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Trump threatened to keep the government closed for 'months or even years' (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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Trump threatened to keep the government closed for 'months or even years' in meeting with top Democrats

President Donald Trump on Friday said he told Democrats earlier in the day that he would keep the government partially closed for years, or as long as it takes to get funding for his proposed border wall.

Yep. Trumpov really loves America and our federal workers. Not. So little love. So much narcissism.

Trump also asserted that he had the authority to declare a national emergency and build the wall without congressional approval.

Umm no. You're not Czar Trump.
Trump threatened to keep the government closed for 'months or even years' in meeting with top Democrats

Yep. Trumpov really loves America and our federal workers. So little love. So much narcissism.

Umm no. You're not Czar Trump.

His Adderall-fueled and Adderall-rotted mind was just spewing regurgitated fecal matter today.

To whit: https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/1081266204323516417

Trump in conclusion: "The people that won't get next week's pay or the following week's pay, I think if you ever really looked at those people, I think they'd say, 'Mr. President, keep going, this is far more important.'"
Maybe the flaming hypocrite leftidiots should decide to choose AMERICANS over ILLEGALS?

Dems walls at million dollar homes.jpg
His Adderall-fueled and Adderall-rotted mind was just spewing regurgitated fecal matter today.

To whit: https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/1081266204323516417

Trump in conclusion: "The people that won't get next week's pay or the following week's pay, I think if you ever really looked at those people, I think they'd say, 'Mr. President, keep going, this is far more important.'"

"Children are the biggest beneficiaries of what we want to do." "Three or four women with tape on their mouths, and they're tied up..."

Do you have a Trump translator? I'm curious to know what the old fool meant by that babble.
"Children are the biggest beneficiaries of what we want to do." "Three or four women with tape on their mouths, and they're tied up..."

Do you have a Trump translator? I'm curious to know what the old fool meant by that babble.

The president who has no heart (I'll close it for years) was trying to pull on our heart strings.
Trump threatened to keep the government closed for 'months or even years' in meeting with top Democrats

Yep. Trumpov really loves America and our federal workers. Not. So little love. So much narcissism.

Umm no. You're not Czar Trump.

The longer we go with a "closed" government the more states will be encouraged to pick up any slack the voters want and our goal of a less influential, less overbearing federal government will be more and more realized. It's the kind of thing Conservatives wanted out of McCain and Romney but couldn't get because both of them were big government Republicans. It's the kind of thing a lot of us wanted out of Trump but really didn't believe he'd follow through with. Frankly, I hope he sticks to his guns.

If by 'work' you mean 'keep criminals out,' then they don't work there either. If by 'work' you mean 'provide a decorative visual indicator of property boundary so that children and folks out for a walk don't accidentally trespass' then they do work and are not needed at the border.
If by 'work' you mean 'keep criminals out,' then they don't work there either. If by 'work' you mean 'provide a decorative visual indicator of property boundary so that children and folks out for a walk don't accidentally trespass' then they do work and are not needed at the border.

By "WORK" I mean make it much harder to enter...unless it's our Southern border, where the HYPO--CRATS have declared a 30ft wall with concertina wire on top would be "ineffective"...which is OBVIOUSOY TOTAL BULL**** .

Good enough for THEIR PROTECTION, however, we see....

The longer we go with a "closed" government the more states will be encouraged to pick up any slack the voters want and our goal of a less influential, less overbearing federal government will be more and more realized. It's the kind of thing Conservatives wanted out of McCain and Romney but couldn't get because both of them were big government Republicans. It's the kind of thing a lot of us wanted out of Trump but really didn't believe he'd follow through with. Frankly, I hope he sticks to his guns.

You keep believing that. Each day Trump keeps the government closed brings Trump ever closer to being a one term president.
The longer we go with a "closed" government the more states will be encouraged to pick up any slack the voters want and our goal of a less influential, less overbearing federal government will be more and more realized. It's the kind of thing Conservatives wanted out of McCain and Romney but couldn't get because both of them were big government Republicans. It's the kind of thing a lot of us wanted out of Trump but really didn't believe he'd follow through with. Frankly, I hope he sticks to his guns.

