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Trump To Appear All Four Nights Of The RNCC (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Trump’s difficulties are not caused by under-exposure!
On one hand it's good showmanship - the cult fans have come to see him. Unlike the DNC, or previous RNCs, this convention is not about the party, the platform or even directly about the election anymore: it's all about the star of the show.

On the other hand he'll drivel out four nights of good ammo for Lincoln project ads.
On one hand it's good showmanship - the cult fans have come to see him. Unlike the DNC, or previous RNCs, this convention is not about the party, the platform or even directly about the election anymore: it's all about the star of the show.

On the other hand he'll drivel out four nights of good ammo for Lincoln project ads.

I am ecstatic that he will be speaking on all four nights.. Each night is 2 hours long 9-11 ET. What are the odds Trump will go longer than scheduled?
I am ecstatic that he will be speaking on all four nights.. Each night is 2 hours long 9-11 ET. What are the odds Trump will go longer than scheduled?

He’s going to have to with all those former Republicans switching to vote Biden this election—they have no one else that wants to be tied to the Don
one actual thing that our country doesn't need of.

Donald Trump.
Gotta admire Trump's energy...O'l Dementia Joe would probably blackout on stage after the first night!
Donald Trump needs four participation awards.
Trump’s difficulties are not caused by under-exposure!

The only one left from his last campaign who hasn't been indicted. Others don't want to be near him.

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