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Trump the Next Hitler (1 Viewer)


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Jul 13, 2016
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Thirty years ago I talked to a German man who would have been a young teenager during WWII. His seven older brothers were killed fighting Hitler's war. He survived only because he was too young to be drafted. Who knows what a Trump-led government might evolve into, but it is very scary that Trump has already said he wouldn't hesitate to use nuclear weapons if provoked. People, think! Nuclear warheads are not discriminatory; they will kill people of all races and colors. If you love your families, friends, neighbors, communities, and your country please make the right decision come Nov 8.

"One study showed that a single 1-megaton bomb exploded above the city of Detroit would cause up to 630,000 deaths and injuries from the blast alone. And many of those who escaped death initially would ultimately suffer horrific deaths from the effects of nuclear fallout or burns.

"America has 7,100 warheads in its nuclear arsenal — 450 on hair-trigger alert atop missiles prepared to launch on a moment’s notice. Many more are deployed on bombers, or submarines or in reserve. Of these, many are tactical nuclear weapons that are designed for use in “limited engagements” on a battlefield. It is perhaps this last group of “tactical” nuclear weapons that Trump would find most tempting to use."
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Thirty years ago I talked to a German man who would have been a young teenager during WWII. His seven older brothers were killed fighting Hitler's war. He survived only because he was too young to be drafted. Who knows what a Trump-led government might evolve into, but it is very scary that Trump has already said he wouldn't hesitate to use nuclear weapons if provoked. People, think! Nuclear warheads are not discriminatory; they will kill people of all races and colors. If you love your families, friends, neighbors, communities, and your country please make the right decision come Nov 8.

Link with Trump quotes re nuclear weapons, please.
Thirty years ago I talked to a German man who would have been a young teenager during WWII. His seven older brothers were killed fighting Hitler's war. He survived only because he was too young to be drafted. Who knows what a Trump-led government might evolve into, but it is very scary that Trump has already said he wouldn't hesitate to use nuclear weapons if provoked. People, think! Nuclear warheads are not discriminatory; they will kill people of all races and colors. If you love your families, friends, neighbors, communities, and your country please make the right decision come Nov 8.

The next president should be fighting the real Hitler, and that is radical Islam.
Link with Trump quotes re nuclear weapons, please.

“I don’t want to rule out anything,” Mr. Trumpsaid on NBC’s “Today” program. “I will be the last to use nuclear weapons. It’s a horror to use nuclear weapons. The power of weaponry today is the single greatest problem that our world has, and it’s not global warming like our president said. It’s the power of weapons, in particular nuclear.”
“I will be the last to use it. I will not be a happy trigger like some people might be. I will be the last,” he said. “But I will never, ever rule it out.”
Mr. Trump said one of the tenets of his foreign policy speech Wednesday is that “we need unpredictability.”
“If I get elected president, I don’t want ISIS to know what I’m going to be doing,” he said.
Donald Trump won't rule out using nuclear weapons against the Islamic State - Washington Times
Where does this say what the OP asserted? That Trump has already said he wouldn't hesitate....

This thread is a Pants on Fire debacle.

And apparently Mr. Ken Seven Post Watson thought he could just make up ****.

Thanks for trying, though. That just doesn't live up to the hype. ;)

It's not such hyperbole when Donald straight up states he would be the last to use nuclear weapons.
It's not such hyperbole when Donald straight up states he would be the last to use nuclear weapons.

Do you even read what you post??

"I will be the last to use it..."

God, people are desperate.
It's not such hyperbole when Donald straight up states he would be the last to use nuclear weapons.

You do know that in order to be "last," someone else has to be first? :roll:
I was laughing and crying at the same time when cons came up with all their theories about Obama...from antichrist to reincarnated Hitler, and people started their emergency stashes and bought gold and silver like it was the end of times.
Allow me to be amused and saddened once again.
Do you even read what you post??

"I will be the last to use it..."

God, people are desperate.

