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Trump On Constitution: It Doesn't Necessarily Give Us The Right To Commit Suicide (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
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Libertarian - Left
Was wondering if anyone else noticed this bit from The Donald when he was interviewed on 60 Minutes. It is clear that he has a big enough ego to disregard Constitutional restrictions when in office. Shouldn't this concern constitutional conservatives?
Was wondering if anyone else noticed this bit from The Donald when he was interviewed on 60 Minutes. It is clear that he has a big enough ego to disregard Constitutional restrictions when in office. Shouldn't this concern constitutional conservatives?

I honestly don't think he's read the Constitution, much less understands it. But, maybe that's just me.
Was wondering if anyone else noticed this bit from The Donald when he was interviewed on 60 Minutes. It is clear that he has a big enough ego to disregard Constitutional restrictions when in office. Shouldn't this concern constitutional conservatives?

Nah. Remember Iran-Contra. Remember Abu Ghirab. As long as it's their guy who's in charge, they really don't care what he does as long as they've got the power.
Wait, Trump isn't a champion of republicanism and the constitution?
Was wondering if anyone else noticed this bit from The Donald when he was interviewed on 60 Minutes. It is clear that he has a big enough ego to disregard Constitutional restrictions when in office. Shouldn't this concern constitutional conservatives?

It does. They're called "NeverTrump."
Was wondering if anyone else noticed this bit from The Donald when he was interviewed on 60 Minutes. It is clear that he has a big enough ego to disregard Constitutional restrictions when in office. Shouldn't this concern constitutional conservatives?

Well you are either going to get Hillary Or Donald. and I would trust just about anyone more than Hillary.
Was wondering if anyone else noticed this bit from The Donald when he was interviewed on 60 Minutes. It is clear that he has a big enough ego to disregard Constitutional restrictions when in office. Shouldn't this concern constitutional conservatives?

There is no right to suicide that I'm aware of. However, it is universally agreed upon and documented even in our own American history that there is a right to life endowed to us by our creator (Declaration of Independence). I'd imagine like any other right, it is up to the person to choose whether to exercise it or not.
Well you are either going to get Hillary Or Donald. and I would trust just about anyone more than Hillary.

There is someone who would like to stab you in the back and there's another person who just flails his knives around like a moron.

Then of course, there's a third party you can vote for in protest of the two aforementioned people.
Nah. Remember Iran-Contra. Remember Abu Ghirab. As long as it's their guy who's in charge, they really don't care what he does as long as they've got the power.

Abu Ghraib has nothing to do with the constitution since the constitution is silent on the treatment of foreign prisoners of war on foreign soil.

The only thing that stopped us from doing whatever the hell we wanted with the scumbags in that prison was ourselves.
There is someone who would like to stab you in the back and there's another person who just flails his knives around like a moron.

Then of course, there's a third party you can vote for in protest of the two aforementioned people.

voting for a third party in a presidential election only accomplishes electing the person that that third party is most oppositely aligned with ideologically. voting for Johnson would just help elect Hillary, voting for Stein would just help elect Donald.
I vote 3rd party in local and state elections, it wont accomplish anything at this time in a national election... in the future if more people pay attention to local and state elections and vote in them it might.
voting for a third party in a presidential election only accomplishes electing the person that that third party is most oppositely aligned with ideologically. voting for Johnson would just help elect Hillary, voting for Stein would just help elect Donald.
I vote 3rd party in local and state elections, it wont accomplish anything at this time in a national election... in the future if more people pay attention to local and state elections and vote in them it might.

That of course is the kind of attitude that keeps the dual party system afloat.
Abu Ghraib has nothing to do with the constitution since the constitution is silent on the treatment of foreign prisoners of war on foreign soil.

The only thing that stopped us from doing whatever the hell we wanted with the scumbags in that prison was ourselves.

LOL! Yes, it had a lot to do with the Constitution, since according to the Constitution we are legally bound by the treaties we sign and the laws we pass for ourselves.

Our actions there violated at least two treaties and four of our own laws.
That of course is the kind of attitude that keeps the dual party system afloat.

No, what keeps the dual party afloat is people ignoring state and local elections and not voting in them.
You have a much better chance of getting more 3rd party people into public office at a city, county and state level and then when they do well promoting them up to national office.. the more presence they have the more visibility a third party will get.
However participation in state and lower elections is even more dismal than national elections.
It does. They're called "NeverTrump."

And yet you'd think Trump's biggest supporters (the "strict-constitutionalist" Tea Partiers) would be aghast.
Well you are either going to get Hillary Or Donald. and I would trust just about anyone more than Hillary.

Same here. Unfortunately, the Republicans are nominating one of the few that I and many others don't trust more than Hillary. Hell, many Republicans have already said they are either voting Hillary, Libertarian, or not at all.
There is no right to suicide that I'm aware of. However, it is universally agreed upon and documented even in our own American history that there is a right to life endowed to us by our creator (Declaration of Independence). I'd imagine like any other right, it is up to the person to choose whether to exercise it or not.

"Suicide" was meant in the figurative sense in reference to the country itself.
And yet you'd think Trump's biggest supporters (the "strict-constitutionalist" Tea Partiers) would be aghast.

What makes you think Trump's "biggest supporters" are "Tea Partiers"?
Was wondering if anyone else noticed this bit from The Donald when he was interviewed on 60 Minutes. It is clear that he has a big enough ego to disregard Constitutional restrictions when in office. Shouldn't this concern constitutional conservatives?

Well all we have is your title serving as a direct quote (?).

I don't see how CR applies to this. He's only discussing the topic - likely answering a question (perhaps? I don't know). The POTUS has a right to an opinion on all subjects. That's not the same as pushing laws, announcing veto with reasons, or giving an executive order, etc.

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