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Trump Orders Funding Review of New York, Other ‘Lawless’ Cities (1 Viewer)

Political showmanship, nothing more nothing less.

(And not very actionable at this preliminary step, just passive aggressive attempts at intimidation.)
Political showmanship, nothing more nothing less.

(And not very actionable at this preliminary step, just passive aggressive attempts at intimidation.)

"I'd hate for your business to burn down. Just think about it."
Trump needs to be jailed. That is all there is to it.

For what? What he is doing is perfectly legal. Stats are given federal money for law enforcement.
If they are not using those funds for law enforcement activities that is considered fraud.

The fact that a lot of these states and cities have passed bills to "defund" their police could involve
federal dollars that are supposed to go to law enforcement agencies.

All of that has to be audited to make sure that federal money is still going where it is supposed to go.
Pelosi and schumer can take their whiney little asses home with their ball bats. They are the main cause of
these issues.

If anyone should be arrested right now it is pelosi and schumer and the rest of the leftist coup.
Democrats are Nero fiddling while their cities burn.

Kinda like trump fiddled away two critical months in our covid response?

We're still burning.

Does trump draw any of your ire for that?
Democrats are Nero fiddling while their cities burn.

we don't have a leader that can address COVID.

so he does his normal elementary school thing. lash out.
For what? What he is doing is perfectly legal. Stats are given federal money for law enforcement.
If they are not using those funds for law enforcement activities that is considered fraud.

The fact that a lot of these states and cities have passed bills to "defund" their police could involve
federal dollars that are supposed to go to law enforcement agencies.

All of that has to be audited to make sure that federal money is still going where it is supposed to go.
Pelosi and schumer can take their whiney little asses home with their ball bats. They are the main cause of
these issues.

If anyone should be arrested right now it is pelosi and schumer and the rest of the leftist coup.

Not a coup.

Never was a coup.

No more than you are a platypus

You're not a platypus, are you?
Kinda like trump fiddled away two critical months in our covid response?

We're still burning.

Does trump draw any of your ire for that?

Trump is NOT a leader. The US has no chance with something like COVID while he's in office.

God forbid something really bad happen.
"I'd hate for your business to burn down. Just think about it."

We used to call it "You wouldn't want that your windows should get broken."
We used to call it "You wouldn't want that your windows should get broken."

you should post that in every thread where Trump is threatening people.
Kinda like trump fiddled away two critical months in our covid response?

We're still burning.

Does trump draw any of your ire for that?

I think he hanlded it pretty well.
I think local Gov and Mayors and other democrats that encouraged people to go out and travel etc in the beginning
screwed up.

I think mayors that forced nursing homes to take covid patients or have them transferred there screwed up.
So your whataboutism is a failure.
we don't have a leader that can address COVID.

so he does his normal elementary school thing. lash out.

Actually they have. The only way to handle covid short of a immunization which is close to being put out now is.

1. Social distance
2. Wash hands
3. wear a mask when in crowded public spaces.
Not a coup.

Never was a coup.

No more than you are a platypus

You're not a platypus, are you?

Yes there was a coup it is all fully documented.
Why do you support sedition of a duly elected president that is the bigger question?
Why do you support the nations top law enforcement agency committing perjury to a federal court?
Why do you support the illegal macilous prosecution of people in order to try and maintain the coup?

YOu can drop the nonsense all of the facts have been released and they prove you 100% wrong.
We have text messages between 2 FBI agents of the plan to get trump removed if he was elected.
The plan blew up in their faces.
I think he hanlded it pretty well.
I think local Gov and Mayors and other democrats that encouraged people to go out and travel etc in the beginning
screwed up.

I think mayors that forced nursing homes to take covid patients or have them transferred there screwed up.
So your whataboutism is a failure.

None of the Republican mayors or governors did any different.

Everybody made mistakes with a novel contagion. There's a fine line between acting quickly and causing panic.

Had we not dismantled the admin level pnadmjc team we would likely not have been caught as flat footed.

Trump sat on his hands fervently hoping it would just go away for almost two months.

Even the "travel ban" from china only applied to Chinese nationals and 40k people came here from China during the critical period.

And making mitigation a political football was really asinine.

We are where we are because of trump and his minions.

That's what the math says.

Everything y'all lean on is just manufactured narratives.

The history of trump's presidency is written in the numbers.

He blew it. Still is.

And he will live to see his name go down in history as the biggest failure of a president we have ever had.

That brings a smile to my face every time I think about it.
I think he hanlded it pretty well.
I think local Gov and Mayors and other democrats that encouraged people to go out and travel etc in the beginning
screwed up.

I think mayors that forced nursing homes to take covid patients or have them transferred there screwed up.
So your whataboutism is a failure.

He handled it about as well as you spelled 'hanlded'. He didn't.
Actually they have. The only way to handle covid short of a immunization which is close to being put out now is.

1. Social distance
2. Wash hands
3. wear a mask when in crowded public spaces.

FEB 28
“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
— Donald Trump
FEB 28
“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
— Donald Trump

He is right it will disappear one day.
They are close to an immunization shot.

this is what happens when you don't have proper protocols around your virus center.
THis is what happens when there is a coordinated effort because a corrupt communist government
and WHO. I find it funny that they are the ones responsible for this entire thing but you are so
entrenched with your trump hate that you can't even acknowledge that.

Had WHO (the organization that is supposed to protect the world from this sort of thing) been honest and forth coming up front
then the millions that have actually died from this thing might have been saved except for in Wuhan.
Actually they have. The only way to handle covid short of a immunization which is close to being put out now is.

1. Social distance
2. Wash hands
3. wear a mask when in crowded public spaces.

TRUMP: never seen someone that liked wearing a mask so much. ETC. about Biden. IDIOT.
He is right it will disappear one day.
They are close to an immunization shot.

this is what happens when you don't have proper protocols around your virus center.
THis is what happens when there is a coordinated effort because a corrupt communist government
and WHO. I find it funny that they are the ones responsible for this entire thing but you are so
entrenched with your trump hate that you can't even acknowledge that.

Had WHO (the organization that is supposed to protect the world from this sort of thing) been honest and forth coming up front
then the millions that have actually died from this thing might have been saved except for in Wuhan.

Stupid DRIVEL. Was the 1918 flu the AMERICANS flu? It started here. And we did NOT deal with it well. Shouldnt the planet hate us, like you want China hated?
He is right it will disappear one day.
They are close to an immunization shot.

this is what happens when you don't have proper protocols around your virus center.
THis is what happens when there is a coordinated effort because a corrupt communist government
and WHO. I find it funny that they are the ones responsible for this entire thing but you are so
entrenched with your trump hate that you can't even acknowledge that.

Had WHO (the organization that is supposed to protect the world from this sort of thing) been honest and forth coming up front
then the millions that have actually died from this thing might have been saved except for in Wuhan.

lol, blame everyone and anything for trump's failures.

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