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Trump, Trumka & Trade: Union bosses go ape**** because Trump stole their lines (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 22, 2011
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Trump’s pyromaniac approach to politics has earned him strong support from white, working-class voters and brought him to the cusp of winning the GOP nomination. It is an ascent that has shaken Republicans, who view the businessman as a fraud bound to splinter the party, and it’s leading Democrats and their allies to do what they do best: fret and panic.

Trump, the worry goes, is making precisely the right appeals at precisely the right time to fundamentally realign the Rust Belt working class electorate’s traditional political allegiances.

“In terms of his message, it is really resonating. Particularly if you are talking [about] union people, he is speaking our language,” said Josh Goldstein, deputy national media director for the AFL-CIO. “We can’t let that go unattended, because people have been doing that with Trump for a long time, and his numbers have only gone up. ... It is our job to go out and educate people now, so it doesn’t cross that threshold and become a threat.” LINK

First of all, LMFAO. Second, "a threat?" To what, specifically? To the holy alliance between Labor Bosses and the Democratic Party establishment? Or to the unions' continuing ability to dictate how their throngs of obedient members are allowed to think and vote?

Trump is parroting the exact same kind of anti-trade protectionist jabber that unions have for decades. He's referred to NAFTA as a failed policy and says he opposes and would reject Obama's TPP. Yet Richard Trumka, Supreme Leader of the American Federation of Labor Cartels, who has also long referred to NAFTA as failed policy, and opposes the TPP (Exhibit A), is in full-blown pants-pissing panic mode (Exhibit B) because Trump is stealing his lines, which is causing brainwashed union workers to auto-applaud because it's the same message that has been branded into their minds by the union's own propaganda for years (Exhibit C and Exhibit D).
First of all, LMFAO. Second, "a threat?" To what, specifically? To the holy alliance between Labor Bosses and the Democratic Party establishment? Or to the unions' continuing ability to dictate how their throngs of obedient members are allowed to think and vote?

Trump is parroting the exact same kind of anti-trade protectionist jabber that unions have for decades. He's referred to NAFTA as a failed policy and says he opposes and would reject Obama's TPP. Yet Richard Trumka, Supreme Leader of the American Federation of Labor Cartels, who has also long referred to NAFTA as failed policy, and opposes the TPP (Exhibit A), is in full-blown pants-pissing panic mode (Exhibit B) because Trump is stealing his lines, which is causing brainwashed union workers to auto-applaud because it's the same message that has been branded into their minds by the union's own propaganda for years (Exhibit C and Exhibit D).

Very cool.:cool:
Kind of odd to me that no one has any comment about the fact that 1) Trump is chanting a union chant, or 2) unions are furious that Trump has the audacity to say he agrees with them.

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I'd like to ask a few questions:

1) WTF is the labor boss of the AFL-CIO doing speaking at the Democratic National Convention.
2) Why does he claim Hillary, of all people, is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
3) "Let's change the rules!!!" W.T.F.?
4) "Let's win a pro-worker Supreme Court!!!" W.T.F.?
And Trumka 4 days ago: "On Monday, the United States withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. President Trump may have signed the TPP’s death certificate, but it was working people and our progressive allies who killed this unfair agreement."

What a P.O.S.

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