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Trump pardons another criminal (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
Political Leaning

Go ahead and explain to me why this is some kind of horrible decision and nothing but further evidence of how Trump intends to destroy America.
Not a fan of the pardon power. Commutations I can deal with.

Go ahead and explain to me why this is some kind of horrible decision and nothing but further evidence of how Trump intends to destroy America.

You lot are so easy..........
Wait... what?

Go ahead and explain to me why this is some kind of horrible decision and nothing but further evidence of how Trump intends to destroy America.

Why don't you explain it for us?
The bar is so low that republicans and conservatives are celebrating when Trump does not totally screw something up!
What's the video about? Is the point "Trump did something that doesn't eat all the ass! SUCK ON THAT LIBTARDS"?

Edit: oh.... I was beaten to it.
What's the video about? Is the point "Trump did something that doesn't eat all the ass! SUCK ON THAT LIBTARDS"?

Edit: oh.... I was beaten to it.

He legitimately did believe liberals would be up in arms about this. :lamo

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