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Trump security briefings (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 9, 2010
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Chicago Area
Political Leaning
I suspect there's a very good chance that DT will self-destruct before the election re the security briefings.

"Folks, it's much worse than we thought."

i can hear him now.

I suspect there's a very good chance that DT will self-destruct before the election re the security briefings.

"Folks, it's much worse than we thought."

i can hear him now.


If we observe his rhetoric closely, I'll bet we can probably pick out when he's had his first security briefing with the changes in tone and topic.
I suspect there's a very good chance that DT will self-destruct before the election re the security briefings.

"Folks, it's much worse than we thought."

i can hear him now.

I could see him saying something like that but I wouldn't be surprised of the security briefings for Hillary is nothing but giving her dirt on Trump and Trump's briefings are false information. This campaign has proven to have every establishment organization pushing for Hillary.
How do you trust either of those two with security briefings?

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