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Trump now hates Bloomberg because Bloomberg was mean to him. (1 Viewer)


All Warm and Fuzzy
DP Veteran
Jan 25, 2006
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Political Leaning
So, then there are Trump's remarks after Michael Bloomberg's thrashing of him at the DNC. After stewing on it for a night, shockingly, he was provoked to tweet some comments worthy of a teen angst story and to make some threatening, childish comments in a speech the next day about wanting to "hit the little guy". What a piece of work this guy is. Anyone who cannot see that this whole campaign is about promoting HIM and HIS brand, and HIS image of what a great America should be.....well, is simply not a very wise person. It's never been about "the people"...never will be. He is not one of us.

Makes one think that should he become president, it won't take that much to get him distracted from what is important. :thinking

WaPo published a pretty entertaining story on it. Linked below.

I completely understand people wanting to vote against Clinton, but I will never understand people wanting to vote for Trump. He has the temperament of a child.
So, then there are Trump's remarks after Michael Bloomberg's thrashing of him at the DNC. After stewing on it for a night, shockingly, he was provoked to tweet some comments worthy of a teen angst story and to make some threatening, childish comments in a speech the next day about wanting to "hit the little guy". What a piece of work this guy is. Anyone who cannot see that this whole campaign is about promoting HIM and HIS brand, and HIS image of what a great America should be.....well, is simply not a very wise person. It's never been about "the people"...never will be. He is not one of us.

Makes one think that should he become president, it won't take that much to get him distracted from what is important. :thinking

WaPo published a pretty entertaining story on it. Linked below.


WELL DUH!.......these two used to do business together, scrub each others backs and all.
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WELL DUH!.......these two used to do business together, scrub each others backs and all when what is Hillary? She blows in for a spell as a tourist Senator, does very little work for the people, then she walks out.

She is worthy and Trump is not?

Thats insulting.

That was kind of my point. The fact that Bloomberg, of all people, came out so strongly against Trump speaks volumes about just how far off the deep end Trump truly is.
I completely understand people wanting to vote against Clinton, but I will never understand people wanting to vote for Trump. He has the temperament of a child.

A child who will be given veto power and the power to wage undeclared war on whomever pisses him off that particular week. Unwise....very unwise.
WELL DUH!.......these two used to do business together, scrub each others backs and all when what is Hillary? She blows in for a spell as a tourist Senator, does very little work for the people, then she walks out.

She is worthy and Trump is not?

Thats insulting.

That was kind of my point. The fact that Bloomberg, of all people, came out so strongly against Trump speaks volumes about just how far off the deep end Trump truly is.

Hi, I deleted that quote because I did not like it, but now I do, thanks.

Re Bloomberg....this cat was sure that he had earned a great job, he put out his resume as the mayor gig was ending. And Waited.


Not hardly a sniff, no one wants him.

So he goes back to his business which was running great and had been for awhile without him, and in the space of a couple of months ****s everything up.

He looks stupid and prickish on guns and prickish always

NY has some serious problems, and oh by the way, why was it soooooo hard for you boys to get the trade center site up and running?

Bloomberg is more crap production from the ELITE as far as I am concerned.

I could do without him completely.

Is this possible?
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So, then there are Trump's remarks after Michael Bloomberg's thrashing of him at the DNC. After stewing on it for a night, shockingly, he was provoked to tweet some comments worthy of a teen angst story and to make some threatening, childish comments in a speech the next day about wanting to "hit the little guy". What a piece of work this guy is. Anyone who cannot see that this whole campaign is about promoting HIM and HIS brand, and HIS image of what a great America should be.....well, is simply not a very wise person. It's never been about "the people"...never will be. He is not one of us.

Makes one think that should he become president, it won't take that much to get him distracted from what is important. :thinking

WaPo published a pretty entertaining story on it. Linked below.

