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Trump Messed With The Wrong Tire Guys (1 Viewer)

Ahh, another wonderful bit of propaganda comedy from our late night partisan propagandists talk show hosts! I'm sure they will ALL be playing the LONG list of creepy groping incidents involving Joe Biden real soon! Not to mention the recent time he was caught on video talking about how much he liked young kids rubbing his hairy legs, and how much they liked doing it!

Anyway, how dare Trump expect American citizens to NOT be encouraged to promote far left, BLM anti-police propaganda, but NOT be allowed to wear a shirt supporting the police! How dare Trump expect the 1st amendment to be respected, and people be allowed to have opinions other than divisive, racist, Marxist hate speech!

I can sure understand why liberals "progressives" would be strongly in favor of totalitarian, anti-democratic behavior like that(as long as it only applies to the "other side", but NEVER to them)! Please do tell us about how your socialism communism is going to be "democratic"?

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