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Trump quote about ending up in prison if Biden wins (1 Viewer)


Slow đź…– Hand
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Dec 1, 2011
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FL - Daytona
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After Joe wins the election, do you think he should bring charges against Trump for misdeeds in office?

Fact check: Fake Trump quote about ending up in prison if Biden wins had its origin in satire

A claim that President Donald Trump stated he would go to prison if Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden wins the election appears to be a satirical take on current events.

Facebook user Warren Lynch posted to the claim to his account on Aug. 12.

"'If you elect Joe Biden, I will go to prison.'-Donald Trump, today," the post reads.

Lynch told USA TODAY in a Facebook message that the claim was, "just a rumor that was funny."

"He will go to jail, tho," he added in reference to Trump.
Biden doesn't need to. The SDNY already has and many other courts will follow suit as soon as he's chargeable.

Being the president doesn't grant you permanent immunity from the crimes you commit. Bannon joins a long line of Trump officials to face serious legal prosecution and Trump is next.

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