You do not comprehend what you read.
And I thought Obama, Bush and Palin Derangement Syndrome were bad.
Thirty years ago I talked to a German man who would have been a young teenager during WWII. His seven older brothers were killed fighting Hitler's war. He survived only because he was too young to be drafted. Who knows what a Trump-led government might evolve into, but it is very scary that Trump has already said he wouldn't hesitate to use nuclear weapons if provoked. People, think! Nuclear warheads are not discriminatory; they will kill people of all races and colors. If you love your families, friends, neighbors, communities, and your country please make the right decision come Nov 8.

"One study showed that a single 1-megaton bomb exploded above the city of Detroit would cause up to 630,000 deaths and injuries from the blast alone. And many of those who escaped death initially would ultimately suffer horrific deaths from the effects of nuclear fallout or burns.

"America has 7,100 warheads in its nuclear arsenal — 450 on hair-trigger alert atop missiles prepared to launch on a moment’s notice. Many more are deployed on bombers, or submarines or in reserve. Of these, many are tactical nuclear weapons that are designed for use in “limited engagements” on a battlefield. It is perhaps this last group of “tactical” nuclear weapons that Trump would find most tempting to use."

From an actual German.
It's not such hyperbole when Donald straight up states he would be the last to use nuclear weapons.

He sounds like a responsible person that I would vote for. Thanks for the link and the info. You have convinced me he is the better choice over Hillary. Has she got over those sniper hallucinations yet? You seem to be a person in the know. A scary thought having someone as careless as her and delusional with their finger on the button. God help us.
Thirty years ago I talked to a German man who would have been a young teenager during WWII. His seven older brothers were killed fighting Hitler's war. He survived only because he was too young to be drafted. Who knows what a Trump-led government might evolve into, but it is very scary that Trump has already said he wouldn't hesitate to use nuclear weapons if provoked. People, think! Nuclear warheads are not discriminatory; they will kill people of all races and colors. If you love your families, friends, neighbors, communities, and your country please make the right decision come Nov 8.

"One study showed that a single 1-megaton bomb exploded above the city of Detroit would cause up to 630,000 deaths and injuries from the blast alone. And many of those who escaped death initially would ultimately suffer horrific deaths from the effects of nuclear fallout or burns.

"America has 7,100 warheads in its nuclear arsenal — 450 on hair-trigger alert atop missiles prepared to launch on a moment’s notice. Many more are deployed on bombers, or submarines or in reserve. Of these, many are tactical nuclear weapons that are designed for use in “limited engagements” on a battlefield. It is perhaps this last group of “tactical” nuclear weapons that Trump would find most tempting to use."

Do we really need to compare every one we disagree with to Hitler. **** is getting old. Trump is not Hitler. If you can't argue against Trump without comparisons to Hitler, maybe you have a problem...
Do we really need to compare every one we disagree with to Hitler. **** is getting old. Trump is not Hitler. If you can't argue against Trump without comparisons to Hitler, maybe you have a problem...

Just for the record I've never compared anyone to Hitler before Trump, and I will definitively say that Trump passes one measure of The Hitler Test. As I said the last time this came up:

The problem with comparing anybody to Hitler is that it's done as many times per day as there are people logged onto the internet at any time. As a result the comparison has been diluted into meaninglessness. However, eeeevery once in a blue moon, that Hitler reference is actually legitimate. The important thing to start with is what it even means to be Hitler-esque.

1) Basing his rise to power on a lie (Reichstag fire). This is problematic to use as a basis for comparison because this is done so damn frequently.
2) Invasion of a country (Invasion of Poland). See above. If we made a comparison to Hitler every time someone started a war by invading another country, every nation whose name isn't Iceland would be likened to Nazi Germany.
3) Political doublespeak by the leading party (reference to Goebbels). Awesome. Every country is now officially Nazi Germany. This is why I always ignore comparisons to Hitler any time Clinton/Bush/Obama engage in doublespeak.
4) Vilification of ethnicities/national origin/religion as a central theme for one's political platform. Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Blaming a specific demographic for the loss of a nation's once-greatness is not completely ubiquitous like the above, it's always based on a lie, it's insidious as hell and innocent people always get hurt.
5) Making a database of said ethnicities/nationalities/religions. This ends poorly, because now you have an efficient and systematic method for targeting said "villains."
6) Rounding up ethnicities into detainment camps. We're pretty much past debating "Hitler" at this point.
7) Killing of said ethnicities. If a nation's leader gets this far, is compared to Hitler and somebody shout's "Godwin's Law!" that person needs to receive an enormous, crippling wedgie.