Looks like WaPo may be alluding to some envy:

"In many ways, Bloomberg is what Donald Trump wants to be: a very rich guy who runs a media company and who converted that wealth into political power. Of all of the rich New Yorkers involved in the 2016 campaign, Bloomberg is the richest, worth some $40 billion, four times what Trump says he's worth and 13 times what Bloomberg (the media company) estimates Trump is actually worth. (Hillary Clinton, by contrast, is a lowly millionaire.)"
Looks like WaPo may be alluding to some envy:

"In many ways, Bloomberg is what Donald Trump wants to be: a very rich guy who runs a media company and who converted that wealth into political power. Of all of the rich New Yorkers involved in the 2016 campaign, Bloomberg is the richest, worth some $40 billion, four times what Trump says he's worth and 13 times what Bloomberg (the media company) estimates Trump is actually worth. (Hillary Clinton, by contrast, is a lowly millionaire.)"
Indeed! But I'm quite certain Trump has the bigger hands......just ask him.
Hi, I deleted that quote because I did not like it, but now I do, thanks.

Re Bloomberg....this cat was sure that he had earned a great job, he put out his resume as the mayor gig was ending. And Waited.


Not hardly a sniff, no one wants him.

So he goes back to his business which was running great and had been for awhile without him, and in the space of a couple of months ****s everything up.

He looks stupid and prickish on guns and prickish always

NY has some serious problems, and oh by the way, why was it soooooo hard for you boys to get the trade center site up and running?

Bloomberg is more crap production from the ELITE as far as I am concerned.

I could do without him completely.

Is this possible?

I love how, somehow, Trump is not part of "the elite" you rail against.
Looks like WaPo may be alluding to some envy:

"In many ways, Bloomberg is what Donald Trump wants to be: a very rich guy who runs a media company and who converted that wealth into political power. Of all of the rich New Yorkers involved in the 2016 campaign, Bloomberg is the richest, worth some $40 billion, four times what Trump says he's worth and 13 times what Bloomberg (the media company) estimates Trump is actually worth. (Hillary Clinton, by contrast, is a lowly millionaire.)"

A: NYC mayor who did not leave the place better than he found it after lots of years in charge

B: Guy who with one year in politics transforms it at the national level and takes over one of the two parties.

Who do you think is jealous of who?
Hi, I deleted that quote because I did not like it, but now I do, thanks.

Re Bloomberg....this cat was sure that he had earned a great job, he put out his resume as the mayor gig was ending. And Waited.


Not hardly a sniff, no one wants him.

So he goes back to his business which was running great and had been for awhile without him, and in the space of a couple of months ****s everything up.

He looks stupid and prickish on guns and prickish always

NY has some serious problems, and oh by the way, why was it soooooo hard for you boys to get the trade center site up and running?

Bloomberg is more crap production from the ELITE as far as I am concerned.

I could do without him completely.

Is this possible?

Sorry, was forced to withdraw my like after your editing. :lol:

Trump has demonstrated yet again the narcissistic, child-like behavior that has come to define who he is. A person who is bitter, jealous, self-absorbed, and very thin-skinned when it comes to anyone who publicly criticizes, questions, or disagrees with him.......particularly his counterparts in the business world.

I find Bloomberg to be a much more accomplished, capable, amiable, and tactful businessman who has real-world experience in governing. He's also proven that he's not defined by party association. It's really a shame that he didn't throw his hat in the race. I'd vote for him ten times over before supporting either of the two horrible choices with which we've been presented....particularly Trump.
I love how, somehow, Trump is not part of "the elite" you rail against.

Ya. I know. But it seems kinda pointless to point out to you yet again that America has a bit of a history with traitors to their class.

History education sure ain't what it used to be.

The whole system sucks monkey balls

Especially the University.

It's embarrassing.
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Sorry, was forced to withdraw my like after your editing. :lol:

Trump has demonstrated yet again the narcissistic, child-like behavior that has come to define who he is. A person who is bitter, jealous, self-absorbed, and very thin-skinned when it comes to anyone who publicly criticizes, questions, or disagrees with him.......particularly his counterparts in the business world.

