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Trump the Master Politician (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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The speed with which Trump pushed back against a New York Times hit piece, which claimed he had a problem with women, is astonishing.

No sooner was the story out than Trump had slammed it and totally neutralized it. Amazing.

I mean to say, it was perfect. One of the women who the Times interviewed, who had dated Trump for a while, came out to say that the Times reporters distorted everything that she said and that Trump was a perfect gentleman. Trump then denounced the Times story as a total smear and a pack of lies.

I don't think this sort of thing happens by accident. Do you think that Trump planted this woman with the Times? That he got wind that they were doing this story and made sure that this woman, an ally of his, got interviewed? So she'd be in position to blow the story up when it came out? She really was talking like a Trump supporter.

I dislike Trump for a number of reasons, and I'm not going to be voting for him. But I can see why some people say he's going to win in November. He operates at a whole other level.
The speed with which Trump pushed back against a New York Times hit piece, which claimed he had a problem with women, is astonishing.

No sooner was the story out than Trump had slammed it and totally neutralized it. Amazing.

I mean to say, it was perfect. One of the women who the Times interviewed, who had dated Trump for a while, came out to say that the Times reporters distorted everything that she said and that Trump was a perfect gentleman. Trump then denounced the Times story as a total smear and a pack of lies.

I don't think this sort of thing happens by accident. Do you think that Trump planted this woman with the Times? That he got wind that they were doing this story and made sure that this woman, an ally of his, got interviewed? So she'd be in position to blow the story up when it came out? She really was talking like a Trump supporter.

I dislike Trump for a number of reasons, and I'm not going to be voting for him. But I can see why some people say he's going to win in November. He operates at a whole other level.
At some point, it has to be more than just good luck!
The speed with which Trump pushed back against a New York Times hit piece, which claimed he had a problem with women, is astonishing.

No sooner was the story out than Trump had slammed it and totally neutralized it. Amazing.

I mean to say, it was perfect. One of the women who the Times interviewed, who had dated Trump for a while, came out to say that the Times reporters distorted everything that she said and that Trump was a perfect gentleman. Trump then denounced the Times story as a total smear and a pack of lies.

I don't think this sort of thing happens by accident. Do you think that Trump planted this woman with the Times? That he got wind that they were doing this story and made sure that this woman, an ally of his, got interviewed? So she'd be in position to blow the story up when it came out? She really was talking like a Trump supporter.

I dislike Trump for a number of reasons, and I'm not going to be voting for him. But I can see why some people say he's going to win in November. He operates at a whole other level.

Oh, he is a political heavy alright. That makes it worse.
The speed with which Trump pushed back against a New York Times hit piece, which claimed he had a problem with women, is astonishing.

No sooner was the story out than Trump had slammed it and totally neutralized it. Amazing.

I mean to say, it was perfect. One of the women who the Times interviewed, who had dated Trump for a while, came out to say that the Times reporters distorted everything that she said and that Trump was a perfect gentleman. Trump then denounced the Times story as a total smear and a pack of lies.

I don't think this sort of thing happens by accident. Do you think that Trump planted this woman with the Times? That he got wind that they were doing this story and made sure that this woman, an ally of his, got interviewed? So she'd be in position to blow the story up when it came out? She really was talking like a Trump supporter.

I dislike Trump for a number of reasons, and I'm not going to be voting for him. But I can see why some people say he's going to win in November. He operates at a whole other level.

Trump is like the mafia when it comes to the media.
The speed with which Trump pushed back against a New York Times hit piece, which claimed he had a problem with women, is astonishing.

No sooner was the story out than Trump had slammed it and totally neutralized it. Amazing.

I mean to say, it was perfect. One of the women who the Times interviewed, who had dated Trump for a while, came out to say that the Times reporters distorted everything that she said and that Trump was a perfect gentleman. Trump then denounced the Times story as a total smear and a pack of lies.

I don't think this sort of thing happens by accident. Do you think that Trump planted this woman with the Times? That he got wind that they were doing this story and made sure that this woman, an ally of his, got interviewed? So she'd be in position to blow the story up when it came out? She really was talking like a Trump supporter.

I dislike Trump for a number of reasons, and I'm not going to be voting for him. But I can see why some people say he's going to win in November. He operates at a whole other level.

You seem primed for a friendly wager. Let me know if you are interested; otherwise, I will know you don't believe the things you write.
I made a post yesterday giving The NY Times some slack.

Not now, after they were found to edit the women's words.

Sorry azz liberals at it again trying to push another false premise, and lying all the way into the minds of their base.
I made a post yesterday giving The NY Times some slack.

Not now, after they were found to edit the women's words.

Sorry azz liberals at it again trying to push another false premise, and lying all the way into the minds of their base.

Which, of course, makes Trump a master politician.

Thing is, I don't recall Trump ever being elected to any office.
What does your reply have to do with honest journalism? Print the truth.

Probably not much, and that makes sense since I was aiming at 'truth in titles'. What's wrong with an honest title?

Like him or not, Trump is a master at winning others to his way of thinking, often without even specifying what that thinking is. This is a good video I found describing some of his debating and persuasion techniques.

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