He wants a wall. He wants us, and not Mexico, as he promised, to pay for it. Now, please do tell how the wall, paid for by taxpayers, is a sign of "small government"?
By "WORK" I mean make it much harder to enter...unless it's our Southern border, where the HYPO--CRATS have declared a 30ft wall with concertina wire on top would be "ineffective"...which is OBVIOUSOY TOTAL BULL**** .

Good enough for THEIR PROTECTION, however, we see....


It doesn't make it much harder to enter. It is trivial to horde aluminum extension ladders and carpets on the Mexican side (which already happens in areas where there is a wall.) Two men can carry two ladders and a carpet for the razor wire and put them up to get over a 30' wall in short order. And once it's erected, women and children can use it with little effort. At best it is a 10 to 15 minute slowdown for an entire caravan. This isn't worth billions of tax dollars.
The destruction caused by this shut-down is going to really ramp up now.

This is the last shut down, this time we are going to learn our lessons.
He wants a wall. He wants us, and not Mexico, as he promised, to pay for it. Now, please do tell how the wall, paid for by taxpayers, is a sign of "small government"?

He wants a secure border BEFORE working on revising the immigration system and dealing with illegals already here. It's one of the things that was SPECIFICALLY delegated to the federal government. It's one of the things the feds SHOULD be responsible for.

As far as all the other crap, it's painful to me that so called "republicans" have thus far refused to stand in front of the cameras and explain what this is really about. It's shameful that nobody stands up and says stuff like "The Democrats refusal to fund a secure border is actually HURTING illegals who are here already and those who wish to seek asylum here. Because Democrats are refusing $5B in secure border funding we can't work on fixing DACA, H1B programs or any other immigration issues. It makes no sense to sort out that stuff until and unless we have a border secure from even more people with even more problems coming in and clogging up the system. Start with enforcing border controls and then the rest of this stuff can be worked on."
Trump today is back to making sea to shining sea references with regard to his Wall though he is on to steel from Concrete.

If he wants some sort of physical barrier he is going to have to make a proposal to Congress. There is no way to negotiate with Trump. He is all over the map.

In fact he is now all over the map on everything. Lets not forget "the Russian incursion into Afghanistan is what caused the collapse of the Soviet Union" and "the Soviets invaded because of terrorists coming from Afghanistan". Trump's mind is gone or he is simply so unscrupulous and owned by Putin that he just mimics whatever the Putin line happens to be.
He wants a secure border BEFORE working on revising the immigration system and dealing with illegals already here.

Sorry, but Trump reneged on a wall/DACA deal back in Jan-Feb 2018. Fool me once and all that.
He wants a secure border BEFORE working on revising the immigration system and dealing with illegals already here. It's one of the things that was SPECIFICALLY delegated to the federal government. It's one of the things the feds SHOULD be responsible for.

As far as all the other crap, it's painful to me that so called "republicans" have thus far refused to stand in front of the cameras and explain what this is really about. It's shameful that nobody stands up and says stuff like "The Democrats refusal to fund a secure border is actually HURTING illegals who are here already and those who wish to seek asylum here. Because Democrats are refusing $5B in secure border funding we can't work on fixing DACA, H1B programs or any other immigration issues. It makes no sense to sort out that stuff until and unless we have a border secure from even more people with even more problems coming in and clogging up the system. Start with enforcing border controls and then the rest of this stuff can be worked on."

None of which have anything to do with Trump supposedly being about smaller government.
His Adderall-fueled and Adderall-rotted mind was just spewing regurgitated fecal matter today.

To whit: https://twitter.com/ddale8/status/1081266204323516417

Trump in conclusion: "The people that won't get next week's pay or the following week's pay, I think if you ever really looked at those people, I think they'd say, 'Mr. President, keep going, this is far more important.'"

