 2 years to visit Iraq. It didn't take Bush Jr. or Obama that long.

You really should learn not to give credence to anything CNN says. It almost always turns out to be wrong.

"There is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items to be signed by the president," USAFE said. "Any time the commander in chief offers the opportunity to meet with Airmen, such as this official holiday visit by the President and First Lady, Airmen are welcome to participate. No policy violations have been brought to our attention at this time."


So, I'm not sorry to tell you that you'll have to scrounge up some other nonsense to "get Trump" with.

btw, I don't watch TV. I don't even own a TV. But it took me about 10 seconds to do a search and come up with this information. If I can do it...so can you.
You really should learn not to give credence to anything CNN says. It almost always turns out to be wrong.

So, I'm not sorry to tell you that you'll have to scrounge up some other nonsense to "get Trump" with.

btw, I don't watch TV. I don't even own a TV. But it took me about 10 seconds to do a search and come up with this information. If I can do it...so can you.

I really wish that Trump supporters would provide some sort of validation to their erroneous claims such as yours. At least site one instance if you can where CNN reported something wrong without correcting it once they found out it was. I have seen several instances where they reported something that was incorrect and they were quick to point out their mistake and apologize to their viewers for it. Unlike Fox who just outright lies constantly. But then, there are few (if any) credentialed, actual journalists on Fox. Even Hannity admitted that he's not a reporter or journalist, but he's a 'commentator', there just to comment using his own opinions, not any verifiable facts.

This is just a brief sampling of the blatant lies by Trump pundits and commentators over the years. The list is endless and not once - never - have even one of these people attempted to apologize or correct their misleading lies.

Greg Gutfeld:
Says Ted Kennedy met "with the KGB in order to beat Ronald Reagan in 1984."

Jesse Watters:
Says John Podesta’s email password was "password."

Eric Bolling:
"In countries where there are higher, more strict gun laws, there is more gun violence."

Sandra Smith:
"Almost 95 percent of all (Planned Parenthood) pregnancy services were abortions."

Sean Hannity:
In 2007, when Nancy Pelosi met with President Assad of Syria, "nobody got upset."

Stuart Varney:
"It will cost $50,000 per enrollee in Obamacare over the next 10 years."

Peter King:
"In 2011, (the Islamic State) attempted to attack Fort Knox."


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