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Trump to hold campaign rally indoors despite coronavirus concerns (1 Viewer)


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Trump to hold campaign rally indoors despite coronavirus concerns | Reuters

LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will hold a campaign rally indoors on Sunday despite public health professionals’ warnings against large indoor gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump, a Republican, has faced criticism for his response to the coronavirus outbreak, which has killed more than 193,000 people in the United States. He played down the virus in its early stages and has alternately embraced and disregarded advice from public health experts, who encourage mask-wearing and maintaining social distance to prevent the virus’ spread.

The president’s campaign portrayed the rally in Henderson, Nevada, as an opportunity for his supporters to exercise their rights to peaceful assembly under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.
I don't think you can vote with a ventilator tube down your throat while you're in a coma in an ICU.
Trump to hold campaign rally indoors despite coronavirus concerns | Reuters

LAS VEGAS (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will hold a campaign rally indoors on Sunday despite public health professionals’ warnings against large indoor gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump, a Republican, has faced criticism for his response to the coronavirus outbreak, which has killed more than 193,000 people in the United States. He played down the virus in its early stages and has alternately embraced and disregarded advice from public health experts, who encourage mask-wearing and maintaining social distance to prevent the virus’ spread.

The president’s campaign portrayed the rally in Henderson, Nevada, as an opportunity for his supporters to exercise their rights to peaceful assembly under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment.
I don't think you can vote with a ventilator tube down your throat while you're in a coma in an ICU.

I don't see why not. After all, there is a case from English jurisprudence where a living fly was placed inside a dead man's mouth and his hand guided through affixing his signature to a will (so that the witnesses could truthfully testify that the will had been "signed by the testator's hand while life was within his body".

PS - They were eventually caught.
One of President Trump's points is he is the Law and Order President. My question is why is he violating Nevada's laws during the pandemic. Nevada limits gathering to 50 people or less. Is Trump saying he is the Law and Order President only when it fits his needs?
One of President Trump's points is he is the Law and Order President. My question is why is he violating Nevada's laws during the pandemic. Nevada limits gathering to 50 people or less. Is Trump saying he is the Law and Order President only when it fits his needs?

The minute that Mr. Trump issues a personal guarantee (and one that is backed by 100% of his equity in any and all holdings) that EVERYONE who attends one of his mass gatherings will receive EXACTLY the same level of personal medical care and attention that he would receive if he were to contract COVID-19 AND has deposited his undated resignation from the office of President of the United States of America with the head of the Democratic Party on the condition that it will only become operative if a single person who attends one of his mass gatherings contracts COVID-19, I will urge everyone to attend one of his mass gatherings.

PS - <SARC>You do realize that the purpose of that mass gathering is to "peacefully assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievance" don't you? That makes any so-called "law" that even purports to prohibit it illegal under the Constitution of the United States of America</SARC>.
quarantine the rallies.

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