I don't believe he's on adderall. Amphetamines tend to make you more focused. Well, unless you decide to eat 100 mg at a pop. Though someone like him would probably have a heart attack if they tried that...
I don't believe he's on adderall. Amphetamines tend to make you more focused. Well, unless you decide to eat 100 mg at a pop. Though someone like him would probably have a heart attack if they tried that...

Possibly for beginners but, having been around plenty of amphetamine addicts and abusers, long term habits (like his purported decades long one) are exactly the opposite.

His famous word salad babbling is indicative of that.

"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."
Sorry, but Trump reneged on a wall/DACA deal back in Jan-Feb 2018. Fool me once and all that.

Trump didn't renege. In fact, he offered even more of a benefit for DACA status residents than the Democrats asked for. The Democrats, however, refused to sign off on ending the "diversity lottery" and putting additional restrictions on the family visa program.

The January deal was a good deal for all parties concerned and involved quite a bit of "give" on the part of Trump. Democrats, however, were completely unwilling to give him that potential "win" so they pulled the plug. In February a "compromise" bill was presented that wouldn't eliminate the diversity lottery and wouldn't meaningfully cut back on family visas. Trump rejected that one because it was a half assed bill and didn't really fix anything.

It's decidedly unfair and dishonest to lay this entire thing at Trump's feet when Democrats and the McCain camp in the GOP have resisted immigration reform every step of the way. Trump was willing to give a whole lot to resolve the issue but it was Democrats and open borders Republicans that pissed away that opportunity. Face it, ****canning good legislation because it might get attributed as a success for Trump isn't a failure on Trump's part. That failure is entirely on you guys.
"I think they'd say, 'Mr. President, keep going, this is far more important.'"

I think Trump is living in a reality that simply does not exist for these workers who need to pay bills, feed their families, etc. You'd have to be a complete idiot to willingly give up your paycheck for months/years.
"Children are the biggest beneficiaries of what we want to do." "Three or four women with tape on their mouths, and they're tied up..."

Do you have a Trump translator? I'm curious to know what the old fool meant by that babble.

I usually don't watch Trump make his announcement, but I couldn't take my eyes off him during todays press conference. Watching someone come apart like that, what a spectacle.

My favorite line was, "We can get it done before we start..."
Trump didn't renege. In fact, he offered even more of a benefit for DACA status residents than the Democrats asked for. The Democrats, however, refused to sign off on ending the "diversity lottery" and putting additional restrictions on the family visa program.

The January deal was a good deal for all parties concerned and involved quite a bit of "give" on the part of Trump. Democrats, however, were completely unwilling to give him that potential "win" so they pulled the plug. In February a "compromise" bill was presented that wouldn't eliminate the diversity lottery and wouldn't meaningfully cut back on family visas. Trump rejected that one because it was a half assed bill and didn't really fix anything.

It's decidedly unfair and dishonest to lay this entire thing at Trump's feet when Democrats and the McCain camp in the GOP have resisted immigration reform every step of the way. Trump was willing to give a whole lot to resolve the issue but it was Democrats and open borders Republicans that pissed away that opportunity. Face it, ****canning good legislation because it might get attributed as a success for Trump isn't a failure on Trump's part. That failure is entirely on you guys.

Actually the Bill that included the Legal Immigration Policy changes was rejected on a bipartisan basis. That particular bill of the four offered only attracted 39 yea votes...the least number of yeas. In fact, it was the only Bill of the four that got 60 votes of any sort.....60 Nays...whoops.

The Bill that was the most straight up Wall/DACA trade got closest to passage attracting 54 yea votes, 6 short of passage. But Trump put the breaks on that and called in some favors to make sure it did not pass.

Remember, it was a majority GOP Senate. So its a little hard to claim that the Dems stopped that Bill or any of the four for that matter.
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I usually don't watch Trump make his announcement, but I couldn't take my eyes off him during todays press conference. Watching someone come apart like that, what a spectacle.

My favorite line was, "We can get it done before we start..."

Dear God, did he really say that? Geezus, just when I thought he couldn't get any worse.

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