So that's pretty much the Hitler List, but examples 4-7 are sufficiently unique that not just everybody is guilty of them. Trump falls squarely into #4, has expressed passing interest in #5, and his supporters' interest in #6 is worrying to say the least.
Just for the record, the OP doesn't even remotely make a case for the comparison of Trump to Hitler. Hitler is referenced pretty lazily there.
Just for the record I've never compared anyone to Hitler before Trump, and I will definitively say that Trump passes one measure of The Hitler Test. As I said the last time this came up:

The problem with comparing anybody to Hitler is that it's done as many times per day as there are people logged onto the internet at any time. As a result the comparison has been diluted into meaninglessness. However, eeeevery once in a blue moon, that Hitler reference is actually legitimate. The important thing to start with is what it even means to be Hitler-esque.

1) Basing his rise to power on a lie (Reichstag fire). This is problematic to use as a basis for comparison because this is done so damn frequently.
2) Invasion of a country (Invasion of Poland). See above. If we made a comparison to Hitler every time someone started a war by invading another country, every nation whose name isn't Iceland would be likened to Nazi Germany.
3) Political doublespeak by the leading party (reference to Goebbels). Awesome. Every country is now officially Nazi Germany. This is why I always ignore comparisons to Hitler any time Clinton/Bush/Obama engage in doublespeak.
4) Vilification of ethnicities/national origin/religion as a central theme for one's political platform. Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Blaming a specific demographic for the loss of a nation's once-greatness is not completely ubiquitous like the above, it's always based on a lie, it's insidious as hell and innocent people always get hurt.
5) Making a database of said ethnicities/nationalities/religions. This ends poorly, because now you have an efficient and systematic method for targeting said "villains."
6) Rounding up ethnicities into detainment camps. We're pretty much past debating "Hitler" at this point.
7) Killing of said ethnicities. If a nation's leader gets this far, is compared to Hitler and somebody shout's "Godwin's Law!" that person needs to receive an enormous, crippling wedgie.

So that's pretty much the Hitler List, but examples 4-7 are sufficiently unique that not just everybody is guilty of them. Trump falls squarely into #4, has expressed passing interest in #5, and his supporters' interest in #6 is worrying to say the least.

Here is one(but not the only) big problem with the Hitler comparison(which you did allude to): any Hitler comparison has a ****ton of baggage. That is why it is used. Compare Trump or any one to Hitler in some point, and all the rest of that baggage kinda goes with, even when it does not fit(for example, Trump hardly has designs on conquest, nor ethnic cleansing, nor most else Hitler did). It is possible to argue against Trump's demonization of hispanics(et al) without referencing Hitler, and I would further argue that it is much more effective to do so without the Hitler reference.
Here is one(but not the only) big problem with the Hitler comparison(which you did allude to): any Hitler comparison has a ****ton of baggage. That is why it is used. Compare Trump or any one to Hitler in some point, and all the rest of that baggage kinda goes with, even when it does not fit(for example, Trump hardly has designs on conquest, nor ethnic cleansing, nor most else Hitler did). It is possible to argue against Trump's demonization of hispanics(et al) without referencing Hitler, and I would further argue that it is much more effective to do so without the Hitler reference.

That's a good point.
Worst part of this incredibly stupid thread is that I find someone still using Bing...C'mon man!

I have issues with Google on my iPad. Bing works better most of the time, BTW, why do you care? I'm sure there is a hat in there you'd like.
Here is one(but not the only) big problem with the Hitler comparison(which you did allude to): any Hitler comparison has a ****ton of baggage. That is why it is used. Compare Trump or any one to Hitler in some point, and all the rest of that baggage kinda goes with, even when it does not fit(for example, Trump hardly has designs on conquest, nor ethnic cleansing, nor most else Hitler did). It is possible to argue against Trump's demonization of hispanics(et al) without referencing Hitler, and I would further argue that it is much more effective to do so without the Hitler reference.

Yep, and you are left with the question of why the elite are going with the inferior argument.

The answer is that they SUCK.

THey are truly lost.

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