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Trump remains silent on Navalny (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Trump remains largely silent on reported poisoning of Russian dissident as Europe, US lawmakers offer support


The Trump administration has not made any substantial statement on the suspected poisoning of Russian opposition leader, Alexey Navalny, in sharp contrast to European reaction, despite President Donald Trump saying Thursday his Secretary of State was looking into it. "We're looking at it and Mike's going to be reporting to me soon," Trump said yesterday at the White House, referring to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was in the room with him. Trump also said that the US has not determined if Navalny was poisoned or not. Navalny is in a coma which is the result of the suspected poising after drinking a cup of tea before taking a flight to Moscow from the Siberian city of Omsk, his spokesperson Kira Yarmysh said. The Siberian hospital treating the 44-year-old corruption investigator, an outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin, rejected claims the Russian opposition leader had been poisoned on Friday. Navalny's wife said the doctors there could not be trusted.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The State Department has not replied to repeated inquiries on the topic. The Trump administration's silence is in stark contrast to European leaders who are voicing and providing support to Navalny, who campaigned against Putin in Russia's 2018 election but was barred from running. Navalny will travel to a German clinic for care on Saturday after an offer from German chancellor, Angela Merkel, Yarmysh said. French President Emmanuel Macron said his country was ready to offer Navalny "all necessary assistance" including asylum. UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab tweeted that he was "deeply concerned" by reports that Navalny "has been poisoned on a flight to Moscow and is now in a coma in intensive care." Former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, called the suspected poisoning "unacceptable" on Friday.

I'm not at all surprised that Trump is silent about the poisoning of Russian activist Alexey Navalny, Putin's longtime opposition activist. Trump will say nothing to upset his pal Vlad.

Trump has also said nothing about the Belarus dictator brazenly stealing the August 9 election. The election winner, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, fled to Lithuania when Alexander Lukashenka's KGB began arresting the opposition.

US presidents of both parties have always stood up to autocratic dictators. Not the treacherous Donald Trump. He admires the authoritarians.
Trump remains largely silent on reported poisoning of Russian dissident as Europe, US lawmakers offer support


I'm not at all surprised that Trump is silent about the poisoning of Russian activist Alexey Navalny, Putin's longtime opposition activist. Trump will say nothing to upset his pal Vlad.

Trump has also said nothing about the Belarus dictator brazenly stealing the August 9 election. The election winner, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, fled to Lithuania when Alexander Lukashenka's KGB began arresting the opposition.

US presidents of both parties have always stood up to autocratic dictators. Not the treacherous Donald Trump. He admires the authoritarians.

Dude is one of the bravest men on the planet. He knew what he was up against. Basically a russian snowflake trump with murderous history and intent. He knew this and didn't shirk or hide at all because he wanted to fight for his country to not be ruled by a tin-pot dictator.
Trump remains largely silent on reported poisoning of Russian dissident as Europe, US lawmakers offer support


I'm not at all surprised that Trump is silent about the poisoning of Russian activist Alexey Navalny, Putin's longtime opposition activist. Trump will say nothing to upset his pal Vlad.

Trump has also said nothing about the Belarus dictator brazenly stealing the August 9 election. The election winner, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, fled to Lithuania when Alexander Lukashenka's KGB began arresting the opposition.

US presidents of both parties have always stood up to autocratic dictators. Not the treacherous Donald Trump. He admires the authoritarians.

Trump doesn't want to insult his Russian handler when he needs him to interfere in the election.
Dude is one of the bravest men on the planet. He knew what he was up against. Basically a russian snowflake trump with murderous history and intent. He knew this and didn't shirk or hide at all because he wanted to fight for his country to not be ruled by a tin-pot dictator.

in 2017 Navalny was attacked with green dye, which caused him to lose partial vision in his right eye.

Trump's probably burning with jealousy that he can't get away with similar acts. No, strike, that, no probably about it, knowing the "man's" lack of character, I'm quite certain it makes him furious he can't just do that as needed....
Trump and Russia have come to an agreement that Erogan of Turkey and Xi Jingping of China are the biggest threats to humanity. Bigger than the Covid and global warming put together.

Wake up people! This is not a drill.
Trump and Russia have come to an agreement that Erogan of Turkey and Xi Jingping of China are the biggest threats to humanity. Bigger than the Covid and global warming put together.

Wake up people! This is not a drill.

“Peking Turkey” what?
I don't know I still like siding with the Russians when dealing with south Asia. You can at least make treaties with Russians that are worth more than the PDF files they're saved to.

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