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Trump on speaker phone talking about Putin with golfer John Daly (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 29, 2020
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“I’d say, ‘Vladimir, if you do it, we’re hitting Moscow, I said, ‘We’re gonna hit Moscow.’ And he sort of believed me, like five percent, 10 percent. That’s all you need. He never did it during my time, John.”

Twilight Zone.
I gat a long brain with him?
I wonder it he ever thinks it's because he hated NATO just like they did so America was helping them prevent Ukraine from joining. Then came Biden, and he jumped back in strengthening NATO.
That's actually why he didn't do anything during Trumps term. Trump was helping them get rid of NATO support. That's a duh in my book.

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton says 'Putin was waiting' for Trump to withdraw the United States from NATO in his second term​

I gat a long brain with him?
"She" (Xi) didn't bother me either. 😃

Definitely not a meeting of the minds around that table.
No, Trump, you did not threaten to hit Moscow. You publicly announced you trusted Putin over your own intelligence agencies when he said he didn't interfere on your behalf. And that didn't stop you from separately boasting about knowing about the interference but not telling the authorities.

But hey, nothing matters anymore. Right? It's a topsy-turvy world where you can say whatever you want about whomever you want and facts don't exist to stop you. Just as long as you shit on the left while praising his orangeness...
"She" (Xi) didn't bother me either. 😃

Definitely not a meeting of the minds around that table.

Well I can't judge too harshly. My brain wasn't working too well either. I first type "I had a long brain with him" Edited to change it to got, but typed gat. :rolleyes:

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