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Trump says we'll never hear from him again (1 Viewer)

Do you think we'll hear from Trump again when he loses?

  • Yes, Trump will often be in the news

    Votes: 22 88.0%
  • No, he'll go away and hide

    Votes: 3 12.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2019
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Political Leaning
  • At a campaign rally in North Carolina Saturday, President Donald Trump told attendees they'll never see or hear from him again if he loses the election to Joe Biden.
  • "If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm going to do. I will never speak to you again," Trump told supporters at a rally in North Carolina.

It's proof Trump doesn't care about his supporters. And proof that Trump thinks he'll lose.

Do you think we'll hear from Trump again when he loses?
  • At a campaign rally in North Carolina Saturday, President Donald Trump told attendees they'll never see or hear from him again if he loses the election to Joe Biden.
  • "If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm going to do. I will never speak to you again," Trump told supporters at a rally in North Carolina.

It's proof Trump doesn't care about his supporters. And proof that Trump thinks he'll lose.

Do you think we'll hear from Trump again when he loses?


This is proof on nothing you contend. He said nothing about not caring about his supporters and he said nothing about thinking he'll lose.

And yes, if he loses I do think we won't hear from him again. He's not a professional politician who thinks everyone should listen to him even when he doesn't hold office anymore. He's in this to achieve his goals and as soon as he no longer resides in the WH, he'll get on with his life.
  • At a campaign rally in North Carolina Saturday, President Donald Trump told attendees they'll never see or hear from him again if he loses the election to Joe Biden.
  • "If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm going to do. I will never speak to you again," Trump told supporters at a rally in North Carolina.

It's proof Trump doesn't care about his supporters. And proof that Trump thinks he'll lose.

Do you think we'll hear from Trump again when he loses?
Huh? How is that proof of anything? You think he's going to continue holding massive rallies IF he loses? Oh, look up the definition of "if" - you seem a little shaky on it.
If only. Regardless of whether he’s re-elected, this blowhard won’t shut up until he’s in a jail cell or his grave.
  • At a campaign rally in North Carolina Saturday, President Donald Trump told attendees they'll never see or hear from him again if he loses the election to Joe Biden.
  • "If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm going to do. I will never speak to you again," Trump told supporters at a rally in North Carolina.

It's proof Trump doesn't care about his supporters. And proof that Trump thinks he'll lose.

Do you think we'll hear from Trump again when he loses?
Who believes a word that comes out of his mouth at this point? He's just threatening the hardcore fans. LOL He actually believes the country is hanging on his every word because he's a font of knowledge or something. Narcissist talk.
Its amazing that is what you took away from him taking a playful jab at his supporters.

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  • At a campaign rally in North Carolina Saturday, President Donald Trump told attendees they'll never see or hear from him again if he loses the election to Joe Biden.
  • "If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm going to do. I will never speak to you again," Trump told supporters at a rally in North Carolina.

It's proof Trump doesn't care about his supporters. And proof that Trump thinks he'll lose.

Do you think we'll hear from Trump again when he loses?
If Trump loses, he isn't going away. He will try to call into Fox News all the time. He will be on Twitter complaining that Biden is wrong, and how he would be better than Biden. He will be all over the news, giving interviews, attacking people, defending himself. He will be a full blown narcissist in a down spiral.
If Trump loses, he isn't going away. He will try to call into Fox News all the time. He will be on Twitter complaining that Biden is wrong, and how he would be better than Biden. He will be all over the news, giving interviews, attacking people, defending himself. He will be a full blown narcissist in a down spiral.
Maybe he can review Hillary’s interviews to see how complaining is done properly.
Maybe he can review Hillary’s interviews to see how complaining is done properly.

Maybe he will try to find Kamala's birth certificate.
Maybe he will try to find Kamala's birth certificate.
Nah, more likely he’ll be asking for Biden’s medical records to see if he’s suffering from dementia.
Lock him up! (Haven’t heard that one in awhile). 😂

I fully expect him to use Pence as a tool to get pardoned but that won't help him as far as state criminal prosecution.
So, unless he can bribe enough of his "Trump judges" AND get away with it, state prosecution shall proceed.
  • At a campaign rally in North Carolina Saturday, President Donald Trump told attendees they'll never see or hear from him again if he loses the election to Joe Biden.
  • "If I lose to him, I don't know what I'm going to do. I will never speak to you again," Trump told supporters at a rally in North Carolina.

It's proof Trump doesn't care about his supporters. And proof that Trump thinks he'll lose.

Do you think we'll hear from Trump again when he loses?

the poll is bogus... neither option will occur

if Trump loses he will have hid legion of orcs burn the country down.
I fully expect him to use Pence as a tool to get pardoned but that won't help him as far as state criminal prosecution.
So, unless he can bribe enough of his "Trump judges" AND get away with it, state prosecution shall proceed.
Maybe he can get his years in office as time served. Good behavior, ya know.
if he loses, my guess is that he will do everything he can to call the results into question.
Maybe he can get his years in office as time served. Good behavior, ya know.

He's trying to claim that he deserves a third term because his first term didn't go the way he wanted.
To which I say, "Sure, soon as Obama gets HIS third term, for much the same reason."
Which one has a years long record of making noises in that direction?
Off the top of my head I can’t say. But he is being advised not to concede so who knows if he’ll refuse to do so for a week, month, year, or until he dies.

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