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Trump running for president 2024 (1 Viewer)

Common Sense 1

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Jul 8, 2016
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United States
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Just announced

"We did it twice, and we'll do it again. We'll be doing it again a third time."#Trump2024 pic.twitter.com/Y6XH4f6LV5
(@RSBNetwork) February 27, 2022
Good news for the dems and a kiss of death to the right if it's true, but no one is reporting it yet so I have my doubts it was more than just another offhanded remark. Either way, who cares.

Besides, id the DOJ decides he violated the presidential document act (which by all indications he did) he won't be qualified to run, way too soon to get excited.
I watched some of his speech @ CPAC this evening, he doesn’t have the same energy, imo. He hit all the same notes from the down escalator to the crooked election of 2020.
I thought it was offical but not finding on any of the major news outlet's?

Just this:

Trump just announced he’s running in 2024…​

Posted by Kane on February 26, 2022 7:37 pm


Hot off the presses in the last 10 minutes. Trump at CPAC.

So you just quoted some moronic tweet or something? Some blog? LOL
Good news for the dems and a kiss of death to the right if it's true, but no one is reporting it yet so I have my doubts it was more than just another offhanded remark. Either way, who cares.

Besides, id the DOJ decides he violated the presidential document act (which by all indications he did) he won't be qualified to run, way too soon to get excited.
Nope= Trump has done horrible things since 2016 and got away with it. Nothing will change as long as we have dolt-brained voters who support him
Trump will be running from a prison cell.

He need all the contributions he can get to cover his legal defense.

Trump is scum. He is just conning all those dumbasses that support him. He just tells them what deep down they want to believe and act on.

His supporters are much worse. They are where all his rhetoric originates. Their hatred bigotry and fear. It is what they truly believe.
I see the left has begun the screaming, tearing garments, and running around aimlessly has begun.

Time to make popcorn. :ROFLMAO:
It's upsetting to you? 😢

I see you're the type that believes everything every anonymous jackwipe posts on the Internet, lol. Figures.
Do you think Hillary Clinton runs a pizza shop in DC?
I see the left has begun the screaming, tearing garments, and running around aimlessly has begun.

Time to make popcorn. :ROFLMAO:

Pretty profound stuff!!!
Nope= Trump has done horrible things since 2016 and got away with it. Nothing will change as long as we have dolt-brained voters who support him

Maybe we don't want anything to change as he energized his enemies to give Biden more votes than anyone ever received before, won't be any different this time except he has more enemies now and a smaller base.
It's way too early for profundity; Bemusement at the LW lunacy is the order of the day. I can hardly wait to see what levels it'll rise to.

See post #19
Time for TDS boosters, I'm thinking. ;)

^This is what a Crooked donnietrump sycophant calls "political discourse".

Yeahhhhh. As you can see its pretty high level, cerebral stuff. That's definitely where the gifted folk are gathering at this point. The brainiacs of the nation.:geek:

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