I find Bloomberg to be a much more accomplished, capable, amiable, and tactful businessman who has real-world experience in governing. He's also proven that he's not defined by party association. It's really a shame that he didn't throw his hat in the race. I'd vote for him ten times over before supporting either of the two horrible choices with which we've been presented....particularly Trump.

Oh he wanted to, but everyone assured him that there was a 100% chance of being embarrassed, when he was still smarting from the guns debacle.

Ya, I often change posts a lot in editing, trying to make them better.

It is a good idea to wait me out.
What am I missing here?

I do not like people who are mean to me.

When I am mean to other people, they do not like me.

Isn't this human nature to not like people who are mean to you?
I love how, somehow, Trump is not part of "the elite" you rail against.

Nothin says everyday Joe American like sitting in a golden throne on the top of a skyscraper emblazoned with your name in giant golden letters.
What am I missing here?

I do not like people who are mean to me.

When I am mean to other people, they do not like me.

Isn't this human nature to not like people who are mean to you?
True. But there are these little concepts called DECORUM and WISDOM that should come into play.....especially when one is running for the highest office in the land.
True. But there are these little concepts called DECORUM and WISDOM that should come into play.....especially when one is running for the highest office in the land.

Yes. Trump is sadly lacking in those arenas....sadly and badly lacking.
I love how, somehow, Trump is not part of "the elite" you rail against.

Apparently the Donald got kicked out of the Elites for being such an asshole. The question is why would you want an asshole to be your President...wouldn't that make you an asshole too?
A: NYC mayor who did not leave the place better than he found it after lots of years in charge

B: Guy who with one year in politics transforms it at the national level and takes over one of the two parties.

Who do you think is jealous of who?

On crime (stop and frisk dropped the homicide and armed/violent crime rates tremendously in NYC), and a few other areas, Bloomberg did well. Even Rudy Giuliani gives him credit for doing well. The current guy though, is a far leftist idiot - one of the very first things he did was end stop and frisk and begin blaming cops for everything from the rise in crime afterwards, to the death rates in Harlem.

As for Trump being jealous of Bloomberg? I can believe that. I've worked for a few mega millionaires and a couple billionaires, and one thing they all had in common was, a harsh competitive steak that made them want to do better than their peers in most everything. If one had a jet that seated 6, the other guys would want one that seated 7. Then they would bitch about how much money the jet wasted, as they had their logo painted on the tail. They live in an entirely different world - including Trump, Bloomberg, and the Clintons.
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Ya. I know. But it seems kinda pointless to point out to you yet again that America has a bit of a history with traitors to their class.

History education sure ain't what it used to be.

The whole system sucks monkey balls

Especially the University.

It's embarrassing.

Nothing like the history America has with con men. Bloomberg knows what he is talking about. You are being conned. Trump would not have a clue about how to change the "system" even if he really wanted to. Do you really want to be one of the "suckers? There's one born ever minute.
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Apparently the Donald got kicked out of the Elites for being such an asshole. The question is why would you want an asshole to be your President...wouldn't that make you an asshole too?

No matter who gets elected this time, it will be an asshole that gets elected.
True. But there are these little concepts called DECORUM and WISDOM that should come into play.....especially when one is running for the highest office in the land.

To Trump, DECORUM is what gay guys did in ancient Rome.

As for WISDOM, well, we're pretty well screwed on that point regardless of who wins the election.
No matter who gets elected this time, it will be an asshole that gets elected.

There are no similarities between Trump and Hillary. Stop saying it won't matter either way. That is simply not true.
There are no similarities between Trump and Hillary. Stop saying it won't matter either way. That is simply not true.

When did I say that? Trump was called an asshole, which he is, and I pointed out that Hillary is as well. Unless you feel that both Hillary and Trump can be singularly and completely described solely by the word asshole? Because I do not.
There are no similarities between Trump and Hillary. Stop saying it won't matter either way. That is simply not true.
The only glaring similarity that I can see is that neither can be taken at their word.

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